The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3048: Killing Night (4)

In front of Liu Gang, a pistol was pointing at his head, and the black hole's muzzle made Liu Gang feel the chill of the bone.

Liu Gang looked at the strange man in front of him, and his heart continued to sink: "Who are you..."

"I am just an errand, a small person, of course, the Prince does not remember me!" The man said with a smirk.

“Why?” Liu Gang gritted his teeth and asked in a loud voice.

"Because some people don't want you to leave Nanyue!" said the man. "So, please cooperate with me. Don't let me move. After all, you used to be the godfather of Nanyue Road. It used to be the big man I looked up to. I am against you. , still very admired!"

Liu Gang angered: "Who is it? Who doesn't want me to leave Nanyue?!"

The man’s mouth said that he worshipped him and said that he looked up to him. But now, looking at the cold killing in the man’s eyes, where can I see the meaning of looking up?

But Liu Gang doesn't care anymore. If he can, he hopes that no one will look up to him, because it means standing on the cusp of the wind, it means extremely dangerous, just like now.

So now Liu Gang wants to know the most, who is the one who does not want him to leave Nanyue, who is it!

However, the opposite man was just a mocking smile. He asked: "Why, the Prince does not know? It is really a shame. It seems that you can only go below to make a sinister!"

Liu Gang’s heart suddenly stunned, but his career in **** years has kept him calm enough. He took a deep breath and asked: "In this case, I have already fallen into your hands. What are you going to do with me?"

The man said, "You don't need to know this. Now you just have to cooperate, I promise you won't suffer!"

Liu Gang’s heart is constantly sinking.


The man made a gesture of asking, indicating that Liu Gang followed him.

Liu Gang bites his teeth, but he can't help. He knows that he has no room for rebellion at all. If he dares to make any mistakes, then this man will definitely not hesitate to pull the trigger and explode his head!

From the man's cold eyes, Liu Gang can see it. This is definitely a hot man, and he has seen blood!

Therefore, Liu Gang can only bow. The only thing he can hope for now is that his brothers can kill Jifeng and come and save him. Or, don't go to the season maple, just withdraw it directly...


Just when Liu Gang was preparing to lift his foot and follow the man, suddenly there were two gunshots. Liu Gang couldn’t help but change his face, and he couldn’t help but scream.

He knows, bad!

Those brothers are likely to be finished!

Because all of his brothers had a silencer installed on their pistols, but the gunshots that came from successively were too clear. This is definitely not the weapon of several of his brothers.

Obviously, there are other people who shoot!

Then, the end of his brothers, you can imagine!

But this is not the most fearful of Liu Gang. What really makes him desperate is that this man who is pointing at him with a gun in front of him, from the cold eyes of this man, Liu Gang smells the breath of death!


From the man's words, he vaguely noticed the origin of this man!

Some people do not want him to leave South Guangdong!

So who is this person?

Liu Gang’s heart has a bit of speculation. Liu Gang feels that his mind is more sober at this moment than at any time. Many things that could not be understood before now have a vague outline.

Why did the person who attacked his residence not attack the place where he lives now!

Why, those people can install bombs in his car, but they didn't start with him!

And why... He will bring his brother to do the season maple? !

All this seems to be so unreasonable!

However, Liu Gang seems to be a little bit eager to understand, but after he wants to understand, he is pale!

"Prince, please!"

Seeing Liu Gang’s footsteps stopped, the man said quietly.

Liu Gang slowly looked up at him and asked, "Where?"

The man smiled: "Don't be afraid, don't worry, you won't take you too far. There is still a good show tonight."

Liu Gang’s heart was shocked and he said: “Sure enough! My own true!”


What surprised Liu Gang was that the man did not take him far, but went directly to the door of a room at the end of the corridor, then took out the room card and handed it to Liu Gang, saying: "Prince, open the door! This is Your name opens the room!"

"My name?" Liu Gang's heart sinks, his gaze falls on the other's gloves, and the feeling of bad heart is more intense.

"When did I open the room? Why don't I know?" Liu Gang asked.

"Your prince is a big man, and he will not care about these little things." The man said, "Open the door!"

Liu Gang still wants to ask what, the other party is raising his gun. "Prince, if you want to use this small trick to delay the time, I advise you not to have this idea, it will only speed up your death, will not give you Bring the slightest help."

