The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3012: Cruel means

The hot selling of 3D TV sets of Soaring Electric has occupied the headlines of major news newspapers and opened TVs during this time. However, all news programs will always mention that the status and image of Ascendas Group have risen sharply.


Rong Suyan news video, a smile appeared on his face, and he lamented the strength of Ji Feng. He thought that the Rongpeng Group was so strong, and the Wu family was behind it, but it still only lived in Nanyue, although it was in the whole country. Business, but that is only in the country.

The Ascendas Group has only successfully entered the international arena in just a few years since its inception, and sales abroad are still amazing.

This has to be admired.

Looking back at myself, the smile on Rong Suyan's face gradually disappeared, and I couldn't help but sigh. Now, there is only a little home, and even this family is now stormy, I don't know if I can Keep it.

Wu family, almost became the nightmare of Rong Suyan!

Originally, Rong Suyan no longer thought about the Wu family, and did not want to engage in any relationship with the Wu family. However, she did not think that Wu Zhiyong’s sudden appearance made her such a thought a beautiful wish. But it is just a wish!

Wu Zhiyong suddenly came to the door, which made Rong Suyan very helpless, because she deeply knew the strength of the Wu family. Now she and her father actually have only the last bit of money, perhaps for ordinary people, billions. The assets are definitely an astronomical number. I may not have earned so much money in my life, but Rong Suyan is very clear. This is actually nothing for the Wu family.

The most important thing is that if you have money, you can't resist the Wu family. Many times, it is a kind of trouble to have more money. In particular, this money is still born from the mouth of the Wu family!

Looking at the phone on the table, Rong Suyan licked his mouth and his face hesitated.

"do you want to go?!"

Rong Suyan has some uncertain ideas, but she knows that if she doesn't go, then it is definitely not a good thing to wait for her own. How much Wu Zhiyong's means are, she still knows a little.


At this moment, the phone suddenly vibrated, and the sudden sound made Rong Suyan suddenly nervous. She quickly glanced at it and saw the words Wu Zhiyong.

finally come!

Rong Suyan snorted and snorted, hesitated to pick up the phone again and again. This is a text message sent by Wu Zhiyong. There is only one sentence on the text message.

"I was waiting for you in the last place!"

Rong Suyan's face couldn't help but some red, Wu Zhiyong pressed her step by step, the aggressive situation made her not have the slightest power to fight, which made her angry, but more helpless.

Taking a deep breath, Rong Suyan returned with a sentence: "I'm sorry, I am busy. Please tell me something!"

After a while, Wu Zhiyong’s text message came back: “Don’t be willful, you know my character!”

Looking at the mobile phone, Rong Suyan endured and endured not to drop the phone!

After hesitating for a while, Rong Suyan was skillfully pressed a number: "Dad, he sent a text message, let me go to meet him."

"Take a call to Ji Feng!" Rong Peng said.

"Tell Ji Feng?" Rong Su Yan Yi.

Rong Peng said: "Yes, you will call Ji Feng now. Now that you have made your choice, don't hesitate any more. If you have already forced us to leave, then we will I have to make a way out!"

Rong Suyan is somewhat hesitant: "Yes... Jifeng can't keep us forever!"

This is the place where Rong Suyan hesitates. She believes that even if the father does not cooperate with Jifeng, if she asks Jifeng for help, Jifeng will definitely help.

However, Ji Feng can help them for a while, but they can't help them!

Unless you can kill Wu Zhiyong, or completely destroy the Wu family, the existence of Wujia and Wu Zhiyong is always a huge threat to them!

"Shantou, now I am afraid that it is no longer useful." Rong Peng did not say much, he knows that his daughter is smart and will be able to figure it out.

"I understand."

Rong Suyan gently nodded and hung up the phone. She couldn't help but sigh. She thought that after she was separated from Wu Zhihe, she would never have any relationship with the Wu family, but she did not expect it.

Isn’t Wu Zhiyong’s brother’s feelings ignored?

Wu Zhihe is already dead, but Wu Zhiyong is still so persecuted to her?

"After all, I still have to go this step!" Rong Su Yan couldn't help but feel awkward, even if it was broken up with Wu Zhihe, even if Wu Zhihe was already dead, if she could, she just didn't want to tie up with Wujia. However, they are not willing to end with the Wu family.

