The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3052: No. 1!

"No. 1?"

Ji Feng frowned and asked: "Is it the prince?"

According to his understanding, Wang Ye is the person in charge of the dynasty in China, saying that the number one should not be overemphasized.


Who knows that Luo Wei gave an answer that surprised Ji Feng: "No. 1 is not a prince."

When Ji Feng suddenly blinked in his eyes, he immediately asked: "Isn't Wang Ye? Who is that number?"

When did you come up with a number one?

Luo Wei said: "I don't know. The identity of No. 1 is top secret, ***!"

Ji Feng asked: "What about the prince?"

"It's also top secret!"

After thinking for a moment, Ji Feng could not help but say to himself: "So, the level of Wang Ye and No. 1 should be the same..."

As a result, his self-talking speech was turned into a problem by Luo Wei, saying: "The security level of No. 1 is higher than that of Wang Ye."

Ji Feng was surprised again and quickly asked: "Who is responsible for China?"

"Wang Ye and No. 1," Luo said.

“Two people are responsible?” asked Ji Feng.


"What? Is Wang Ye not the person in charge of China?" asked Ji Feng. All along, the intelligence possessed by the outside world shows that Wang Ye is the person in charge of the dynasty in China, but Luo Wei actually said that the person in charge of the dynasty in China turned out to be Wang Ye and No. 1 two!

This made Ji Feng extremely surprised.

Luo Weidao: "Wang Ye is mainly responsible for the action. On the 1st, he is mainly responsible for infiltration. The economic aspect is jointly responsible by Wang Ye and No. 1..."

Ji Feng is silent, and the information that Luo Wei confesses is really important. Wang Ye is not the only person in charge of China. This is not the case. The most important thing is that the division of labor between Wang Ye and No. 1 is so clear.

One is responsible for action, one is responsible for infiltration, and the two of them are also responsible for the economy at the same time... Does this mean that Wang is in charge of force, while No. 1 is responsible for operating forces, infiltrating China, and the two people jointly use each other The influence is to smash money...

This is simply a two-member general manager!

The dynasty in China, has such a careful layout!

At this moment, Ji Feng suddenly had a feeling of ignoring the dynasty. He even looked at the king of the dynasty. The person behind this code name is really too strong. It is this kind of penetration that can be carried out under the eyes of various countries. The means to develop your own power is chilling!

"Hey, hey..."

Suddenly, Luo Yan’s body sounded loudly. This sudden sound made Luo’s look stiff and stiff. It seemed that some struggles, Ji Feng could not help but frown, and he directly stunned Luo Wei, and he was shocked. When he injected neurotoxin into Luo's body, he had already increased the dose, but he couldn't think that Luo Wei could still make some resistance. Once he was disturbed by the outside world, his self-consciousness would still resist. .

It seems that the ancient warriors are really not ordinary.

Their physical qualities, even if they are transformed, are not comparable to the average person.

If you encounter an ancient warrior who has been transformed in the future, you must kill it on the spot. Otherwise, if these ancient warriors are transformed, the threat will be greater than those of ordinary reformers!

"Hey, hey!"

There was something on Luo Wei’s body. Ji Feng opened his clothes and saw that there was something like a walkie-talkie hanging around his waist, but there were earpieces and microphones, not simple walkie-talkies. It seems that this should be a communication tool for the dynasty.

Staring at the observation for a moment, Ji Feng pressed a button above, only heard a bang, and there was a man's voice inside.

"Rosie, your actions have timed out, what is the result of the action now?"

Ji Feng heard the words suddenly wrinkled, he heard this voice, this is a dry and harsh sound, like a duck.

"Why don't you talk? Luo Wei, what is the result of the action?" Ji Feng did not answer, ask again for convenience.

"The result of the action is very bad, at the very least, definitely not the result you want!" Ji Feng suddenly sneered.

"... Are you Jifeng?!"

There was an exclamation in the communication device, but the next moment, the other party could not help but sneer: "So, Luo Xiao’s action failed? Hey! Ji Feng, this time counts your life, wait for the next time..."

Ji Feng said: "The next time, you will still fail. Because you are simply a kind of cockroach, even the courage to face me directly, will only hide behind the poor, dirty like a mouse!"

"Ji Feng, you better not provoke me, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, the big deal is to assassinate me. You haven't done this kind of thing. Isn't that the best example now?" Ji Feng sneered.


The other party was so angry that he just wanted to turn his lips, but suddenly he woke up and angered: "Are you setting my words?"

