The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 204: Departure

"Report. The capital of the Empire has surrendered and is now under Imperial Princess Leianne's authority. The loyalists of the Emperor who tried to escape were all captured and were sent into jail waiting for their trial. The other members of the Imperial Family are locked inside their estates and will be put under thorough investigation."

Lunaria reported after arriving in the city from the Empire.

Later at night, the Support Recall will be used by Hikari to summon me in her Otherworld. With Nysia here at my side, we're already spending the last hours together.

It's not like I'll be gone for long and after arriving there, I will send the Support Incarnation here. But this girl... Like Yuko and the others, they will always want my real body to be with them and not just an Incarnation.

"Did Leianne stay there?"

It's already a new day. When the reserve troops took over the mine, Nysia and I pulled back from the frontlines. Leianne stayed behind to lead the troops at taking over the Empire with Lunaria accompanying her.

Leianne also took her father's corpse from me to bury him in their ancestral tomb. I didn't say anything and she also didn't mention anything. No grievance nor condolence. She simply took his body and silently left.

That's still her father who probably doted on her as she grew up. Maybe she will mourn for him secretly but she will never show it to us.

Whether she will look at me differently, that's already on her. She's different from her father so I won't hold whatever he did against her.

"Yes. She wanted to stabilize the unrest that was happening in the Empire before handing it to her grandfather."

Lunaria nodded.

"I see."

Nysia doesn't have any ambition to control the world, she just wanted to unite everyone to fight back against the enemies of this world. Giving it back to them is better than holding onto it. As long as they don't go back to their old ways of feeding the enemy then they're good.

"Lunaria, can you ask her if she can come back here before nightfall? Elise as well."

Nysia chimed in before sending me a teasing smile. 

Ah. This girl... Why is she like Yuko when it comes to this?

"I understand. But why? Both the Empire and Eldur are still unstable. The Enthroned Prince's concubines and offspring were trying to contest for the throne and the same thing is happening at the Empire."

Julian didn't die but he's more or less crippled. Liam and one of the Anzean Transcendents dealt with him at the same time as we're dealing with Lucas. His concubines and offsprings from them surely have a legitimate claim but what can they do? Without strength, they just wanted to hold onto a worldly power. The world is already chaotic as it is so there's no way I'll let Eldur rot in their hands.

Elise, as his wife, will take over ruling it. She's also the strongest among the citizens of Eldur after all. They don't have any heir because apparently, Julian never consummated his marriage with Elise despite being too obsessed towards her. He wanted her to always be pure and untainted. That's why his reactions were always extreme when it concerns her. Apart from his loyal subordinates like that Viper, no man was allowed to interact with her. Most of those who worked for her Light's Cradle were female.

Well, that's according to Amry.

"Tell me. What do you think of Daisuke?"


Lunaria was confused when instead of answering her why, Nysia asked a different question.

"Just answer it."

"I respect him..."


"T-that's it."

Nysia nodded at her answer before turning to me. Clearly, she's asking for my consent if she could tell her about it.

My departure will be a kept secret as a precaution against the Dark World as well as the Anzeans. It will only be known to a select few. Apart from the Nysia, the three Heroes and the two Transcendents, we're thinking if we will also tell it to Lunaria, Leianne, Elise and Dannae as well.

Nysia knew that those four women were the closest to me and she even called them as my candidate Companions.

Following our wedding, when Nysia's not around, my time was really spent among the four of them.

Lunaria who's always there to report to me while chatting about various things such as her rule as the Moonlight Queen in place of her mother.

Leianne who often talks to me about the plans she thinks of for the betterment of the world. I will entertain her ideas and we will spend hours perfecting it. 

Elise who would look for me for comfort while complaining about the troubles she faced at managing the Light's Cradle as well as being the Ambassador to the Anzeans whenever she gets free time.

Lastly, Dannae who only has me and Nysia she considered as close friends or more than that. Whenever she will have a break from the training we put her under, she will laze around with me while asking me about my adventures through various worlds.

It's true that upon being my companion, one will receive a huge boost. But can I really exploit it? If I take everyone in, will my system recognize them as my Companion?

