The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3020: If two people

"Yeah, I live in Jiangzhou now." Warm and charming said, "Large and small, we will be neighbors from now on."

Ha ha!

Ji Feng grinned and could only say, "Okay, good."

Warmly glanced at him, he said: "There is no sincerity, isn't it not welcome me?"

"how come!"

Jifeng shook his head and smiled: "Jiangzhou is not my home. In such a big city, I don't have any qualifications. But how come you suddenly moved to Jiangzhou, Yanjing is not good? Many of your entertainment circles Do stars not all live in Yanjing?"

Warmly said: "I haven't said it before, I have faded out of the entertainment circle a year ago."

Ji Feng asked: "Are you really quit?"

Warmly smiled and nodded and said: "In this year's time, I went abroad, studying at a university abroad, and I learned enough credits. If I don't want to quit the entertainment circle, I don't have to go abroad. ""

This makes Ji Feng even more surprised, and the warmth actually went abroad to study? However, he also understands why he has never heard of warm news this year. It turned out that she went abroad.

"Large and small, today is officially giving you a notice. I moved to Jiangzhou. If I have time, I can come to my house to be a guest. In the past year, my cooking has made great progress, and I will definitely satisfy you." !" Warm smile.

"There must be time to go!"

Ji Feng smiled and nodded. "But recently I was very busy. When I said it was not good." This time he learned to be smart. He used to ask for a few words when he was on the phone. The result was warm. Blocked can only come out to see her.

Therefore, this time, Jifeng will not be polite to say when to go to the guest. Otherwise, if the warmth of the snake is on the stick, it is better to hit the day when you choose a day. Then he really does not know how to refuse. .

However, since the warm special trip came over, Ji Feng couldn't put her alone here, or simply rushed her back after a few words. If he couldn't do this, he would politely invite a warm visit to take off. group.


Warm and very grateful nod.

Fortunately, the area of ​​the Ascendas Group is not small, accompanying the warmth in the Ascendas Group, strolling around, and looking at the factory building under construction, while walking and talking, the time is too fast, in a blink of an eye It’s almost noon.

Look at the time, almost noon, Ji Fengsheng is afraid that the warmth will come again to eat together, he is thinking about what excuse to use to send the warmth, but did not want to warmly said: "Time is almost I should go back, big and small, thank you for spending so much time with me."

"You're welcome!"

Ji Fengyi, then smiled and shook his head and said: "You came to Jiangzhou, I should have done my best to the landlord, but because the Spring Festival just passed, I have too many things at hand, a little busy, so..."

He thinks that he is almost enough to understand, and he is sure to be embarrassed to say something.

But what Ji Feng didn't think of was that he was warm but understood very nodded and said: "I understand, in fact, I am just hanging out today. You can spend so much time with me. I am very happy, I can't delay any more. You have more time."

Ji Feng did not think that the warmth would actually say so, he smiled and said: "That..."

Warm and active reach out: "Large, then let's see you next time."

Ji Feng smiled and shook hands with her: "See you next time! What, I will send you!"

"no need!"

Warm smile, shaking the white little hand, said: "I can go on my own, come back!"

Then she turned and left.

Looking at the warm back, Ji Feng stood there and couldn't help but sigh. Today's warmth is really different from before. It is just like two people!

However, Ji Feng didn't think much about it. Although he was somewhat surprised by the sudden move to Jiangzhou, he heard that there are many stars living in Jiangzhou. Like many stars in this big city, even the people in Jiangzhou have already It’s no wonder that he’s just an accident.

Soon, Ji Feng took the warm appearance as an episode, and left it behind. After lunch with Xiao Yuxi in the cafeteria at noon, he went to the security department.

From the security department, Ji Feng received a text message.

He said to Yang Bin: "Yang Bin, let's go."

Yang Bin immediately asked: "Where to go?"

Ji Feng said: "Get on the bus first, I will set up navigation for you in the car." Although Yang Bin is not short in Jiangzhou, Jiangzhou is too big after all, and he came to avoid the half-sister. The brother-in-law Yang Feng’s pursuit, so he has never been out, and is not too familiar with Jiangzhou.

According to the pre-set navigation route of Jifeng, Yang Bin drove to an ordinary community in the urban area. Then, according to Ji Feng’s instructions, he waited in the car, and Ji Feng entered the community alone.

This residential area is not large. There are only three buildings in total. They are basically small apartment buildings. This kind of house is very common in Jiangzhou. Jifeng came to the outside of one of the houses.

