The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3035: Liu Gang

South Guangdong, Guangdong.

Ji Feng came to the Siwei Hotel with Yang Bin.

"Excuse me, Mr. two..." The front desk staff had not finished talking, and Ji Feng broke his hand.

"Let Liu Gang come out and tell him, I will pay back the money!" Ji Feng said.

The front desk staff glimpsed and asked, "Excuse me, is you?"

"Ji Feng!"

"It turned out to be Mr. Ji. We are very busy with Liu. I am not at the hotel now. If you have anything to look for, you can..."

"If you don't want to take a job, just follow my words, it's good for you!" said Ji Feng. "Tell Liu Gang, I am here waiting for him. If I can't see him within half an hour, then It’s not overdue!"

The day before yesterday, the service staff was told by Ji Feng that Ji Feng’s words were not very loud and his tone was very dull, but his body was carrying an inexplicable momentum, so that the front desk staff was hard. Dare to talk back, you can only pick up the phone and report it up.

Ji Feng casually found a sofa in the lounge area next to it, and looked around. Is there an underground casino here? He would like to see what this underground casino looks like!

At the same time, in a private club, the conversation about Ji Feng is going on.

"Gang brother, doing beautiful!" Shao Jie said with a glass of wine, haha ​​smiled: "I heard that Zheng Yuanshan was green when he received the news. He was the head of the provincial office personally ordered, except for a few small tricks. In addition, even a responsible person did not catch it, and this slap in the face is really happy!"

Sitting on the sofa next to Shao Jie at this time, is a man in his forties, with a small flat head and a normal figure. He looks like an ordinary person, but the one he wears. Tang suits are somewhat different in this era of suits and attire.

Anyone who knows him knows that he is Liu Gang, a famous figure in Yuezhou and even the entire South Guangdong Road. It can even be said that it is a big man on the entire Yuezhou Road. It is very popular, although it looks ordinary, but it is exceptionally embarrassing. There is a great reputation on the road!

When he heard Shao Jie’s words, Liu Gang just shook his head slowly and said: “Jie Shao, Zheng Yuanshan is good to send, he is a foreigner, and he can’t turn the day in Yuezhou! However, I heard that Ji Feng came to South Guangdong.”

"How is he coming?"

Shao Jie heard a disdainful sneer and said: "He didn't go to the police station to report the police himself? The result? No one is jealous of him!"

Of course, Liu Gang knows that Ji Feng’s policeman has no one to pay attention to and is being dealt with coldly. He is also more aware that this matter is actually because someone has said hello, and certainly there is the shadow of Shao Jie in front of him.

However, Liu Gang is very cautious about this.

"Jie Shao, Zheng Yuanshan may not care, but Ji Feng is not a simple character, I have heard of some of his things, this is a monk!" Liu Gang said, "not to mention his identity, he personally went to the police The alarm, but the result was cold-processed, he will not be willing to give up!"

Liu Gang has been in contact with such a large number of sons and grandfathers. Such people are generally very fond of face, and they should not be swept away. This season, since this is the Yanjing family, it is certainly even more so. Now that Ji Feng has been swept away, can you count it so easily?

"You don't want to see the gods of Jifeng, he is just a little luck!" Shao Jie sneered, "There are too many assassinations he has encountered, and several of them have almost killed his life." It’s a little bit worse. Speaking of it, the luck of this **** is really good and enviable!”

Speaking of this, Shao Jie's face is not good looking.

Ji Feng did not have much trouble in so many assassinations, but he only suffered an attack when he was in Jiangzhou. As a result, he almost lost his life. At that time, if the security of the villa area arrived in time, he must Will be killed by the attacker!

Even luck is better than Ji Feng, which makes Shao Jie's mood very bad.

"If Jifeng is going to be hard, what should I do?" Liu Gang asked.

"Come hard?"

Shao Jie smiled and said: "Where is it hard? Do you think that he is a child of Ji's family, and he can freely chaos as he pleases? If so, what else should the law do?"


Liu Gang’s eyes were pumped a few times, and the law was useless to him.

"Well, old Liu, don't worry so much."

Seeing that Liu Gang was silent, Shao Jie waved his hand and said, "I don’t care." Staring at him, waiting for him to make mistakes, as long as he dares to come to the hard, naturally there will be people looking for trouble!"


Liu Gang opened his mouth and hesitated. If Ji Feng really wants to come hard, then even if someone is looking for trouble, it is too late!

