The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3014: Situation

The short-term confrontation with Wu Zhiyong, except for a few parties, was not known to others, but Ji Feng received a phone call in the afternoon, and Wu Zhiyong had left Jiangzhou and returned directly to Yanjing.

With this news, Ji Feng just shook his head and smiled.

Although he won Wu Zhiyong in this confrontation in Jiangzhou, he was very clear in his heart, whether he blamed Wu Zhiyong for bullying the woman in person, let Wu Zhiyong turn his head, or he was in the hotel room where Wu Zhiyong stayed. Wu Zhiyong’s foot is actually just a matter of arrogance, and Wu Zhiyong cannot be hurt.

In addition to making Wu Zhiyong even more angry, he did not bring more trouble to Wu Zhiyong.

This is not even as good as directly knocking out the reality of Wu Zhiyong's hand. However, for Ji Feng, it has an extraordinary meaning, because it means that he and Wu Zhiyong have confronted each other. From the previous wrist wrench, it became a face-to-face contest.

The next contest is that the bayonet is red!

"Wu Zhiyong is gone?"

Upon receiving the phone call from Ji Feng, Rong Suyan was very surprised, but more is still happy. "When did you go?"

Ji Feng smiled and said: "It didn't take long, I just arrived at Yanjing."

Rong Suyan could not help but be a little surprised: "I have always mastered his whereabouts?"

Wu Zhiyong just returned to Yanjing Jifeng already knows, which shows that Ji Feng must have been staring at Wu Zhiyong, which makes Rong Suyan could not help but secretly, Ji Feng's powerful energy is beyond her imagination. Even the person who has the identity of Wu Zhiyong, his every move, Ji Feng is clear, this is really amazing.

Ji Feng smiled and said: "Not so exaggerated, but in Jiangzhou this acre three-point land, I can still master!"

The last conflict between Jifeng and Wu Zhiyong happened in the hotel. It was an upscale hotel. It is also very famous in Jiangzhou. The owner of the hotel is naturally a well-informed person. I don’t know how to do it. Soon I knew who the two sides of the conflict were.

This almost scared the hotel owner. The two great gods had a conflict in his hotel. God knows whether the two sides will anger him. If these two gods angered him on his head, even if he With background and background, it is absolutely necessary to pour blood!

Then the hotel owner made a wise decision and made a choice immediately.

Since then, Wu Zhiyong's every move has never escaped Ji Feng's eyes.

Since the two sides have thoroughly confronted each other face-to-face, Ji Feng naturally will not be taken lightly. Therefore, even if Wu Zhiyong returned to Yanjing, Ji Feng could receive the news at the first time.

Wu Zhiyong is a native of Yanjing, but his Jifeng is not a bit of a network in Yanjing!

"He didn't contact you again?"

These thoughts flashed through my mind, and Ji Feng’s thoughts quickly pulled back and asked with a smile.

Rong Suyan said: "No."

Ji Feng smiled and said: "That's good, if he will contact you later, you will tell me directly, don't be alone in your heart, this is not good!"

Rong Suyan was slightly reddish by Ji Feng. She knew that Ji Feng was talking about Wu Zhiyong before she said that in fact, at that time, her heart really had a moment of shaking, it was because of Wu Zhiyong. The pressure on her is too great.

But now I have come back and think about it. Rong Suyan knows that her thoughts at that time were somewhat wrong. In fact, from the beginning of the Rongpeng Group, she and her father left the Rongpeng Group. In the eyes of the outsiders, their family and Ji Fengzhi There is already a deep relationship between the two. It can be said that from that time on, the family of Rongjia has already been labeled as Jijia.

If this time she really bowed to Wu Zhiyong, the impact of Ji Feng on the image of Ji Feng is quite serious.

The person who was originally attacked by him turned against him again. What would others think of Ji Feng?

It is definitely believed that Wu Zhiyong is a high player, and the original praise for Ji Feng may be a joke. This is definitely not a good thing for Ji Feng!

"I will do business with peace of mind in the future, nothing!" Ji Feng naturally did not know what Rong Suyan was thinking, but he heard that there was no sound in the phone for a long time. He thought that Rong Suyan was still worried, and smiled and comforted him.

"Ji Feng!"

Rong Suyan suddenly shouted.

Ji Fengxiao asked: "What happened? Is there something else?"

Rong Suyan licked his mouth and said: "Thank you!"

Ji Feng smiled and said: "It's a little thing, it's easy to solve, you're welcome!"


Rong Suyan nodded. After a sigh, she didn’t say anything. Although she knew that Ji Feng didn’t understand her meaning, she said it had been said. As for some things, it’s good to stay in my heart, and it’s not necessary. speak out.


