The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 190: Ending the Show

[Sword Skill Creator has completely analyzed your Sword Attack.]

[A simple slash imbued not only by Swordforce but also by the intent to show dominance. Since it's not a Sword Skill, the force delivered wasn't optimized. The Sword Skill Creator can optimize it for your use.]

[Do you want to register it as a Sword Skill?]

A series of notifications showed up after delivering that attack. The system recognized it as some type of sword skill that can be optimized. However, do I really need to make that simple slash as one of my self-created sword skills?

It's a bit unnecessary for now. That simple slash can be improved later on if I get more inspiration on how to do it. Not just putting in the intent to show dominance. I needed something more.

After choosing neither of the two options, I turned my focus back to the terrified Enthroned Prince. He was speechless but he's not moving from where he is. With his cockpit cut open by my sword, he's now more vulnerable to direct attacks. As a Transcendent, he could surely escape from me if he became truly desperate and decided to leave his Ultimate Metagen here.

"How about this, Enthroned Prince? Are you still unconvinced?"

Of course he is.

My voice brought him back from his current stunned state and when he realized that I was looking down at him from above, Julian gritted his teeth and tried to pull the Fireblood Sovereign away.


I didn't hesitate to stomp the feet of the Darkgen I was piloting right on top of him. Though it didn't damage his Fireblood Sovereign at all, the force was enough to stop him. Using that opportunity, I covered the sword with the Energy Thread before stabbing it on his Ultimate Metagen's crowned head.

And as expected, the series of notifications regarding that showed up.

[Energy Thread has been successfully connected]

[Energy Drain has started.]

[Draining Rate: 24 units of Meta Energy/second]

[Will be interrupted if the thread is cut or pulled out.]

"Huh? What is this?!"

As soon as that happened, apart from his somewhat desperate face to get away, panic appeared on his face when he felt his energy start to be drained.

His only option at the moment was to leave his Fireblood Sovereign and escape with his real body but knowing him, he wouldn't do that. His ego would stop him.

During all of that, I kept my senses locked onto the Imperial Guardian who was cautiously watching from the distance.

From what I've shown him of how easily I pinned the Enthroned Prince, he probably started doubting their chances to prevail against me. Just with the clones, they're already struggling to cope with it earlier. If he put me in the equation, it's a foregone conclusion that they will be dominated.

"Liam! What are you waiting for?! Attack him now!"

Since he couldn't get away, Julian who refused to escape and continued his struggle shouted from inside his Metagen.

If not for trying to preserve as many Transcendents on our side as possible, I won't really mind cutting their numbers down. This Enthroned Prince is certainly full of his own ego. Even if he was already played by the Emperor to do his bidding, I'm guessing that in his mind, he's the one on top.

At least that's what I observed from this brief interaction with him. Elise and the situation, he probably believed that it's all under his own control. I wonder what sweet words did the Emperor say to stroke this guy's ego?

"Alright. Julian isn't convinced. What about you, old man Liam? I don't have all day. I've already shown you what I can do. For now I won't go further than this. However, this is the only time I will be this lenient..."

Though my words were directed to Liam, my Transcendent Aura expanded and added another pressure on the Enthroned Prince. From the screen, blood has already started to leak from his mouth due to his continuous attempt to leave the influence of my Darkgen and with that added pressure, he might really cough out a mouthful of blood if he continued struggling.

Liam, on the other hand, ignored Julian's shouts. He was clearly conflicted and took at least 2 minutes before his voice delivered his answer. Whoever calmed him down earlier was probably telling him not to trust my words but apparently that didn't work this time.

"… What you said about the Dark World… is that true?" 

After hearing it, I couldn't help but grin at it. The Imperial Guardian finally gave me the reaction I was waiting for. All this time of showing my strength and establishing the prestige of a newly transcended individual, it's all to let them think twice about their current situation.

It's time to wrap this up...

"Do I have a reason to lie? You know why we are summoned in this world. I can't provide proof but you can start guessing on why they're in need of a lot of regenium."

I don't think they're stupid enough to not see through their purpose of gathering all those regenium. They were neglecting that fact due to their desire to become stronger than Nysia. That's what the Emperor took advantage of which led to the current situation of this world. If Nysia didn't appear, the world would probably be more chaotic than how it is now.

At least that could be said about the driving force for the three of them, as for the Emperor. If he's really how Leianne described him to be, he probably made a lot of contingency plans for his ambition to take this world for himself.

In any case, he's probably starting to get restless when things started to go wrong after Nysia's discovery. I should expect an encounter with him soon.

"I know. Of course, I noticed their purpose but I am turning my head away from it. Not just me, every one of us does. You see, their Source Energy is our only hope to advance further."

"That's where you're wrong. That's not your only hope, Liam. Let me show you."

I'm still not clear about the situation of the higher worlds but considering that Ancient Ruins and the bits of information that the old man in the mansion ruins managed to let slip from his mouth, not every higher worlds are like this Dark World.

Since the Domain of Valor and Bulwark of Invulnerability only give buffs on recognized ally, I tried switching my view of him.

When I changed my view of him to an ally, his body was instantly engulfed by the buff provided by the two. The Quintuple Shields materialized in front of him and his aura was strengthened. He's clear of his own strength, the Domain of Valor alone could add more than 35 power levels and it will increase further along with the growth in my stats.


"That's not all. For the few months since I started to tread on this path. Those around me experienced unnatural growth. I won't say it is my influence but that's a possibility."

After that I reverted my view of him back to someone not an ally which instantly erased the buff he received regardless of its remaining duration.

"I can guess who you're communicating with but considering the information I heard about him, with his ambition, he's a lot more harder to convince than this egotistical guy."

"I'm not egotistical!"

"Alright. Delusional then. Julian, you're also not stupid and you heard everything I said. You two won't tell me anything so I can only guess for now. In any case, this show has to end, you two can't pin me down here or even threaten me with your strength."

The guy below my feet could only silently grit his teeth but he clearly knew that it's true. Even if both of them go all out, I still have a lot hidden in my sleeves.

"Old Man Liam, come to the Free City if you decide to work with us. We have no time left. Like I said, this will be the only time I will extend my hand to you. Choose well."

As soon as I finished saying that, the Aura of Concealment covered the Darkgen.

It got dragged until this point but that's all I need. That reaction from the Imperial Guardian. The Dark World denizens wouldn't become an ally, the Anzeans have a small possibility but I wouldn't bet on that without enough information. These native Transcendents however... they can still be converted. But of course, I wouldn't completely trust them if they decided to turn over a new leaf and that Emperor probably prepared something for the occasion they started doubting their cause.

During that Transcendent Mind Trial, I already envisioned what I have to do next. 

I had this nagging feeling that the battle here will be much more different than in other worlds which only needed one Hero. Before the descent of Transcendents from a higher world, I'll aim to cleanse this world and unit them. Along with that, increase the Transcendents starting with the three Heroes.

There are other ways to stimulate someone's growth as I've seen during the war in the World of Barbarians.  A lot of them managed to increase their cultivation base and became close to breakthrough. There's also that instance when Trax tried to breakthrough during our final match at that competition.

As I left the area while hidden under the Aura of Concealment, I threw one last glance to the two Transcendents who stayed hovering there. Their intimidation failed and instead they suffered another setback but at least I let that old man taste the benefit of being someone I considered an ally, he'll start considering that.

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