Shao Jie patted his chest and promised: "Do not worry, just a little thing, I can guarantee that I won't be able to use it for half a month. I will definitely sprint out of Nanyue, and he will never dare to play hard, as long as you pay attention recently. Point safe, be careful that he plays yin!"

Liu Gang heard a slow nod and said: "If you play Yin, he is not qualified!"

"This is true!"

Shao Jie nodded and smiled: "When it comes to playing Yin, you Lao Liu can be his ancestors!"

Liu Gang has been on Nanyue Road for so many years. What means have he not seen? If you don't play yin, even if there is someone behind it, you can't live for a long time, let alone be a big man.

Liu Gang is not afraid of Ji Feng playing Yin, I am afraid he will come hard.

If Ji Feng really wants to look for his troubles, then he really has no good way to deal with it. At that time, Ji Feng may be punished, and he, I am afraid it is going to lose his head!

Because the foundation of Jifeng may not be dare to check, even if it is a check, there must be someone to help cover up, can not find out. But he is not the same. Once someone really wants to check him, it is really a check. He has only one dead end!

"Hey, right, Lao Liu, your eight King Kong, is really so legendary? When do you let me see and see?" Shao Jie suddenly said.

"What eight King Kong, it is all outside friends to face, screaming." Liu Gang shook his head and said: "However, they are indeed a bit of a problem."

When it comes to this, Liu Gang’s face is full of self-satisfaction. The eight King Kongs under his hand are famous in the entire South Guangdong road.

Some of these eight people came from the black boxing field, some from the killer world, and even some from the special forces. Each of them is quite powerful. This is also the source of Liu Gang’s confidence. The reason why he is not afraid of Ji Feng’s yin is because he has these eight King Kongs protecting him.

In the road, Liu Gang has also suffered a lot of assassinations. However, in the past few years, he has occasionally encountered dangers in the beginning. After the Eight King Kong gradually followed him, almost no one could get close to him!

"Jie Shao, Yanjing over there..."

"When oh..."

Liu Gang was about to talk, and the phone suddenly rang. He took it out and immediately connected it. He said with dissatisfaction: "Don't you tell me, I am doing important things, don't bother me easily, can't understand me. if?"

There was a voice on the phone: "Prince, Ji Feng is here!"

Liu Gangyi: "What?"

“Ji Feng is here, now it’s in the 4D hotel!”


Liu Gang suddenly stood up: "You say it again! When did he come, what are you doing?"

After a while, when Liu Gang hung up, his look could not help but dignified.

"Old Liu, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Seeing Liu Gang's face after the phone changed, Shao Jie could not help asking.

"Ji Feng is here!" Liu Gang said quietly.


Shao Jie suddenly lost his voice and asked: "Where is he?"

Liu Gang said: "In the 4D hotel! Jie Shao, it seems that he really intends to come hard!"

Shao Jie stunned, and immediately smiled: "Ha! I thought that the season maple will be more brilliant, dare to get a half-day is also a poor skill! Actually still come this way? What did he go to the Siwei Hotel? I thought there was exposed One face can make you soft? Idiot!"

Liu Gang stood up and said, "I will go back and see what he is going to do!"

Shao Jie nodded and said: "Old Liu, now it seems that Ji Feng is going on. If you don't give him a face, he can't treat you. Just don't let him catch the real handle."

Nodded, Liu Gang said: "I know what to do, I will go back first."

In the lobby of the 4D hotel, Ji Feng looks calmly on the sofa and raises his hand to look at the time.

Yang Bin whispered to the side: "Sir, it has been more than half an hour."

Ji Feng nodded and said: "Know. Let's go."

Yang Bin stood up immediately and guarded him next to Ji Feng. However, they were about to leave. They saw someone coming in from the hotel door. When people had not approached, they heard a hearty laugh.

"It’s my pleasure to be here, I’m sorry, I’m late!”

Looking at the sound, I saw the one in front of the one wearing a Tang suit. The whole person seemed to be very spirited. When walking, it was even more powerful and powerful.

Behind this person, along with a few people, Yang Bin first stared at the people. Compared with the person wearing the Tang suit, the people behind him were obviously more threatening, and they watched them walking. Posture, at first glance, is to practice the family.

Ji Feng also saw this pedestrian. He first recognized Liu Gang. From Zheng Yuanshan, he has already got detailed information about Liu Gang, including the eight King Kongs behind him. Hey, there are only five people, and there are three. Present.

"Jiu Shao, since you came here, I don't need to introduce myself if I want to come?" Liu Gang came to the front and smiled and said: "Jiu Shao, please inside."

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