Qin Feiyu's car was originally a black sedan car, but considering Qin Feiyu's concealment and sometimes some action, Ji Feng gave him an off-road vehicle, originally according to Ji Feng's idea, I intend to give Qin Feiyu a luxurious off-road vehicle, but Qin Feiyu chose a Grand Cherokee.

At this time, the sky was already dark, Qin Feiyu was sitting in the car eating instant noodles, but his eyes were aimed at a villa not far from time to time.

This is his mission this time, to monitor the people in the villa.

In the co-pilot's seat, there is a notebook filled with dense text. This is Qin Feiyu's habit. Although he has entered the information age, Qin Feiyu still likes to use this primitive tool.


The roar of the engine came, and there were bright headlights shining from the front. Qin Feiyu immediately squatted down on the center console and looked at it obliquely.

I saw a silver car parked opposite, the headlights went out, and a young man in a suit came down from the car. Qin Feiyu didn't turn on the light in the car. When he saw the other's headlights go out, he immediately sat up straight and prepared to continue eating. But he just ate two but unexpectedly found that the young man who came down from the car actually looked around. After watching it, I walked over to the villa.

Qin Feiyu didn't have time to eat noodles. He immediately picked up the camera at hand and started taking pictures.

Although the sky is already dark, but it does not affect the camera with infrared function, Qin Feiyu squints and stares at the young man. According to the habits of the past few days, he will record all the people entering and leaving the villa. Down, including the time they go in and out, and the transportation they take, including their clothes, etc., while taking pictures.

This time is no exception.

After the photo was taken, Qin Feiyu intended to pick up the notebook for record, but unexpectedly found that the young man did not enter the villa, but stood at the gate of the villa for a while, then turned and walked away.

Qin Feiyu slightly frowned, this person is really strange, the window on the second floor of the villa has lights, which means that there are people in the villa. According to his surveillance, there is still a person in the villa. There are two people, but one of them has left. According to intelligence, this person went to Nanyue. To be precise, he returned to Nanyue.

There is still one person left.

The young man apparently came to find someone in this villa. Why didn’t he go in at the door?

Qin Feiyu immediately watched the movement of the young man. He found that after walking a few steps back, he looked back from time to time, and then the man suddenly turned around and circled the other side of the villa.

"There is a situation!"

The famous flying fish is really no stranger to this little path. When he looks at the action of this young man, he immediately understands that this person may be looking for someone, but definitely not in good faith.

Qin Feiyu immediately sneaked out of the car and followed the past.

Then he saw that the young man was walking around the back of the villa. When he was still some distance away from the villa, he walked and jumped, and his body was extremely flexible and sturdy, and he caught the window on the second floor. He had too many moves and quietly opened the window.

This made Qin Feiyu unexpectedly surprised. He did not expect this person to be a master. The security window outside the window actually did not affect him. This is not a good thing for the villa people, but for Qin Feiyu. That said, this is good news.

I have been here for so many days, and I have been boring to record some people and things going in and out. Now I am finally fresh.

However, this unexpected situation has also made Qin Feiyu realize that there may be some changes in the matter. He quietly stepped back a few steps and immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a text message: "The boss, some nightingale villas, may be malicious. ,Please advise."

After dinner, Tong Lei and Xiao Yuxi sat on the sofa watching TV, and several people were also in the movie.

Seeing the beautiful face of Tong Lei with a trace of tiredness, Ji Feng couldn't help but feel some distressed. Knowing that she was busy with school during this time, it must be hard work.

Ji Feng silently walked behind the sofa, hands on the shoulders of Tong Lei, gently kneaded.

Tong Lei smiled sweetly: "Thank you."

Ji Fengxiao smiled and said: "It is okay to give a wife a massage, but if you want to thank me, I will not refuse!"

Xiao Yu glanced at him and said: "How do you want Lei Lei to thank you?"

For Ji Feng to Tong Lei massage, Xiao Yuzhen really does not have any sense of care, and does not say that her relationship with Tong Lei is like a sister, even if it is just an ordinary relationship, seeing Tong Lei such a beautiful and unparalleled beauty, she has some Heartbeat, not to mention the child's inner heart is very pure, Ji Feng is also a legitimate love for her.

"What do you want to thank?"

Ji Feng laughed and said: "What do you say?"

When Xiao Yuyi saw his smile, he knew that this guy had no good idea in his heart. He said, "Would you like, let Lei Lei approve you to find a little wife?"


Ji Feng suddenly stunned.

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