The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3029: Yang Xiaoai’s help

I didn't see the warmth in a year, and I didn't even hear the warm news. As a result, I suddenly found myself coming to the door. This made Ji Feng feel very strange and too sudden.

However, Ji Feng was not too concerned about it at the time. I believed that I went abroad to read a book for a year.

However, a few days ago, when chatting with Ji Shaodong and Ji Shaolei, Ji Feng accidentally said this thing. As a result, Ji Shaolei said that this woman has a snack machine, so that Ji Feng is close to him and he may have a purpose.

At that time, Ji Feng couldn't help but feel the heart, because he also felt that the warmth appeared too suddenly.

After experiencing so many things, Ji Feng couldn't help but keep his eyes open. He asked Zhao Kai to find someone to look up the details of the warmth, especially in the past year, whether there was any study abroad.

In fact, Ji Feng knows that the intelligence department that Zhao Kai is responsible for is developing rapidly, but it is still not so strong. It is not an easy task to find out foreign things.

I will hand over this matter to Zhao Kai, just want to exercise Zhao Kai's ability and test the effectiveness of the intelligence department.

The answer given by Zhao Kai is very unexpected for Ji Feng. Zhao Kai not only found a detailed record of studying abroad for one year, but also had more detailed traces, although there are many unclear places, but It is very good to be able to find this step.

The result of Zhao Kai’s investigation is that the enthusiasm did study abroad for a year, and even the place where she lived was found in the places she usually went to.

This really made Ji Feng somewhat surprised. I didn't expect Zhao Kai to develop the intelligence department so well and the efficiency was very high.

Although I haven't got a detailed report from the intelligence department, Zhao Kai said this on the phone, it means that he must have checked it and confirmed the result.

So it’s no longer important to not see the report now.

However, the warmth is really going abroad to study abroad. This is really a surprise to Ji Feng. In his heart, warmth is just a vain, even a snobbish woman, but she can’t think she can really put down the shelf. Quietly read a year book!

"It’s really a sneak peek at the three days!" Ji Feng shook his head. The heart said that it seems that you can stop the investigation of the warmth of Xiaogu.

In addition to let Zhao Kai investigate, Ji Feng also asked Xiaogu Ji Nanyue to investigate the details of the warmth abroad, because Xiaogu lived in the country for many years, of course, more familiar with the foreign situation than Zhao Kai’s intelligence department. That investigation will be more convenient.

But now it seems that this is all over again.

Ji Feng was trying to take out his mobile phone and call Xiaogu. As a result, his mobile phone suddenly rang. He received the call first, but it was a strange number.

“Southern Guangdong?”

Seeing the attribution of the call shown on the phone, Ji Feng was slightly stunned, and this was connected to the phone: "Hey? Which one?"

There was a very urgent voice on the phone: "Sir, are you Jifeng?"

Ji Feng heard a word again. This is a girl's voice. The age of listening to the voice should not be very big, but it is very urgent. It seems to be very anxious. However, this voice is somewhat familiar.

"Excuse me, you are..." Ji Feng searched for a moment in his mind. He didn't remember where he heard the sound, but he quickly stunned. "You are... Yang Xiaoai? That little nurse?"

Ji Feng’s memory is extremely superior. As long as it is what he wants to remember, it’s completely unforgettable. But just because I haven’t heard this sound for a long time, he’s really worried about it for a while. But soon he remembered it. No wonder he felt that the voice was so familiar. It turned out that the owner of the voice was the little nurse he had known in South Guangdong, Yang Xiaoai!

"Do you remember me?"

There was some accident in that voice, and then he hurriedly said: "Mr. Ji, I am Yang Xiaoai."

Sure enough, she!

Ji Feng couldn't help but laugh. In fact, he was not particularly familiar with this little nurse. However, when he was chasing the dynasty in Nanyue, he encountered an explosion. At that time, he and Baizhu were seriously injured, and Baizhu was even more Because he pushed him away, he was in front of him and his life was dying.

At that time, the little nurse responsible for taking care of Ji Feng was Yang Xiaoai.

However, at that time, Ji Feng did not have the heart to pay attention to a small nurse, because Baizhu’s life was dying, and he was thinking about how to save the white beads.

However, for Yang Xiaoai's insistence and persistence, Ji Feng was impressed, because the doctor was not allowed to leave the ward at the time, he scared Yang Xiaoai if he did not listen to him, he went to complain, the result was that Yang Xiaoai was scared for the first time. He pushed him to the ward of Baizhu with a wheelchair. He saved the white beads with bio-current, but he fainted because of over-consumption.

Yang Xiaoai was therefore reprimanded by the leader. As a result, the second time he was going to see Baizhu, Yang Xiaoai said that he was not willing, and he was scared to cry.