That's only some of my apprehension why I'm not acting upon it and I really need to think first whether I only have goodwill towards them or I'm already drawn towards them. Just like how I got drawn into my current Companions.

Being away from them might become the trial period for that.

"Daisuke will be leaving later at night.  That's why I want you three to be here. You three were always with him these past few days. Ah. Not three. There's another one."

"Why? Where will he go?"

Lunaria's shoulders turned stiff upon hearing the first sentence and her eyes immediately focused on me. The following sentences were probably ignored by her as the most important piece of information for her is the first sentence.

"To another world. So if you want to say something to him, you'll have your chance later."

"… I understand."

There was a pause as Lunaria locked gazes with me before nodding her head at Nysia. She then turned around and went out of the room, leaving Nysia and me alone.

As to what she thought of during that brief moment, I guess I'll hear about it later.

"What do you think, husband?"

"You want more sisters."

"Un. As long as you're not forcing yourself to take them in then it's fine. And make sure you also feel the same way they do about you."

First, it was only Yuko. And now, even Nysia is advocating for me to take more girls.

Err... Of course, I won't take just anyone, there's still that orb holder that I haven't met yet. For sure, it's a woman and someone that was really destined for me.

Maybe the others weren't destined but through our experiences together, our destinies were slowly forged. That's the closest guess I can think of.

"I know. And I'm not some dense or indecisive guy who would hesitate anyway. Do you remember when I first kissed you?"

"… How could I forget? That was my first kiss but you didn't let me savor it. Here. Make up for it for the rest of your life."

Nysia hit my shoulder as a show of her frustration from that stolen first kiss before pulling onto my collar.

"As you wish, wife."

I answered with words and immediately followed it with action. I grabbed her from her waist and put her on my lap.

There's only the two of us in the room. Though she appeared to be frustrated, that stolen kiss was just part of the reason. Even if she doesn't voice it out, this girl doesn't want to see me leave.

Unfortunately, I have to go. That's why before that appointed time, I decided to spend it all with her.



"Well, this place is perfect."

I said as I examined the area. It's the basement of the Nysia Tower. Everyone that would see me off was already gathered.

The four women were all here. Earlier, we got the time to talk alone while informing them of my departure. They had various reactions, however, one thing that stood out was their hesitation to confess what they wanted to say to me.

Apart from Dannae who somehow expressed it by asking me to hug her like how he saw me doing it with Nysia, the other three were somewhat reserved or holding themselves back. Especially Leianne. She was too stiff and didn't know what to say. That's expected when we're the ones responsible for her father's death. For her to hurry back was already something I appreciated.

Well, due to that, they now also have at least 2 weeks to think about it, like me.

"It has to be out of our potential enemies' eyes. So yes, this is more than perfect."

Amry supported my statement.

"Right. If you can't go back in two weeks. You don't have to worry, Daisuke. Our Door of Transcendence will arrive in 3 days."

Kazeyoshi declared. They really worked hard to make that breakthrough to Diamond-rank. As soon as that happened they all called for the Door of Transcendence. All the Transcendents on our side gave some pointers for them so they're also back here to properly prepare themselves for that.

"Go save that world, Daisuke."

Matthew and his short sentence properly conveyed his message.

I nodded at the three before casting my gaze to the four women at the side who all had different expressions on their faces.

Well, there's no need to say goodbye since my Incarnation will be sent here as soon as I arrive there.

I walked over Nysia and kissed her once more which she returned in more passion. Those with us couldn't help but be embarrassed at watching us make out in front of them.

And during all that. The notification finally arrived.


[Heroine Akarui Hikari has used Support Recall]

[Recall Reason: You instructed me to use this. We're waiting for you.]

[If you accept the recall, a portal will open that will send you to her location.]

[If you reject the recall, please state your reason and it will be sent to her.]

Well, of course, I will accept it. A new world again and this time, a world that's already in a harsher condition than this World.

Whatever it is that's waiting for me there, I can only look forward to it.

[You accepted the Support Recall.]

[A portal will now be generated in front of you.]

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