The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3059: Heavy punch!

But at this time, Ji Feng received a call from his father. On the phone, Ji Zhenhua just said: "Xiao Feng, go back to Jiangzhou to raise your wounds, your uncle will send you back!"

Ji Feng immediately understood, it seems that the above things have been settled.

So Ji Feng began to pack up and leave the hospital. In fact, he had already been in the hospital for a long time, but because Tong Lei and Xiao Yuxi insisted that he continue to cultivate, he was not discharged from the hospital these few days.

As for the South Guangdong side, Ji Feng is still paying close attention, but now, apart from the storm that swept through South Guangdong, there is not much breakthrough in Shao Jie’s body. What does this person have to do with the dynasty? Still not known.

Liu Gang is purely a thug, although in Nanyue he is a big man who is a **** of the wind and a godfather, but in fact, in the eyes of those big men, he is nothing at all. If you want to say it, it is just a tool to make money. That's it.

Ji Feng pays attention to Liu Gang, just because he owes Yang Xiaoai a human condition, but now Liu Gang’s end will be what he wants with his toes.

As for the things in the official scene of the South Guangdong, it has not been concerned about Ji Feng.

Before leaving South Guangdong, Ji Feng made a special trip to visit Zheng Yuanshan.

"Xiao Feng, this time is really thanks to you!" Seeing Ji Feng came over, Zheng Yuanshan took his hand and was filled with emotion. This time, if it wasn't for Ji Feng to let Yang Bin send the special effects current in time, can he rescue him or two? It can be said that Ji Feng saved his life.

Ji Feng said, shaking his head and saying: "Zheng Shu, I am very embarrassed to say that this time I am tired of you."

Why Zheng Zhengshan was attacked, but now I can almost understand it. Because Zheng Yuanshan is the leader of the South Guangdong police system, Ji Feng encountered an attack, the most able to quickly rescue Ji Feng, Zheng Yuanshan, even if the bottom of the people no longer listen to the order, but the grassroots police still dare not defy Zheng Yuanshan's orders.

Moreover, Zheng Yuanshan, who came to Nanyue for a long time, is not a bit of a harvest. At the very least, he also has his own cronies and people, and it is his identity that makes it absolutely impossible for some people to openly listen to the announcement.

Therefore, before attacking Jifeng, Zheng Yuanshan was first killed, so that Ji Feng lost the only arm help, so even if Ji Feng asked for help, he had enough time to kill it before the arrival of the reinforcements!

"Oh, the director of my provincial office is doing nothing. When I came to Nanyue for so long, I still have no control over the whole situation!" Zheng Yuanshan shook his head slightly.

"Don't say this, Zheng Shu, you should raise your wounds first. There are still many things waiting for you to do it!" Ji Feng said with a smile. "Since some people have not stumbled us this time, it should fall. That's them!"


Zheng Yuanshan’s eyes flashed with cold light. The attack was no less than a ghost door. He not only scared him, but gave him a glimpse of it. It’s too much to look forward to before, which leads to some The man did not put him in his eyes, and even dared to start with him.

Zheng Yuanshan’s injury is not light, and it is not just a trauma. The impact of the explosion has caused him to have a slight concussion. The internal organs have also been shaken. The doctor can’t visit it for too long, so Ji Feng just stood in the ward for a while, then left.

At the same time, an explosive news spread in South Guangdong.

The central government made a decision and issued a notice. The secretary of the South Guangdong Provincial Party Committee was exempted!

This news has turned into a reality that some rumors of rumors have become a reality, causing great shocks in South Guangdong. As the top leader of South Guangdong, it was removed from this shock. This is simply to say that it is directly pulling out the banner of Wujia in South Guangdong!

Although, in the notice, it is very euphemistic, just saying that XX comrades no longer serve as the secretary of the South Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, waiting for the new appointment, but in fact, everyone sees it, this is the most powerful punch of Jijia, directly to Wujia The iconic characters in South Guangdong were defeated!

No matter where the big man will be in the future, at least, starting today, Nanyue will no longer be the back garden of the Wu family!

Ji Jia’s heavy punches and sharp offensives made people feel dizzy.

This news is shocking to the outside world, shaking the Quartet.

This means that the sphere of influence of the Wu family has been greatly weakened. Now I am afraid that there will be only one piece in the northwest, and it will be tossed by the martial arts.

If the Wu family does not have the ability to turn over, then this is probably the beginning of the Wu family that has been going downhill in recent years!

Even the roots are gone, how can you stand firm?

This is simply equal to being interrupted by a leg!

Nanyue was shocked, Yanjing was shaking, and all the factions could not help but look at each other!