Liu Gang is speechless.

In my heart, for the first time, an emotion called remorse was raised!

The room card was opened smoothly, and the lights in the room were automatically turned on. When Liu Gang saw everything in the room, he couldn’t help but pause again!


There was a lot of clothes on the bed in the room, and the clothes were so familiar... this is his clothes!

There were socks thrown everywhere, shoes, and a lot of clothes on the table. Liu Gang’s eyes fell on one of the clothes. This is the third generation of leather jackets, although the youngest rarely wears them. But he has seen it!

In addition, there are still a lot of weapons, scattered bullets, and even ... white noodles!

Tin foil, smoke gun...

Liu Gang looked, the scalp was fried!

The other party actually prepared everything for him. Although he never sucked poison, this is the most frightening thing for him. Because of the things in this room, anyone who saw it would think he must have lived here for a while. time.

"You, what do you want to do?!" Liu Gang asked with anger. But he did not realize that his voice had faintly shivered.

"Of course I want to ask the Prince to stay here. You see, clothes and things are ready for you." The man said, at the same time he took out a handcuff from his pocket. "Prince, I am giving you Wear it, or do you come by yourself?"

Liu Gang stared at him, and he also looked coldly at Liu Gang.

In the end, Liu Gang chose to wear it himself.

"Take tight, then advise the last sentence, don't play tricks, otherwise you will know the consequences!" the man said quietly.


Liu Gang didn't talk any more, just put himself on his handcuffs. Now he realized that he was waiting for his own end. If he had some doubts when he was at the stairs, now he almost wants to understand!

So after wearing the handcuffs, Liu Gang sat directly on the sofa. The man looked at his cooperation and couldn’t help but smile. "This is right. The person who knows the time is Junjie. The Prince is sure to understand this truth more than I do." ""

"My family, can you live?" Liu Gang did not pay attention to the person's teasing, but asked Shen Sheng: "I am willing to use my life to change their lives, can you?"

"Prince is your wife and children in your hometown, and your parents?" the man asked.


Liu Gang’s heart was cold.

The man smiled and said: "Princes please rest assured that they all live very well, and they don't know that there are always sniper rifles aiming at their heads near them. Your daughter is still in peace of mind, now this time ...well, I should have gone home to sleep, very good!"

Liu Gang can't say anything again!


Picking up the pistol on the ground, Ji Fengmian came to the last guy who was still slightly twitching. This is a long-haired man. Ji Feng saw his information. This person is the third of Liu Gang’s eight King Kong. It turned out to be a music player. Later, after Liu Gang, he was specifically responsible for Liu Gang’s thugs. To be precise, this person should be regarded as the armed leader of Liu Gang.

"Rao, spare me..."

"When you came in, did you ever think about spare me?" asked Ji Feng.


Ji Feng squats down and directly injects bioelectric current into neurotoxins into this person's body...

A moment later, Ji Feng stood up with a pistol and walked straight outside the door.

Liu Gang waited for them at the stairs outside. This news made Ji Feng very interested. He wanted to go to the meeting again and the Prince!

The lock on the door has been broken, and Ji Feng has not even closed the door. He walked straight toward the stairway.

The fire stairs and elevators of this hotel are very close, and the fire stairs must go through the elevator. Ji Feng came to the corridor and looked around, but found that there was no one. The gunshots just now, no one heard?

Not too late to think, Ji Feng went straight to the stairs.


At this moment, the elevator light suddenly turned on, and the elevator ran to this level. Then, the elevator door slowly opened, and a group of people came out and suddenly saw the Jifeng who was coming.

Ji Feng also looked at them, even if the pupil suddenly contracted, these people are so murderous!

These are not ordinary people!

At the same time, the other party also saw the pistol in the hands of Ji Feng, both sides were stunned, and no one expected to meet in this situation.

However, the next moment, Ji Feng suddenly raised his hand and pulled the trigger against the few people.


Almost in the blink of an eye, Ji Feng emptied a magazine. The group of people who came out of the elevator walked in front of the five people and was instantly headshot.

Five shots, five people were headshot!

This horrible shooting method made the group horrified and hurried to avoid both sides.

At this time, Ji Feng was also a body shape and then retreated. He rolled on the spot and rushed toward the room.

Transformation of people!

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