The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3018: Layout completed

Wu Zhiyong did not go home, but went directly to the hospital.

He has decided to go to North Shaanxi Province tomorrow. Before he left, he planned to visit his father. Despite... in fact, he has no hope!

Wu Zhengmin is now in the military hospital. At this time, he completely lacks the style of the former Wujia family. Instead, he is lying on the hospital bed, moving with a ventilator, hanging nutrients on his hands, and relying on external auxiliary equipment. Can barely survive.

Fortunately, Wu Zhengmin’s consciousness is fairly clear, and he can communicate with the outside world through equipment and words.

When Wu Zhiyong came to the ward, the nursing staff was wiping the body to Wu Zhengmin. After the end, he went in and pulled the chair and sat down in front of the hospital bed.

"Dad, I am coming to see you!" Wu Zhiyong said.

Wu Zhengmin blinked and didn't say anything. He couldn't say it.

Wu Zhiyong said: "I went to see the second uncle."

Wu Zhengmin did not blink this time, but looked at Wu Zhiyong deeply. The meaning seemed to be asking.

"Two uncles are now more and more official, and he still reprimanded me today." Wu Zhiyong smiled and said: "But don't be sad, now you fall down, some people will live This is also the human nature, but the speed of this person's tea is too fast."

Wu Zhengmin’s fingers moved.

Wu Zhiyong said: "You can rest assured that I will not give up. I will definitely find a doctor who can cure your illness. You will not lie down like this."

Next, Wu Zhiyong said something about the outside world during this time and carefully talked to Wu Zhengmin. Wu Zhengmin just listened quietly, without any response.

At the end of the day, Wu Zhiyong suddenly went forward and explored his body. He lowered his voice and said, "Dad, I got a message... The second uncle seems to have a son outside."

When Wu Zhiyong’s sentence was just finished, he saw Wu Zhengmin’s eyes suddenly moving and his lips trembling a few times.

Seeing it, this sentence is also a big stimulus for Wu Zhengmin.

Wu Zhiyong sneered and said: "You can rest assured that even if there is no place for me in this house, I will definitely try to stay here..."

He did not continue to say the following words, but Wu Zhengmin seemed to understand what he meant and blinked.

"I won't have anything to do!" Wu Zhiyong said. "Some people look at me because they block some people's roads, but it doesn't matter. I will go back to Beishan tomorrow, maybe not for a long time. Will come back unless you can find a doctor to cure your illness!"

"I'm leaving!"

Wu Zhiyong stood up.

Out of the ward, Wu Zhiyong came to the office of his father's attending doctor. The doctor who was responsible for treating Wu Zhengmin was a vice president. He was a technical vice president and had a high medical skill.

"My father's illness, is there hope?" Wu Zhiyong asked bluntly.

"Wu Shao, we don't know the truth." The vice president's answer was very sincere. "We did a thorough and thorough examination of Director Wu, but did not find out that he had any disease. His body did not have any lesions. The organs are functioning properly and the brain is awake. To be honest, this is rare."

Wu Zhiyong frowned: "Did we never have such an example before?"

The deputy dean said: "If you want to talk about it, there is also it, but the disease is similar to the symptoms of Director Wu, but it is not the same kind."


Wu Zhiyong immediately asked: "What is the disease?"

The deputy dean said: "Like the freezing disease, myasthenia gravis, etc., this symptom was found in the later stages, but the indicators of the body of the military director Wu showed that he has nothing to do with these diseases. The only thing that can be determined now is that he The blood seems to be a little different."


Wu Zhiyong frowned: "What do you mean?"

The deputy dean said: "According to our careful analysis and testing, we found that Director Wu’s blood contains some ingredients that ordinary people do not have. But what are these ingredients, but they have not been tested, but after careful study and observation This is the only abnormal situation that has been discovered so far, but it is not caused by these ingredients, but it is still unknown."

Wu Zhiyong said: "I don't understand this very much. Can you understand something?"

"After our analysis, the director Wu may be ... blood poisoning!" The dean said hesitated, said.


Wu Zhiyong’s eyes suddenly slammed: “What poison is in the middle?!”

The dean explained: "In fact, the so-called poisoning, any substance harmful to the human body can be regarded as a poison to human beings. It is not just a poisonous rat, which we usually say, This ingredient is very complicated and we have not analyzed it yet!"