Ji Fengxiao smiled and said: "Idiot! I need to cover you? You have sold yourself yourself, seeing that your name is so smooth, I want to be sure to be the one who has dealt with me, you think, Can I find out?"


There was no sound in the communication device. Ji Feng waited for a long time, and did not hear any echo. He was about to turn it off. He heard a sudden saying: "Let's walk, you will die in my hands." !"

Then there was a scream in it, apparently the other party cut off the contact.

Ji Feng sneered, but couldn't help but shook his head. It was a pity. He just said that he was setting the other party's words, but when he saw the other party found out, he deliberately said that he could find out through the other party's name, but in fact he However, I know that this possibility is very small, because there are not many people who know him, but there are definitely many, and people who know his name are more.

This range can be very large, and it is completely impossible to check from this one!

Therefore, when the other party broke the contact, he lost the clue to trace. Now the only thing that can hope for hope is that it is only a slap in the face. I hope that Luo Wei will be able to spit out some more material. Otherwise, it is not so easy to trace it.


Just then, a slight footstep came from the outside corridor, the sound was very light, and it was far away.

Ji Feng immediately came to the door quietly.

"This this……"

At the door of a room at the end of the corridor, Liu Gang and a man were both looking at the scene in the corridor. Both of them were dumbfounded and had an incredible look on their faces.

The bodies and blood of the earth, as well as the various weapons scattered on the ground, this is a battlefield like a purgatory!

In particular, the man around Liu Gang is even more surprised!

This scene, Rao is seen in the **** Liu Gang looked, can not help but straighten the stomach, there is a feeling of vomiting.

Too bloody!

They have never seen so many people die!

The corpses and blood on the ground, the scalp they are numb, the hands and feet are cold!

However, Liu Gang was quicker than the man recovered. His eyes saw that the man’s hand with the gun was shaking. He immediately seized the opportunity and suddenly seized the gun in the man’s hand. , suddenly pointed at the man.

"This is the good show that you let me see?!"

Liu Gang bite his teeth: "Idiot, these are your people, look at it, how bad they are!"

The man panicked. Just wanted to talk, he heard Liu Gang said: "What I hate most is that others threaten me. You can also accompany them!"


Just then, a cold cry came suddenly.

Liu Gang suddenly became so scared that his hair was erected. The corridor was full of dead bodies. Where did the cold noise come from? He turned around in horror, and then he saw that there was a person standing behind him. This person had blood on his face and his body was full of blood. It was like climbing out of the dead!


Liu Gang shouted in horror, and even forgot that he had a gun in his hand. He only felt that his legs were soft and he almost sat down on the ground.


Liu Gang only felt that his hand was empty, and then the gun in his hand went to the hand of the ‘corpse’.

"Oh! Liu Gang, you are so courageous, I haven’t run yet?"

Liu Gang suddenly shocked his body. He suddenly reacted and asked with horror: "You, you are... Ji Feng?"

Ji Feng was not interested in answering his words. He directly stunned him. At this time, another man suddenly turned and ran away. Ji Feng screamed at the back, and the man suddenly slammed into the wall, neat and clean. I fainted.

Ji Feng stunned, and could not help but say: "...idiot!"

This guy actually hit the wall, is it too long? He did not know, the body of this land and his sudden appearance, has already scared the man, and forgot that this is the end of the corridor, the back is the wall, and he wants to escape when he wants to escape. On the wall.


Ji Feng reached out to mention Liu Gang, but they couldn't help but scream at the injury. He couldn't help but bite his teeth. This time, the injury was really not light!

In particular, his injured arm, not only had a gunshot wound, but was also seized by Luo Wei and attacked it a few times. Now it is almost abolished!

I don't know if I can still recover.

But now Ji Feng has no time to think about this. He bit his teeth and throw Liu Gang and the man into the room. When he just took out his mobile phone, he heard the sound of the outside crying.

It is a helicopter!

Ji Feng immediately jumped out of the window and hid under the window. When he looked up, he saw a helicopter hanging. The huge searchlight on the plane directly illuminates the window of his room. Someone descended from the helicopter along the rope.

Seeing that these people are wearing military uniforms, Ji Feng guessed that they should be arranged by Xiao Shu to pick up their own, but he still hid, and now he is seriously injured, you must first determine the identity of these people.

Several people came down from the helicopter, entered the room along the sewer pipe, and then heard a loud exclamation in the room.

"The battalion commander is broken, we are late!"

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