The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3075: I have to see it!

For three days, the No. 1 island was under attack by missiles!

This made Ji Feng and others see the madness of the Vietnamese people, and they also got a lot of information from them. Even if you don't contact the above, you can only see it from the crazy move of the Vietnamese people. This is the dog's jump on the wall!

Obviously, the northern army of Vietnam is unable to hold on, I am afraid that it may be eaten by the Southwest China Army at any time!

You know, this missile is not a gun, it is not a fight. Every time a missile is fired, it can be money. When the country of the United States played a certain Middle Eastern country, it was said that the price of each missile was about one million, and it was not a Chinese currency. What is more, the country that Vietnam is almost completely dependent on imports?

For the three days of bombardment, I am afraid that I will be able to arm a mechanized division. This is definitely not a small amount for Vietnam.

Moreover, even with the use of missiles, there has not been continuous bombardment. This is still using the Chinese fleet to intercept the missiles of the Vietnamese country. If you do not intercept, you can imagine how many missiles will land on the No. 1 island.

"The Vietnamese people can't hold on, this is the last madness!" sneered into the eternal war. "I'm afraid I will see ours!"

"The missile bombardment does not work. The Vietnamese people will send people to land on the No. 1 island, so we must be careful." Tan Yong nodded and said.

Ji Feng asked: "Now the monitoring of the whole island is still working?"

Tan Yong looked at the battle forever. On the island, the troops that can play and transfer those complicated equipments, only the special forces of the special warfare brigade, so the monitoring and launching system on the island are all by the special operations brigade. Responsible.

Nod to the eternal war, he said: "Basically, it is working normally, but the bombardment of the missile has also destroyed many places, so there is still a gap."

Tan Yong said immediately; "That must be careful."

After a moment of indulgence for the eternal war, he said: "From this evening, we can't continue to hide in this hole. Looking at the crazy look of the Vietnamese people, I am afraid it will be almost this evening, unless they want to lose the whole Fleet, otherwise, I guess they will sneak in tonight."

"Would you like to do a division of labor?" Tan Yong asked.

"of course!"

Nodded to Yongzhan: "According to the fortifications built by the Vietnamese people on the island, there are three places to land. The Pioneer Camp has the largest number of people. It is divided into two parts to take charge of these two places. The special warfare team is responsible for one of the places."

Tan Yong immediately nodded and said: "No problem."

Looking at the eternal battle, I also looked at Ji Feng and said: "Brother, don't say that I look down on you. For the time being, let your people take the reserve team first, and there is a cliff on the east side of the island. It’s not impossible, but it’s too difficult. It’s only a place to prevent it. It’s not important to send troops to arm, so it’s hard to turn around here!”

Ji Feng smiled and nodded: "Yes, no problem! I am here to learn, there is no other idea!"

For the situation of the team, Ji Feng is still very measured. He knows that although the team is a veteran, but he and Zhang Lei are rookies for this kind of war, they need to study hard.

"That's good, since there are no opinions, then we are so sure!" said to Yong Yong, "Now take the time to rest for a while, and wait for the missile to be bombarded. I am afraid that the time of the fierce battle will come."

Ji Feng frowned and asked: "Can the country be a deceptive bombing?"

The Vietnamese people are not fools. Everyone knows this kind of conventional tactics. When the missile bombardment stops, it is sure to send troops to land. So, if the country crosses a time difference?

For example, the current missiles are directly positioned. The Vietnamese know where the missiles will hit the first island, and the high precision will make the error within a small range.

If the Vietnamese people want to land on the west side of the No. 1 island, then they will deliberately bombard the south side. In this case, the deception is still very strong!

Here is still waiting for the bombardment to stop, but in fact people have sent troops to land, and when people hit the island, this is known, it is late!

Laughing to Yongzheng: "When you are a special warfare battalion, you are eating dry rice? It has already been arranged, and some people have statistically calculated the landing point of the missile. I guess the Vietnamese people will definitely attack by sneak attack, so I have already arranged it, just wait for them to come over!"

Ji Fengxiao asked: "If the Vietnamese people are really stupid, they do not take such deceptive tactics, but as you said, when the bombardment stops, they will launch an attack, then your arrangement is not a waste of force. ?"

"These situations are taken into account!"

