The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3039: Jie Shao? !

as expected!

Not to mention that Liu Gang is okay, Yang Bin heard the name of Prince Zigang, could not help but sneer: "What **** is just too, today we are here to pack him!"

The person holding the machete suddenly felt a big shock, and immediately remembered Liu Gang’s two days of tens of thousands of things they had to be careful about... Someone wanted to start with Liu Gang.

Almost subconscious, he didn't even have a sense of resistance. He turned and suddenly rushed toward the door.

Even Liu Gang has some jealous people, he is more fun than others!

What's more, no matter which one of the two people on the scene is the top master, he is not 100% sure that the other player who used to play the gun is injured, and there is no weapon, let alone this one. Master, he is definitely not an opponent!

The so-called expert knows whether there is a shot, even if it is just a face-to-face with Yang Bin, he can clearly feel that Yang Bin’s bad feelings, even if he is not injured and is the peak, I am afraid that he will not win Yang Bin.

What's more, even if he turned into a superman, all of the two men were eliminated, but the people behind them...


Desperate to escape!

This is the only thought in the heart of the scimitar man at the moment. If you can't escape, it is a dead end. From these two masters, you can see that there is no shortage of talents around the person. Even if you want to surrender, I am afraid that no one will. Take in.

"Want to escape? You can't go!"

Yang Bin shouted and slammed into the back of the scimitar man, but the man was precautionary. He realized that he must be blocked while fleeing, so he fled and slashed. Let Yang Bin have to avoid this knife and only kick one kick on a kettle that has been knocked down next to him.


The kettle hit the back of the scimitar man like a cannonball, and suddenly let the other party sullen, squatting, but they must escape from the door.


Suddenly after a gun rang, the scimitar man was planted on the ground, and the huge inertia made him roll forward several times.

Yang Bin was suddenly stunned by the gunshots, but he saw that Qin Feiyu didn’t know when he had more guns in his hand, but when he saw the gun on the hand that Qin Feiyu’s headshot was shot, Qin Feiyu’s gun was gone. Half a squat beside the man, he knew what was going on.

Fast speed!

Awesome shooting!

Yang Bin couldn't help but be shocked. This guy obviously slammed from the position he just took and then picked up the pistol on the ground. This is the fastest way, but the speed is surprising, more important. It’s Qin Feiyu’s shooting method, it’s really accurate!

"Catch him!" Qin Feiyu said.

"He is not dead?"

Yang Bin immediately responded, and quickly came to the side of the scimitar man, and found that he was not dead, but the injury is not light.

Qin Feiyu said: "You are responsible for interrogating him. I went upstairs to see."

Yang Bin nodded. In the heart, Qin Feiyu's contempt disappeared without a trace. He was shocked. The master around him was really too much. This made him realize his deficiencies, because he except his skills. There is really nothing that can be done.

At this moment, Yang Bin suddenly became alert. He heard a slight footstep. Just turned around and saw a figure crossing the wall easily. Then a voice came: "What happened, was it injured?!"

Yes, sir!

Yang Bin quickly said things quickly: "He went upstairs, this guy is still not dead..."

Ji Feng frowned: "When you come in, don't you have a camera at the door? Is Qin Feiyu doing this?"

Yang Bin suddenly stunned, and immediately he could not be burned by his face.

I didn't think that Ji Feng's request for Qin Feiyu would be so strict. Think about other people in the team. Yang Bin realized that Ji Feng is very strict with them. It is like checking in with cameras and ambushes. What to do, as it should be, Yang Bin immediately understood how much Ji Feng was tolerant of him, and how much he did not do.

"You go upstairs to help, I will judge him!" Ji Feng said.

"Yes, sir!" Yang Bin immediately responded.

For this guy who brought a huge threat to Qin Feiyu, Ji Feng did not have much cumbersome means to directly inject biotoxin into his body, and then he said what he said.


Suddenly, an upstairs exclaimed, Ji Feng suddenly frowned, this is a woman's voice.

Then, the sound came to an abrupt end.

Yang Bin quickly walked down and said: "Sir, there is a woman upstairs, I have been stunned by me, how to deal with it?"

Ji Feng put his hand on his hands: "Don't worry about him, work!"

After a while, Qin Feiyu also came down. His face was pale, but there was not much painful color: "Boss, I checked the woman's mobile phone call record, just a few minutes ago, she called out a phone call, the number of notes The name is husband, it should be Liu Gang..."

Ji Feng nodded and said: "Look for it and see if there is anything important."