And this also makes people realize that what is really going to be irritating the Ji’s behemoth.

Under the shocking news, the news that Shao Jie was released was unattended, just like a small stone was thrown into the sea, and it was not shocking!

When Ji Feng received the news, he couldn’t help but stunned!

Wujia, actually chose Bao Shaojie, and gave up the South Guangdong Provincial Party Secretary this general!

Is Shao Jie so important to the Wu family? To be precise, is Wu Zhengxiang so important?

You know, even if Shao Jie is involved in the attack, there is no clear evidence to date that he must have colluded with the dynasty. Although everyone knows that there must be a relationship between them, they can’t take it. How is he, because there is no evidence, at most I am afraid that Shao Jie will be lightly sentenced on other charges, or even just criminal detention!

But even so, the Wu family did not want to, but it was hard to take the job of the secretary of the South Guangdong Provincial Party Committee in exchange for Shao Jie's peace, which is really some of the expectations of Ji Feng.

However, when Zhang Lei heard the news, it was immediately ignited.


Zhang Lei couldn't help but scream and turned to Guo Tao and Yao Zhijian. "Come with me, I will raise the bitch, bring the guy!"

Yao Zhijian suddenly nodded excitedly: "Well!"

Guo Tao is somewhat hesitant. "Do we not act very well?"

Zhang Lei waved his hand: "This is not an action. I just want to see how arrogant this **** is!"

The attack of Ji Feng and Zheng Yuanshan is related to this Shao Jie. Now the **** is actually released. Although the Wu family paid a very heavy price for it, Shao Jie was unscathed. This is Zhang Lei. How are they not allowed?

If you let Shao Jie go so lightly, Zhang Lei can't swallow this breath.


Zhang Lei said in a deep voice.

Yao Zhijian suddenly said: "But we don't know where Shao Jie is!"

Zhang Lei said: "I came to inquire, he can't go anywhere!"


"Shaw, you can figure it out, I have been worried these days!"

At the gate of the military area, he saw Shao outstanding, and he couldn’t help but say that he had been waiting at the door.

Shao Jie held his head and shouted: "How dare they treat me?"

Yan Yadong couldn't help but shake his head and smiled. They didn't treat you like that. Isn't that because of your identity? Moreover, they did not move you, does not mean that there is no martial arts, now the Wu family is almost equal to being interrupted by a leg!

"Hurry up the bus, go to the bath and go to the mildew..." When Yan Yadong’s words were not finished, he suddenly heard the roar of the engine suddenly coming. He turned his head and immediately saw a car flying fast. Driving, there is no sign of slowing down.

"Shao Jie, flashing away!" Yan Yadong shouted.

Shao Jie was also shocked. He hurriedly turned and went to the side of the car next to Yan Yadong. However, the high-speed galloped car was suddenly turned in the direction and directly hit the car of Yan Yadong.


Zhai Yadong’s car was suddenly hit by a few meters, and it happened to touch Shao Jie’s body.

"Ah-!" Shao Jie screamed, and the whole person rolled over.

The scene was dusty, and Yan Yadong was even more shocked and shouted: "Shao Jie!"


Shao Jie screamed and rolled on the ground, apparently not hurt.

The two soldiers standing at the gate of the military area rushed over and asked aloud: "What happened? Is anyone injured?"

"Grass! Have you seen your eyes, I am dying, can't you see them?!" Shao Jie hurts and screams and screams, "Put the king's egg on the car and grab it!"

The two warriors looked at each other but did not move.

"Sorry, we are not policemen, we have no power to arrest people!" said one soldier. "We can help you call an ambulance!"


Shao Jie really wants to swear, you have no power to arrest people? Who the **** is it that brought me here? what?

The pain in his leg made him only screaming and screaming.

Yan Yadong hurriedly called an ambulance, and at the same time angered: "The people in the car, come down! Can you not see the people?"

"See it!"

Just then, a sneer came: "I am hitting him!"

When Yan Yadong heard the words, he saw three young people coming down from the car. All three of them were not looking good. The one headed was cold.

"I just said what you said? What do you mean by this?" Yan Yadong angered.

"What do you mean?"

The young man sneered: "That's what it means! Shao Jie, come today, some accounts we have to count!"

The person is not good!

When this was said, Yan Yadong and Shao Jie suddenly reacted. These three young people are coming to Shaojie. It is no wonder that they just crashed without slowing down. This is clearly the life of Shao Jie!


When Shao Jie was so angry, he suddenly angered: "How old are you, check with me? Kid, if you don't kill you, my mother will reverse the name and write it!"

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