Now think about this, Ji Feng also feels very embarrassed, people take care of him with due diligence, but he also scared people to cry, maybe in the heart of Yang Xiaoai, he is a hateful abhorrence less?

But in this case, why did Yang Xiaoai call him again now?

"Yang Xiaoai, are you calling me...?"

"Mr. Ji, I want you to help me!" Yang Xiaoai's voice is very anxious, but he also hesitated.

"help you?"

Ji Feng asked a little strangely: "What help you? Are you having any trouble?"

Yang Xiaoai said: "I, my father was kidnapped, I beg you to save him..."

Ji Feng asked in amazement: "A kidnapping? Then you alarmed? How did the police say?"

Yang Xiaoai said: "The police, but the police just set up the case, but there is no movement. Because they are a group of people who kidnapped my dad, Mr. Ji, the only person I can ask is you, please help me. Otherwise, I really don't know what to do..."

Her voice was quick and anxious, and there was even some despair.

Despite this, Ji Feng still heard a lot of information. First, Yang Xiaoai’s father was kidnapped. Secondly, Yang Xiaoai knew who the kidnapped her father was. This person or the group should have some background and be able to clear the relationship in the police. Yang Xiaoai had no way to go, so he called to ask for help.

"Yang Xiaoai, don't worry, don't worry about it now. I am in Jiangzhou now. It takes time to rush, but I can't hydrolyze it. I will give you a number. This is the phone number of your South Guangdong Police Department Zheng Zheng. You can look for it directly. He said that I asked you to find it, and he will help you in any situation!" Ji Feng said.

From Yang Xiaoai's anxious tone, Ji Feng heard that she was very anxious. It seems that things should be at the point of burning eyebrows. In this case, it may be too late to wait for him to rush from here.

Therefore, Ji Feng intends to let Zheng Yuanshan intervene first. Does Yang Xiaoai not say that the gang is a group with the police? That Zheng Yuanshan will not be with them!

However, when Yang Xiaoai listened, it was a cold heart. The meaning of Ji Feng’s retreat was really obvious. She directly pushed her to the director of Zheng, but she was just a little nurse, and Zheng Zhengchang How could you put her in the eye?

What's more, think about the power of those people, think about the attitude of the police, Yang Xiaoai really can't believe anyone anymore.

"Mr. Ji, beg you to help me..." Yang Xiaoai whispered.

"I will definitely help you!"

Ji Feng did not hesitate to say anything. "I was told by you at the time of the hospital. You have helped me. As long as you have any troubles and difficulties, I will definitely do my best to help you. However, just now I said, I still need time from here, you should first find Zheng Director..."

Yang Xiaoai said: "I don't believe them! Mr. Ji, beg you!"

Ji Feng can't say it anymore. Yang Xiaoai is obviously frightened. If this is the case, if he insists that Yang Xiaoai go to Zheng Yuanshan, it is difficult for her.

"Good! I will set off and try to use the fastest time to rush over, but you have to keep your mobile phone open. I will contact you when I arrive!" Ji Feng said immediately.

"Thank you, Mr. Ji, thank you..." Yang Xiaoai's voice is full of gratitude.

"Not much to say, I will pass!" Ji Feng said again: "Remember to keep your phone open!"

Hanging up the phone, Ji Feng thought for a moment, then picked up the phone and called Zheng Yuanshan's number and hit it: "Zheng Shu, I am Xiaofeng... I can't wait to say more, I have an urgent matter to please you, I am in South Guangdong. A friend was in trouble. His father was kidnapped. It seems that the police are also involved. I hope that you can protect my friends first. If possible, try to help her father..."

"...I sent her phone to you, and her identity information, yes, she was the little nurse who took care of me the last time I was in the hospital. At that time, people took care of me, it was me. The benefactor!" Ji Feng emphasized.

"I know, this matter is handed over to me!" Zheng Yuanshan heard this, and after agreeing with it, he quickly agreed to it. Ji Feng could tell him directly that the little nurse was a benefactor. In fact, this is telling him this. The importance of things.

Even if only two people quarreled and bickered, since Ji Feng said so, Zheng Yuanshan must be treated with caution.

Hanging up the phone, Ji Feng immediately told Yang Bin to set the ticket for the fastest departure. He simply cleaned up and rushed to the airport.

Baizhu has been discharged from the hospital, but this time Jifeng did not bring white beads. This is not a dangerous thing. It has not been long before Bai Zhu was discharged from the hospital. There is no need for her to follow.

But Ji Feng couldn't think of it. It seemed to him to be a little trouble, but it was a prelude to a storm!

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