The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3042: Jumping feet!

"Xiao Feng, a house in Liu Gang suddenly suffered an attack last night. Two powerful men were killed. Did you hear about this news?"

In the hotel, Zheng Yuanshan asked with a smile.

Ji Feng nodded and said: "I heard, but I just heard about it. Did the police get involved?"

Zheng Yuanshan said: "Involved."

Ji Feng shook his head and smiled: "It's really interesting. Liu Gang is the most important father-in-law of Nanyue's power. After the incident, he even asked the police to intervene in the investigation. This is really black and white!"

"What is this for you!"

Zheng Yuanshan could not help but say: "There was a gun battle on the scene and it was still dead. This is already a very serious and vicious case. The police must of course intervene in the investigation. It cannot be said that because of Liu’s identity, it affects the police’s case. No matter whether Liu Gang is big or not. Good people, no evil, no hooligans, as long as the case, the police should investigate!"


Ji Feng smiled and nodded and handed a cigarette to Zheng Yuanshan. He asked casually: "How did the police deal with Liu Gang?"

Zheng Yuanshan frowned: "Handling Liu Gang?"

Ji Feng smiled and said: "Yeah, you just said that there was a gun battle on the scene. Doesn't that mean that Liu Gang also has weapons?"

Zheng Yuanshan did not think that Ji Feng would actually focus on this issue. This really made him somewhat surprised. "The incident happened at the time. Liu Gang was not at the scene. Only his two men and his lover participated in this time. Shooting, strictly speaking, only his two men participated."

"Is there still a gun?" asked Ji Feng.

"There is a gun."

Zheng Yuanshan said: "But Liu Gang has pushed everything to his two men, and he has not found any evidence directly related to Liu Gang at the scene. But now both of them are dead, there is no evidence of death, there is no way. Indicating Liu Gang."

Ji Feng said: "So, in this case, Liu Gang is out of the way, right?"

Zheng Yuanshan nodded and said: "You can say that."

Ji Feng smiled and said: "I am afraid it will not be soon."

Zheng Yuanshan frowned. "What do you mean? Xiaofeng, this case is with you..."

Ji Feng shook his head and said: "Zheng Shu, I don't want to ask you, even if you ask me, I won't say it. We still say something else."

Zheng Yuanshan suddenly stunned and then nodded silently. Ji Feng’s meaning is already very clear. This thing is really made by Ji Feng!

When the case happened, Zheng Yuanshan suspected that it was made by Ji Feng, because the meaning of Ji Feng’s words in the past indicated that he might have some action, but Zheng Yuanshan did not think that Ji Feng’s reaction would be It’s so fierce, and it’s so...very sharp!

Up and down, Liu Gang’s two of the eight King Kong’s men’s talents were eliminated, almost equal to the direct break of Liu Gang’s arm.

But more importantly, according to Zheng Yuanshan's understanding of Ji Feng, Ji Feng is definitely not going to stop here! Ji Feng personally dealt with a big hooligan on the road, which itself has a little anti-aircraft guns to play the role of mosquitoes, and it is so hot when it comes up, so it is enough to show that Ji Feng is obviously a fire.

Then, if Liu Gang is not done, how can Ji Feng stop here?

Therefore, Zheng Yuanshan came to make a special trip. On the one hand, he wanted to confirm from Jifeng, whether it was done by Ji Feng. In addition, he wanted to know the next move of Ji Feng.

Ji Feng just wants to export a bad smell for the girl named Yang Xiaoai, or is it going to come to a bigger fight?

After pondering the words, Zheng Yuanshan asked: "Xiao Feng, then..."

When Zheng Yuanshan opened his own season, he knew what he wanted to ask. He couldn’t help but smile: "Zheng Shu, I have a measure."

"That's good." Zheng Yuanshan was relieved. He was really afraid that Ji Feng would set off a large-scale slaughter in his anger. Their strength in Nanyue was very weak. I am afraid that they could not play each other.

"Zheng Shu, have you ever thought about burning a fire again?" Ji Feng suddenly asked.

Zheng Yuanshan glimpsed: "What do you mean?"

Ji Feng said: "If you have enough evidence in your hand, can you move some people?"

Zheng Yuanshan immediately returned to taste, he hurriedly asked: "Xiao Feng, you have evidence in your hand? Who is involved?"

Ji Feng shook his head and smiled: "Not yet, I am assuming that if the evidence is mastered..."

"That should also see what evidence is at the bottom." Zheng Yuanshan said, "You also know that some people can't move easily, even if they want to move, they must also pay attention to strategy."

"Also." Ji Feng nodded and smiled.

Sending away Zheng Yuanshan, Ji Feng could not help but shake his head, Zheng Yuanshan as the head of the provincial hall, still a little too weak.

