The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3046: Killing Night (2)

The violent explosion made the nearby tens of meters of places a mess, especially near the vehicles of Zheng Yuanshan. It was even more tragic. I don’t know how many cars’ glass was shattered, and the people inside were injured. The people walking on the side of the road were also affected. The fragments of the explosion scattered around, and countless people cried and screamed and fled.

The whole street is in a hurry!

As an international metropolis, there is often a melee on the road in the state of Guangdong. There may even be a gun battle. However, it is only in a small area, and it is generally in the evening. Things like the violent explosion that occurred during the peak hours of work are still rare.

Therefore, the people around them have no psychological preparation and coping experience, and the panicked people are chaotic and crowded, and even a stampede has occurred.

However, the most serious injury is Zheng Yuanshan, who bears the brunt.


Ji Feng looked at the caller ID on the mobile phone, and couldn't help but flash a surprised look. The phone was called by Qian Hongda. He came to Guangdong for several days, and he received Qian Hongda for the first time. phone.

In fact, apart from the conflict with Qian Hongda’s son, there is almost no connection between Jifeng and Qian Hongda. Even if it is a contact, Qian Hongda is in contact with the second uncle Ji Zhenguo. Ji Feng does not have this. I have asked.

In the heart of the room, Ji Feng connected the phone: "Hey, Qian Shuji, I am Ji Feng."

“Ji Feng, Zheng’s car was attacked by a bomb and was seriously injured.” Qian Hongda did not have the slightest guest, and said straight to the point. And his words suddenly surprised Ji Feng.

"What? Bomb attack?"

Ji Feng heard a sudden horror, and immediately hurriedly asked: "Qian Shuji, how is Zheng Shu injured?"

Qian Hongda said: "For the time being, I don't know that the emergency personnel and the police first rushed to the scene. Now Zheng Director has been rescued by the hospital."

Ji Feng immediately asked: "Which hospital?"

Qian Hongda said: "City hospital."

"Good! I am going to pass!" Ji Feng said quietly.

"and many more!"

Qian Hongda interrupted Ji Feng and said: "You better not go now, I will tell you this news, just let you know what you are doing and have a mental preparation."

Ji Feng frowned: "Why can't you go? Qian Shu, Zheng Shu is injured, I should take a look, and I have a special medicine for first aid, which should help Zheng Shu's injury!"

Qian Hongda said: "This is exactly what I am worried about. Ji Feng, you are the son of Zhenhua, I believe that you must have a calm and calm quality. Now more need to be calm, Zheng Zheng suddenly attacked, It is enough to show how arrogant and unscrupulous the criminals are, and if this is a big conspiracy, then the attack of Director Zheng is definitely not a whim of criminals. If you come forward, I am afraid it will be even more dangerous!"

Ji Feng suddenly understood the meaning of Qian Hongda. Obviously, Qian Hongda thought very far. He worried that Zheng Yuanshan’s attack was not a single incident, and it was probably a conspiracy. If this is the case, then if he is in the past, there may be danger.


Now no one knows who the bomb attack is coming to. Qian Hongda obviously considers the possibility that this is a step for Ji Feng.

"Qian Shuji, I understand what you mean, and I am very grateful for your concern. However, now that Zheng Shu has been seriously injured, I have to look over it anyway, maybe I can help!" Ji Feng insisted.

If Zheng Yuanshan is not seriously injured, he can wait a second. From Qian Hongda's tone, Ji Feng noticed that Zheng Yuanshan's injury did not seem to be light. Otherwise, Qian Hongda would not use the word rescue. In this case, Ji Feng must go, at least, he also wants to send special effects current to Zheng Yuanshan, because this is likely to directly affect the success or failure of the rescue.

The most important thing is that Ji Feng does not know whether Zheng Yuanshan’s attack is related to himself. If he was attacked by his connection, the result would be ineffective, and Feng’s heart would definitely not go to this hurdle.

Moreover, he will not be able to face Zhang Lei in the future.

So Jifeng has to go anyway.

"Ji Feng, can you have other people around you?" Qian Hongda asked.

"Yes, what does the money secretary mean...?" asked Ji Feng.

"Let others go for you." Qian Hongda said, "If you have emergency medicine, it is the same for others to send it. Recently, the wind is not right."

"The wind is wrong?"

Ji Feng’s heart glimpsed and asked: “The secretary of the money, you mean... someone interested in me?”

Qian Hongda said: "At all times, it is always right to be cautious. I have heard about some things after you came to South Guangdong. I am also concerned about it. The urgent task now is that you should not be in a mess."

Ji Feng heard the words, suddenly the whole person glimpsed.

Qian Hongda’s words suddenly calmed him down. He realized that the atmosphere outside seemed a bit strange. Qian Hongda apparently heard about it, or was aware of it, but he thought there was no evidence, or there was no Too clear information, so he said so vague.