Because only she knows that her feelings for Wu Zhihe were true, she did not want to live up to the feelings she had paid!


Ji Feng took Yang Bin and once again came to the Jiangzhou Military Region.

All the information that was investigated by Yongji was given to him and said: "This is the result of the investigation. The other party is obviously prepared, and all traces are erased. The clues are all broken."

When Ji Feng heard this, he couldn't help but frown. "Is there any clues?"

"The fugitive stole the car and ambushed in your neighborhood to wait for an opportunity to assassinate you. The source of the vehicle is no problem. There are only a few violations. The staff can't find anything tricky, but anyone who contacts him checks it. Clue!" Shaking his head to Yongzheng, some of them are not very interesting, check for two days, even found such a result, it is a bit too shameful!

Ji Feng listened to the eternal war, and looked at it with the information carefully. He couldn’t help but say: "It seems that the preparation of the other party is really full, and there are no traces left!"

Said to Yong Yong: "This is definitely a veteran. I focused on checking the driver's mobile phone call record, and the people he was exposed to during the flight, and also conducted investigations on these people, because since he was received The task is good, or it is to be assassinated by someone to buy it, then there must be someone who comes into contact with him!"

Ji Feng nodded slightly, the direction of the investigation of the permanent war is no problem, that is, the source of the driver, plainly, why did he come to assassinate himself, the answer is obvious, it must be arranged!

Then, the black hand behind the scenes wants to arrange, and definitely must contact the driver!

"But nothing has been found in the results!"

Shaking his head to Yongzhan, said: "However, I checked the driver's number, but there is a number. I have contacted him most frequently in recent days. I checked the number and did not register for identity!"

Ji Feng said slowly: "That is to say, the black hand behind the scenes actually contacted the driver through the mobile phone! Then he bought the price of that person? Is it spending money? Or is there any other way?"

"Someone kidnapped the family of the fugitive!" said to Yong Yong, "And they have been killed!"


When Ji Feng heard his brow, he wrinkled tightly.

Handing over a few photos to Yong Yong, said: "Look, these three people are the family of the fugitive, his wife and son, and the old lady, all three have been killed! The fugitive’s home is in the countryside, kidnapped Their people are working at night, no one sees it!"


Ji Feng fell heavily on the table and angered: "It’s a mad heart!"

Even the old man and the child have to go to the hand, just to destroy the mouth, leaving no clues, this means is so fierce to the extreme, although Ji Feng has to admit that the other party can indeed cut the clues, but this is too vicious!

However, this is a relatively calm performance to the eternal war. From the military these years, he has seen too many cruel things, and he is numb.

"In addition to these, what else was found?" asked Ji Feng.

"In fact, there are quite a few things found, but I am afraid that I will have some difficulties if I want to continue to investigate." To Yong Yong said, "For example, in the scene of a car accident, I found a piece of simple bomb, following the line of the fugitive’s family. Can continue to trace the person responsible for the implementation of the kidnapping, etc., these can be checked, but ... the special warfare team must be out of the task after all!"

"I know!"

Ji Feng nodded, of course, the special warfare team could not only serve him alone. This is **********, there are often many dangerous tasks, and it is impossible to always stare at him forever. case.

Said to Yong Yong: "I will go out of the task next time, so I will give the information to you." Suddenly, he said: "In fact, I suggest that you still use your relationship, it is best to let the intelligence department When they came out, they were really professional at the survey level. Compared with them, I am just amateur!"

Ji Feng nodded silently, let the intelligence department help, this person is not small!

"I won't say anything about it, let's do it first." Ji Feng stood up: "I have all the information back!"

Leaving the military camp, Ji Feng couldn't help but frown when he sat in the car. The investigation into the Yong war was actually very efficient. It took only two days to find so many clues, but many of them were clues. They have all been cut off. It will take a long time to check it out, and it may not even have a result.

This is definitely not a long-term concern for the war, but it is not a problem for Ji Feng.

"Yang Bin, go to the company!" said Ji Feng.


Yang Bin nodded.

When I came to the company, Ji Feng first went to Han Zhong and Xiao Yuxi. They found that they were all busy. Now that the 3D TV is selling well, the whole group is busy with the back of the head. Ji Feng came to the security department and found Zhang Lei. .

"Lei Zi, give you a task, the investigation of the car accident has encountered a little trouble, I intend to hand it to you, how?"

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