The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 139: Three Days

It was already night when I got out of Nysia's Special Absorption Room. Though she estimated 5 hours, it took me 6 hours to completely empty its tank. It seems I'm still wrong about her. Her absorption rate as a Transcendent was still higher than me.

When I checked the progress I gained from that grueling 6 hours, the 9% progress soared up to 33%. It's really slowing down the higher the percentage I reach. In any case, it's a lot of progress for one day.

Nysia welcomed me back with a towel and food she herself prepared. Watching me eating what she cooked, Nysia enjoyed it more than the progress she gained through her 5 hours inside that Absorption Room.

Though Lexie has started to become suspicious because I was called and stayed at her room for another 6 hours after the more than 3 hours earlier, she interpreted it as Nysia becoming fond of her new recruit.

"You really wouldn't stay?"

Nysia asked when I'm about to leave her room, there's a hopeful glint in her eyes that seems to be wishing for me to stay with her.

The other three were waiting for me at their hotel to celebrate my welcome party. I don't know who suggested that but the three seem to have come to a unanimous decision. That's most likely not a welcome party but to hear the news about my assessment.

After knowing each other, despite their opposing factions, the fact that they all came from Earth was starting to be above that. Maybe I should have Nysia do the poaching but there's a possibility that those factions will cry and possibly go to war against the League if that happened. Those three were guaranteed to become a Mythic-rank after all.

"Un. I'll be back tomorrow, Nysia. Those three, well, I also need to know what will happen to them. Our purpose here isn't to serve any of the factions, it's probably time to wake those three up but our strength was still insufficient."

Only when I explained it to her like this did Nysia nod and asked for 10 more minutes just like earlier where we just stayed next to each other. Before I left, she gave me two spheres which contained a Powergen and a Metagen. Both were just the League's standard models, the same Powergen and Metagen which I used during the simulation. She already reviewed my assessment and for my protection, she had those prepared for me just in case.

After arriving at the hotel, I immediately saw Kazeyoshi waving at me at one corner. I went to them and pulled the chair next to him.

Like I thought, they asked me what happened to my assessment and why I stayed for almost half a day there.

Well, I couldn't really tell them that I made the Head of the League as my Companion, right? So instead of that, I told them the result and that I became a Core Pilot of the Primeval Aegis League.

Though they expected it, the three were still surprised that it happened just like that.

Err... Becoming Nysia's man most probably became a huge factor. If I was in her place, I wouldn't put someone in the highest position even if he had some heaven-defying talent or skills. However, if I was also suspicious of the recruit, I would put him as close as possible to monitor him. I guess some of her subordinates would interpret it like that.

After a few more topics, we spent the following hours in leisure with Amry and Kazeyoshi bickering towards each other again. Matthew was as silent as ever, most probably that's the reason why he got the 'Silent' adjective on his title.

Once they're done, we all retire to our rooms. They got one for me as well.

In the blink of an eye, three days had passed. The three were finally being called back to their respective factions. As to what came out of their superiors' heads, there's no mention except that they were all called back to report and continue on their duty.

After reminding them of what to do and what we should do, the four of us separated. I had their contacts so it's fairly easy to update us of each other's status and we made that as some kind of rule between us.

During three days, we deepened our bond as the 4 Heroes who came from Earth so the decision of their factions to let them stay here became more advantageous for me to change their mindset and outlook. They might still be under their respective factions but their priority will now be for our real purpose here.

Also during the three days, I went back and forth to Nysia's room to continue using her Absorption Room. Two more six-hour sessions raised the percentage from 33 to 60%. Due to how it keeps on slowing down despite absorbing the same amount of Meta Energy, I still might need five or six more days using that device before I achieve my first breakthrough in the 3rd realm of my pathway.

That device was really proven too effective for me. Without the worry of a lightning bolt or the surroundings withering, I unrelentingly keep up to maximize my control of energy which in turn gave me some progress on my Adaptability as well. Small progress is still a progress, no matter how small.

Also during the three days, the Support Incarnation cooldown ended so I sent it to check on Zerina and Yuko who was already summoned back in the World of Systems to spend time with them.

Yuko still hasn't become a Transcendent. She told me that she needed to prepare for it first.

The calls were also used to check upon the other girls especially Yumiko who also said the same thing as Yuko.

10 minutes everyday isn't that long so I will always spare some time for it to check on them. The voice call was somewhat ignored even if it has lower cooldown since video call is better to see their actual state there.

Due to that, Nysia was already introduced to all of them. As the only Transcendent, she's like a senior to them who always gives bits of advice in terms of cultivation. She also knew that even if the Pathways were different, there were a lot of similarities between each of them so that's where she's basing her bits of advice.

"They already left?"

This is the first question Nysia asked me when I showed up again in her room.

Though that's the first question, the first thing she would do when I showed up these past days was to pull me to sit or lay down next to her in bed whenever we're alone. After the official business where I would report to her or she would tell me some news, it would be our time where we would just talk about this world or the world I've been to. That became our leisure time and the way for us to know more about each other.

Seeing me being called back each day, Lexie gave me a pass for the VIP Elevator so that she wouldn't need to waste her time escorting me back and forth.

Turns out, Nysia already ordered her to do that since the first day but she rejected because of how she saw it inappropriate for a man and a woman to be alone together for hours on end.

Err… I couldn't blame her for that reasoning. That's why, to calm her down, I asked Nysia about Lexie and when she told me how she's the closest to her and someone who's with her since the founding of the League, I told her to finally reveal our relationship to her.

Though she was filled in disbelief at first, it was soon replaced by her joy about Nysia finally getting herself a man. Which made the latter be embarrassed for the rest of the day.

"Yes, I have their contacts but… it's still uncertain what their factions will do."

Hearing my answer, Nysia who's still in her League Head mode despite us laying down next to each other nodded before pulling out the tablet PC she always used.

"The three factions are always crafty but they will not be able to do a thing to your friends, if they do, they will just lose a future Mythic-rank so I think they will be lenient and stop pitting them against each other."

"I hope that's the case. About my first official mission as your Core Pilot…"

"Un. There's a report about the Darkbugs near the area between our city and the route to the Moonlight Confederate. Although I don't want you to go, you want to know more about this world through your own eyes, right? Also, this might be a way to raise your prestige. In time, we won't need to hide our connection anymore..."

"Right. I also need to work on that so they won't find fault at you taking someone new as your man. Well, there's also the route of shutting them all down using my fist if they react."

Upon hearing my answer, Nysia was forcefully pulled out of her League Head mode as she started giggling cutely as a reaction to it.

It took her a minute to recover and went back to finish talking about my first mission

"I'll send you on patrol tomorrow to that location along with some Elite Members. However, beware a little of them since they will surely be a lackey of an Executive who might curry favor with you. Just ignore those idiots who wanted to do some power play in this organization."

"Alright. I'll keep that in mind."

Patrolling the Area. There's no active threat currently but I'll keep my eyes open for any. With the Alien Civilization quiet for months along with the warning from the Principal, they might show up soon.

When we're done with the official business, I spent the rest of the day with Nysia along with using the Absorption Room and some combat training inside the Virtual Simulation with her.

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