“I have been working in South Guangdong for many years. I know a lot about people’s style of action. Some people’s hot feelings are far beyond your expectations. Moreover, the risks in the storm are also great. There will be a catastrophe, understand?" Qian Hongda said.

"……I understand."

Ji Feng slowly nodded, thoughtfully, "Qian Shuji, thank you for your reminder, I will pay attention."

When Qian Hongda heard that Ji Feng understood what he meant, he nodded and said: "With the news, I will inform you the first time, you pay attention to safety."

Later, Qian Hongda hung up the phone, but his words echoed in Ji Feng’s mind.

Ji Feng once again saw Qian Hongda's sophistication and calmness. It is no wonder that the second uncle will pay such attention to Qian Hongda. This is definitely a general.

"Yang Bin!" Ji Feng shouted.

"Sir, I am." Yang Bin walked over quickly. "What do you have to tell?"

"Take this bottle of medicine to the city hospital immediately. You must feed it to the director of Zheng. If someone blocks it, you will say that I said it! It can also be explained that this bottle of medicine is a special effect current for the military. Rescue has a miraculous effect!" Ji Fengyan Yang Bin.

At this point his brain is spinning fast, taking into account many possible situations, such as someone blocking, for example, doctors do not agree and so on.

Yang Bin just wanted to nod and promised to listen to Ji Feng and said: "Remember, no matter what method you use, I must use the fastest speed to rush to the Director of Zheng, and save people like a fire. You saved Zheng. It is equal to saving me!"


Yang Bin stood up straight.

"Wait." Ji Feng also stopped him, Shen Sheng: "Yang Bin, this road, or near the hospital, there may be danger, you have to be careful. If necessary, you can use weapons, the consequences I come bear!"

"Mr. Please rest assured. As long as I am still alive, I will complete the task you handed me!" Yang Bin said loudly.

"Good! Go."

"Mr. You are careful, I will get back as soon as possible!" Yang Bin said.

Ji Feng patted his shoulder, did not say anything, the said that has been finished, and the rest, Yang Bin will do it himself.

After Yang Bin left, Ji Feng raised his hand and looked at the time. It was less than eight o'clock in ten minutes. He narrowed his eyes and said secretly: "It seems that this is a quiet night!"

A moment later, Ji Feng took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone call of his father Ji Zhenhua. "Dad, it is me. The previous plan may have to be changed. Zheng Shu was attacked by a bomb on the way to work. Now people are being rescued. The specific news is in Yuezhou. Money secretary is clearer than me..."

"Failed! I know!"

Ji Zhenhua only said these two words, and then hung up the phone, Ji Feng heard a hint of anger from his father's low voice.

Later, Ji Feng made several consecutive calls and made changes to his original arrangement. The attack of Zheng Yuanshan caused his plan to be disrupted, but the most important thing for Ji Feng was Zheng Yuanshan.

After considering it for a while, Ji Feng still called Zhang Lei and said something about it.

"I will go to Guangdong!" Zhang Lei's voice almost came out of his teeth. The voice was full of cold and hot. "Maniac, don't stop me!"

"If I want to stop you, I won't call you." Ji Feng said, "Go directly to my second brother, let him arrange a helicopter for you, you come directly!"

"This is a brother!"

Zhang Lei said: "In this way, I will leave!"

Hanging up the phone, Ji Feng calmed his face and slowly walked to the floor-to-ceiling window. He looked at the bustling traffic on the road below, and his eyes flashed a cold light.


Suddenly, Ji Feng’s phone rang again, which was called by Xiao Zhen Ji Zhenping.

Ji Feng connected the phone: "Little Uncle..."

When he first spoke, Ji Zhenping interrupted him and said: "Xiao Feng, gossip, I have already contacted the comrades in the Guangdong Military Region. He will send someone to pick you up. You will follow him to the military area. I will talk about it later."

Ji Feng heard the words warm, and the uncle called this phone. It was obvious that his father told him about the situation in Nanyue. Although his father did not say anything on the phone, he still remembered his safety.

"No, I don't know what Zheng Shu was attacking because of..."

"Do not talk nonsense, do as I said!" Ji Zhenping said.

"Well, then I am waiting in the hotel... huh?" Ji Feng’s voice did not fall, and suddenly his eyes were a little surprised.

"What's wrong?" Ji Zhenping asked.

Ji Feng stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and saw two cars parked on the side of the road below. He stopped at the back of the white car that had been parked opposite the hotel before, and then all the three cars were down.

One person who came down from the last car, Ji Feng recognized it at a glance.

Liu Gang!

They have long-form bags behind or in their hands.

"Uncle, I am afraid it is too late!" Ji Feng grinned. "It seems that some people don't want me to go!"

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