Qin Feiyu said: "There is a safe on the upper floor, hidden behind a picture, which is embedded in the wall."

Ji Feng immediately said: "Carefully search, remember to take the computer's hard drive away!"

Qin Feiyu nodded and said: "Give it to me."

"Don't leave a trace!" said Ji Feng.


Qin Feiyu is doing things, Ji Feng is very reassuring, the famous flying fish, doing this little thing is naturally hand-to-hand, Ji Feng is most concerned about, or about Liu Gang’s crime.

But after just interrogating the scimitar man, Ji Feng suddenly became less interested in Liu Gang’s crimes, because this guy confessed to a message that seemed less important but inadvertently caused Ji Feng to pay attention.

“Where did Liu Gang go?” asked Ji Feng.

"I don't know, I have to go to see Jie."

“Jie Shao? Which one is less?” Ji Feng frowned and asked.

"Shao Jie..."

The conversation that I had just conducted when I was questioning the guy clearly appeared in Ji Feng’s mind, and he couldn’t help but move his mind, Shao Jie, Jie Shao?

This is really a bad thing, a little meaning!

Who is Liu Gang? He is a big man on the provincial road in Guangdong. He is backed by a martial art. He can almost be said to be a prince of a state in Guangdong. At least in the underground world of South Guangdong, Liu Gang should be regarded as a prince.

What about Shao Jie?

Assistant General Manager of the Brilliant Group? Wu Zhihe's classmates?

Which of these identities can be called Jie Shao? What qualifications can make Liu Gang also call Shao Jie?

This is really amazing!

Shao Jie, this person, and his name often appear in the sight of Ji Feng, which makes Ji Feng feel very strange, isn't there, what is something in the middle that I don't know?

Think about it carefully, Shao Jie’s identity and his attitude, and his publicity, are too inconsistent!

I jumped up and down all day, I don’t know if he was the boss of the brilliant group!

I thought that Ji Feng suddenly grabbed the collar of the scimitar man, and Shen Sheng asked: "Why do you call Shao Jie a Jie Shao?"

"I don't know... the Prince called it, we called it..."


Ji Feng threw him on the ground and knew that it was impossible to get more specific information from him, because he also investigated Shao Jie, He Hongwei also told him that he had secretly investigated everything about the brilliant group. And no abnormalities were found. This guy is naturally less likely to know.

However, the name of Jie Shao is still somewhat interesting!

Qin Feiyu and Yang Bin didn't take long to clean up the scene. The sound of the shot was very loud, and the gunshots must have been transmitted. So, before the arrival of the security guard, they cleaned up all the traces on the scene.

Subsequently, the three left quietly.

In the car that went back, the car turned into Jifeng, and the injured Qin Feiyu sat in the back row. At this time, Yang Bin, who was sitting in the passenger seat, could not help but ask: "Sir, we cleaned up the traces when we left. It’s clean, but it’s possible to leave footprints when leaving the community. Will the police investigate if they are involved in the investigation?”

"will not!"

Ji Feng did not speak, Qin Feiyu shook his head and said: "I have already cleared the traces around the wall, and even if the footprints are left, the police can't trace them."

Yang Bin immediately responded: "This is why you suggested walking on the toes?"

Qin Feiyu nodded and did not speak. Without leaving traces, this is really not a difficult thing for an international top killer.

Yang Bin is somewhat surprised. Qin Feiyu is too sophisticated to do things. What is this guy doing?

Ji Feng drove the car, but in his mind he was thinking about the safe brought out from Liu Gang’s villa and everything that the machete man said.

He felt that there was something to dig in between.

Ji Feng did not drive directly back to the hotel, but according to the map route in memory, he came to a river. In the dark, he easily opened the safe, took out the gold bars and diamonds inside, and so on. There are also a lot of banknotes in addition to it, and I’m afraid it’s worth hundreds of millions.

But these are not the purpose of Ji Feng. What he is looking at is a U disk in which it is stored. What he might store is what he values.

As for the large amount of cash and gold bars, Ji Feng was handed over to Qin Feiyu. "When you return to Jiangzhou, you will keep some of your own use, and the rest will be disposed of. The money you have donated will be donated to the orphanage. Don't leave any traces. ”

Qin Feiyu nodded: "Yes."


In the large box, several white flowers are fiercely entangled, and the screams are mixed with the heavy wheezing, full of sultry scent.

For a long time, Yun collected rain and rest, Shao Jie ordered a cigarette, haha ​​smiled and said to another bed: "Old Liu, your endurance is good, there are a few tricks to loose hands!"

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