"Hey!" Ji Feng rang the door.

After a while, the door opened and Qin Feiyu stood inside, "Boss."

Ji Feng nodded and walked in.

Qin Feiyu's room layout is very simple, basically can't see the messy things. If the beds are not neat, the outsiders will almost think that no one lives here.

"how about it?"

There is nothing to chill, Ji Feng asked directly.

Qin Feiyu has long been used to the way Ji Feng got along with him. He said directly: "According to your instructions, I have been tracking the surveillance targets. I have reported to you every time there are abnormal situations in the middle. The rest of the daily routine. I have recorded this whereabouts."

Said, Qin Feiyu took out a notebook and handed it to Ji Feng.

Ji Feng nodded, but did not immediately see, but asked: "According to your observation, how is this person?"

Qin Feiyu thought about it and said: "I think this person is a bit strange."

Ji Feng asked: "Oh, how strange?"

Qin Feiyu said: "According to my follow-up of this person, his life in Jiangzhou is actually very regular, doing nothing during the day, or staying in the villa, or going to the chess room to play cards and the like, and There is nothing surprising. In the evening, he either goes out to drink or go to the club."

Ji Feng asked: "Is this not normal?"

Qin Feiyu said: "But according to the income of this person, he should not be able to afford the villa, and it is even more difficult to live this kind of life. And..."

"And what? If you have any problems, you can say with confidence!" said Ji Feng.

"And once I once followed him to the clubhouse, because I couldn't get in, I didn't know the situation in the clubhouse, so I sneaked in." Qin Feiyu said, looked at Jifeng, because before the mission Feng once strictly prevented him from acting arbitrarily. In fact, this sneak is very easy to expose. He did not know if he would say that Jifeng would be angry.

However, Ji Feng just nodded unanimously and said: "You continue to say."

Qin Feiyu said: "I saw the goal after I entered. However, I found a strange phenomenon. In fact, he only went to the clubhouse to have a box. Although he also ordered a lady, he took the lady out in less than a few minutes. I sing alone in the box, and the voice is very loud..."

Ji Feng nodded thoughtfully, "Missed the lady and rushed out, singing alone?"

Qin Feiyu nodded.

Ji Feng asked: "Is he like this every time?"

Qin Feiyu shook his head and said: "I only sneaked into this time. At other times I was waiting outside."

"These situations you said are very important!" Ji Feng slowly nodded and said: "Feiyu, hard work."

"Should!" Qin Feiyu said. He didn't have any happy look because of Ji Feng's compliment, but there was no other emotion, but his look was very calm.

Ji Feng did not mind Qin Feiyu's reaction. He knew that it would take time for Qin Feiyu to completely return to his heart. Now Qin Feiyu is able to do this step, which is actually quite good. This is not entirely for the woman he likes.

“What about the Spring Festival?” Ji Feng suddenly asked.

"On the day before the Spring Festival, that is, on the New Year's Eve, he returned to South Guangdong because my car appeared too many times and was not prepared in advance, so I could only rent a car and follow the past. Found what abnormal situation." Qin Feiyu said.

Ji Feng asked at his discretion: "That... Is there anything you find strange?" He found Qin Feiyu very keen, so he wanted to hear Qin Feiyu's thoughts.

"After he went back, there were many people who came to visit him. Many of them were government officials and business people. I think he has a wide range of contacts. According to the people's words, he mixed well." Qin Feiyu said.

"Hey! He is really good at mixing!" Ji Feng smiled.

"Right, when I was in Nanyue, I heard that during the Spring Festival, the big leaders of the central government went to the brilliant group to inspect." Qin Feiyu suddenly said.

Ji Feng smiled: "Glory Group is the leader of private enterprises in South Guangdong. It is not surprising that there are big leaders to inspect. It is not surprising!"

Qin Feiyu nodded and no longer said anything.

Ji Feng stood up and said: "This is the first time here. You have worked hard recently. You should take a rest during this time."

After leaving Qin Feiyu's residence, Ji Feng returned to the car, his brows could not help but wrinkle up slightly. This Shao Jie seems to be a bit interesting!

He was attacked in Jiangzhou and suffered a minor injury. However, he returned to Nanyue in the New Year's Eve instead of returning to Yanjing's home.

During the Spring Festival, there were also leaders who inspected the South Guangdong Brilliant Group...

Ji Feng vaguely felt that there seemed to be something in the middle!

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