Despite knowing that the deputy director said that it makes sense, Wu Zhiyong is still somewhat disappointed. Whether he is from his own point of view or from the current situation, he hopes his father can stand up again.


After Wu Zhiyong hesitated for a moment, he asked: "If I can't analyze it, or can't find an antidote, how long can my father persist?"

The dean shook his head and said: "We don't dare to guarantee this, but it should be no problem for a few months..."


Wu Zhiyong’s heart is constantly sinking.

"Everything is up to you!" In the end, Wu Zhiyong could only leave such a sentence, and some disappointed to leave the hospital.

The next day, Wu Zhiyong returned to Beishan with the driver.


Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, time has come to the end of the year.

Ascendas Group is still developing at a rapid pace. The popularity of 3D TV sets is already unstoppable. Kangyuan slimming powder is even more popular in the world. Today's Ascendas Group has become a giant after four years of development. No hegemony!

But this is not all.

Rongpeng also had good news at the end of the year. The preparatory work for the subsidiary company has been completed. Everything went smoothly from site selection to construction.

As for the name of the subsidiary, as early as when Rong Peng registered, it has already been set down - Rong's company!

The name is very simple, but it makes Rongpeng a long time.

Ji Feng is really a face to face, directly let a subsidiary of the Ascendas Group named after his surname, the meaning behind this is naturally self-evident.

At the same time, laser guns have also been put into production in small quantities. The small island with alpha ore located between the disputed waters of Baodao and the Philippines has also been continuously mined. China is also in the same country as the country. Some of the country’s trade negotiations have stabilized their positions.

Everything is going smooth.

However, there are some things that are not harmonious. Professor Wei and the 20 missing technicians still have not found it. The car accidents suffered by Ji Feng still have no clue. Wang Ye, Xiao Gongzi, etc. are still not Knowing what identity it is, it has not been showing up for a long time.

These all make Ji Feng's heart secretly vigilant.

During the Spring Festival, Ji Feng is still returning to Yanjing for the New Year. As always, visiting the elders is inevitable, but this time, unlike the past, Ji Feng does not need to be with other cousins, but with the older brother Ji Shaodong. .

This means that in the family, he can already make his own voice.

After the Spring Festival, he did not return to Jiangzhou with Tong Lei. He went to visit Xiao Yuxi’s parents, and then took time to accompany Qin Shuzhen and Yaoyao, as well as Xu Yuan.

For others, the Spring Festival is a good time to rest, but for Ji Feng, it is a busy turn, saying that it is not an exaggeration to the back of the head.

It was only after the Spring Festival that Ji Feng was gradually freed.

But at this time, his urgency in his heart was stronger, because when he returned to Yanjing during the Spring Festival, he saw that Grandpa was getting older, and the ten-year agreement between him and his grandfather had already passed five years. time.

Time has passed halfway, but he still has a long way to go from the top of the world, which makes him feel the urgency of time.

Fortunately, today's Ascendas Group is no longer the small company. It is now famous in the world and really stands still.

But this is not enough, because so far Soaring Group is just an ordinary company, and there is no capital that can be invincible. This capital is not just money, but also products.

If Soaring Group can create powerful weapons.

If Soaring Group can produce drugs for treating various diseases...

in case……

In other words, the Ascendas Group is not strong enough!

Ji Feng and Xiao Yuqi and Han Zhong are sitting in small conference rooms. In the new year, the three are a small meeting and have a specific plan for the next work.

"Now the layout has been completed, and then the two fields of industry and medicine should be strengthened, and the research strength is still seriously insufficient. In the next few years, we must try our best to recruit enough talents at all costs."

Ji Feng said: "To do high-tech, the first thing you must have is scientific research talent!"

Han Zhong nodded silently. In the development direction of the group, he will only give his own advice at most, but he will never argue with Jifeng, not only because this group is Jifeng, but because From the beginning of the establishment of the Ascendas Group, Feng Feng once said to him that he has a long-term plan for the future season of the group. In other words, Ji Feng knows what to do from the beginning.

The time for the three people to attend is not long. Now that the Ascendas Group has completed the layout, the next step is to force it. As long as the Ascendas Group complements all the shortcomings, it is a world-unique giant!

After the meeting, Ji Feng intends to go to the security department to see, this is also the department he also attaches to, but before he went to the security department, he suddenly received a call.


"Large, remember me?"

There was a soft voice on the phone, soft and very sweet.

Ji Feng is a glimpse, and it will take a while to react: "Cozy?"

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