To Yongyou said: "Brother, do you know what our biggest advantage is now? It is the terrain of this island! The island is suitable for landing places. As long as we hold it, it can be changed invariably! Even if the Vietnamese people are airborne on the island, I am not afraid! Moreover, even if I have any omissions, is there still you?"

Ji Feng suddenly smiled and said: "You don't want to count on me too much, you still have to arrange in the fight!"

Laughing to Yongzhan: "I have already arranged it!"

"That's good!"

Ji Feng nodded and smiled, and he was very reassured to command him forever. After all, it was not a rookie to fight forever. The war was not once or twice. Both experience and ability are first-class.

But in fact, it is very surprising to the performance of Ji Feng in the battle forever.

A person who has not really been on the battlefield can think of several possibilities, and the analysis is very reasonable. It is like the performance of a veteran who is used to it.

The original season maple has performed quite well in other aspects, and it is no problem. It can be said that he can still be so comprehensive in this respect.

"This guy is really enough to hit people!" He couldn't help but scream.

Facts have proved that Ji Feng’s fears are correct.

The Vietnamese people did not follow the routine, but they did not enter the night. The number of missiles that landed on the island was obviously a lot. Nearly every ten or twenty minutes, a missile would land on the island.

At the same time, the soldiers who have been responsible for monitoring the entire island have found traces of the enemy.

The Vietnamese people have landed secretly from the southwest corner of the island.

Ji Feng and others looked at each other and sneered at Yong Yong. "The Vietnamese people will really choose the place. This is just the weak point of the whole island defense, and it is also the place where the bombardment is the most dense."

Tan Yong said: "This shows that the Vietnamese people have long been prepared. They have already lost this battle plan on the first island. If they are not the southwestern army, they will pack dumplings from the northern army of Vietnam. I am afraid that the Vietnamese people will The strategic goal can really be achieved."

Nodded to Yongzhan and said: "The Vietnamese are not idiots!"

Ji Feng smiles, if the Vietnamese people are idiots, then they will not fight against China for so many years, but also can get strong support from countries such as the United States.

On the contrary, in fact, since the last war, Vietnam has been studying China’s tactics and strategic thinking for decades. The military’s combat effectiveness is not all slag. In fact, the Vietnamese army is still very combative, at least from the equipment. In the above, the fleet of the South China Sea is not comparable to the fleet of the Vietnam.

"Not much nonsense, start acting! Let's do our job, keep in touch, start!"

When they hit the next island, they have already checked around the island. Most of the soldiers are familiar with the terrain on the island and are deeply in mind.

So this time, everyone’s actions are very fast.

After separating from Yong Yong and Tan Yong, Ji Feng took the team to the east. Although the east side of No. 1 Island is a cliff, it is not completely impossible to land here. If it is a special force, it will be landed here. I can really beat them by surprise!

Zhang Lei looked dignified. Through this war, he realized his own deficiencies, so he always had a learning attitude and did not dare to care.

The Yue people also built fortifications on the edge of the cliff on the east side. After arriving, Ji Feng immediately ruled out that three people came out of the fortifications and came to the cliff to be responsible for covert investigation.


At this time, there was an explosion in the distance, and it was obvious that the special war brigade or the pioneer camp had already handed over to the Vietnamese people.

"Lei Zi, you are responsible for bringing people here to guard, I bring a few people around to go around!" Ji Feng said, they have no movement here, Ji Feng intends to look elsewhere in the island.

"You have to be careful." Zhang Lei said.

"Do not worry!" Ji Feng patted his shoulder, turned and took the white beads and two team members left.

The battle started in the southwest direction, while Ji Feng was inserted obliquely from the east to the northwest. He not only had to patrol, but also to see if the monitoring along the way was still working.

"June less!"

Suddenly, the white bead that was walking in front of it suddenly stopped, and turned back and forth again and again.

Ji Feng looked a glimpse, suddenly understood, there are people in front!

He immediately sneaked forward and came to Baizhu. He saw Baizhu pointing to the front. There was a burning wood, but it was not burned. There were some trunks burnt with charcoal. The ground was pitted. The original jungle was hard-boiled by missiles into hilly terrain.

At this time, they were kneeling behind a mound. Jifeng looked at it and immediately saw that in the distant woods, some people were shaking, and there seemed to be many people.

These people are also wearing camouflage uniforms and carrying a lot of weapons, but they are definitely not Chinese, and this is what they see.

Vietnamese people!

They really sneak up!

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