Taking a U disk from his pocket and playing it for a while, Ji Feng had a decision in his heart.

Two days ago, the situation of Liu Gang’s residence was also raging, but the investigation did not progress. This made Liu Gang’s fire, and his heart was anxious. He could not care about the two men. If you die, you can't care if your lover is being done. The U disk that can be lost in the safe is in the hands of anyone. He can't care about it anyway.

That is related to his life and death!

If the U disk falls into the hands of Ji Feng and waits for him, I am afraid there is only one dead road.

"Can't wait any longer!"

Liu Gang decided to take action. He couldn’t just sit still, otherwise he would only have one.

After a while, Liu Gang picked up the phone and dialed a number.


"The governor, are you looking for me?"

Zheng Yuanshan smiled on his face and stood at his desk. He looked at the old man behind his desk. He was a little surprised. He didn't know what it was like to call himself today.

"Yuanshan is here, sit." The old man pointed to the opposite seat. When Zheng Yuanshan was seated, he asked: "Yuanshan, the work of your policeman has done a very good job recently. The law and order of the whole South Guangdong is better than before." With a lot of progress, you have made great contributions!"

"The governor has won the prize, and we have done a lot of work, and there is still a lot of work that has not been done." Zheng Yuanshan said humblely, he could not understand whether the governor’s words were true or not, as the most powerful deputy of the Wu family. First, the old man in front of him is absolutely unpredictable and his wrists are very clever. Otherwise, it will not be the same as the iron plate that Wu Zhengmin will operate in Nanyue.

The old man said: "It is a good tradition to make achievements. This is our good tradition!"

Zheng Yuanshan laughed but did not speak.

"Of course, it is normal to have omissions at work." The old man said.


Zheng Yuanshan suddenly screamed. He knew that the old man could not call him for no reason, knowing that since he came to Nanyue, he has been being guarded by this circle, and there are many clear or dark targets, although on the surface at work. I can pass, but in fact, what is going on, everyone is tacit.

On the traditional site of the Wu family, Zheng Yuanshan’s desire to display his hands and feet is almost impossible.

From the top to the bottom, Nanyue also showed his unwelcome attitude towards him. Now it is not true. The old man called him here, and there is still something to say.

And, it has been pointed out that it is an omission in work!

"Our work does have a lot of deficiencies, please ask the governor to criticize!" Zheng Yuanshan said.

"There is nothing to criticize. You have done a good job." The old man said, "Just, the rate of crimes in some vicious cases still needs to be controlled. In addition, for some dangerous people, we must also be prepared for early prevention. It’s just saying that you’re prepared!”

Zheng Yuanshan’s heart finally came to the point. Malignant case, dangerous person...

At this level, it’s normal to talk about Yunshan’s fog or even the sound of gossip. It’s very difficult to get specific information from the mouth of such a big leader. Especially, everyone is not the same camp. of.

However, Zheng Yuanshan is pondering some flavors.

"I heard that Ji Feng came to South Guangdong?" The old man suddenly turned around and mentioned Ji Feng.

"It seems to be." Zheng Yuanshan said.

"Then you have to do a safe job, let people feel like a home away from home!" the old man groaned.

Zheng Yuanshan smiled and said: "I understand."

After leaving the governor's office, Zheng Yuanshan's mood became a bit heavy. He did not think that this incident had alarmed the governor so quickly.

On the way back, Zheng Yuanshan called Ji Feng for the first time.

"Xiao Feng, just now the governor called me over, mentioned the recent malignant case, and asked you about the situation." Zheng Yuanshan said.

"Oh? The governors are all coming out?" Ji Feng asked.

"I came out of his office! Xiaofeng, this seems to be something wrong. The governor stood up so quickly, this is a bit strange!" Zheng Yuanshan said. He knows that the arrival of Jifeng will definitely attract the attention of many people. The governor must have received the news early.

However, such a weighty figure came out so quickly, which is beyond the expectations of Zheng Yuanshan.

This shows that the severity of the matter exceeded his expectations.

"Hey! Some people's painful feet have been caught, of course, they have to jump into the wall!" Ji Feng did not have much surprise, but sneered.

"Why, did you really get it?" Zheng Yuanshan immediately realized that Ji Feng had said that he had obtained evidence, which is not necessarily what he said. Perhaps, there is really tangible evidence in Ji Feng’s hand.

"Zheng Shu, see you at night, I have something to discuss with you." Ji Feng said.

"Good! Then I will look for you in the evening!" Zheng Yuanshan also knew that some words were inconvenient to speak on the phone, so he agreed to it.

Hanging up the phone, Zheng Yuanshan could not help but fall into meditation. It seems that this South Guangdong is going to be chaotic!

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