The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 215: Training the Elites

"That old man is right. I will really meet someone who will help me reach Transcendence."

Boris said after they landed. His eyes contained too much enthusiasm that if it's not for the commanding presence of the Transcendents, he would surely run up to me excitedly like a kid who was about to enter his favorite ride on an amusement park.

"That old man, is he from Earth?"

"Eh? You know him?"

I see. This guy met the Principal and told him something about his future of meeting me. He's really sly, eh?

"Of course. We're also from Earth. Let's work together."

I stepped back to put Hikari in front of me who waved her hand to the guy. Despite coming from the same world, Hikari probably guessed his origin after being informed by the Principal but this guy was from another country and most possibly another rogue Hero who has just been informed of what he needed to do.

"Amazing! Thank you!"

Unlike the others, this guy is still acting like his age. An innocent one I guess. Is it because of Fleur's influence? In any case, I don't see what's wrong in adding him as one of the Supported Individuals but yeah, I have to see what he can do first. He can undergo the training today and I'll decide after going back from the heist later.

"Out of all the remaining elites of the Human Race. I selected these three."

Arland introduced those behind him after Boris went back to Fleur's side who scolded him for doing that.

The three immediately stepped forward and greeted me with slight reverence. They all have the necessary drive and though they looked exhausted, they still have that shine in their eyes, looking forward to the result of this training from another Zenith Magus.

One is already old enough to be my grandfather, one is a middle-aged man who slightly resembled Arland and the last is a woman who seems to be in her 30's. Out of the 3, only the old man reached the later stages of the Elemental Fusing Realm and if I estimated his Power Level at the moment, it's around 85.

Though Elemental Pathway, Magus and Elementals sound like they're weak in terms of physical attributes, this world isn't a game where everything has their own specialization. The Pathway just involved casting spells but their physical stats were also getting enhanced every time they went up on stage.

There were also Magus who rely on close-range combat, just like that middle-aged man who's probably a relative of Arland. He looked muscular and there's a huge blade slung behind him. His spells were probably made up of anything that could help him in that kind of combat style. Boris also has a whip hanging from his waist. Also, Hikari, despite using her staff like a magic wand, it's sturdy enough to even block a Swordforce-coated Purple Sword of a clone and she's counter-attacking in close range as well.

"And here. You already know Boris, however, these two were also as eager to become a Transcendent."

The other two Elemental stepped forward and introduced themselves. They were both women who are probably siblings due to their uncanny resemblance, the older one wore red garments while the younger wore green. I guess I don't need to guess what's their Main Core anymore. The red one is Fire and the green one is Wind. They're both at the middle stages of Elemental Fusing Realm.

"Armel, Elmer, Isabel, Almira and Mara."

I recited their name again while looking at them one by one. Though I looked way younger than the 5, the reverence that they were showing couldn't be denied.

Well, I was recognized by both of their Transcendents and I let them feel my Transcendent Aura just now.

If they're still not convinced by that, I could also flick their foreheads one by one to see if they would be sent hurtling backwards or not.

Currently, I only have four clones that could fight with them one on one. There's seven of them, including Hikari. Should I just have them fight amongst themselves?

However, my clones wouldn't be able to push them to the limits that they would have to improvise to dodge them. Those clones are still me after all. Though they can't do everything like the original, they're good at identifying weaknesses through the movement of their Energies. During Hikari's training with them, that's the reason why she got quick improvements.

The Special Absorption Room which Nysia ordered to be made for me couldn't be used by them since it also only recognizes Meta Energy. Though we got loot from destroyed Darkgens as well as my Flux Energy, it's proven to be a hard subject for the Researchers who were only exposed to one kind of Source Energy.

There's still the Energy Zone. I guess I'll let them meditate and absorb Elemental Energy while waiting for their turn.

Having decided that, I had them line up to show me their most used spells.

Most used and not the strongest. Everyone will always have something they unconsciously put into their most favorite. Just like how I always used the Air Bullet before or the Clones after the Air Bullets became too weak for me to keep using.

The same could be applied for everyone, by showing me the spell they always use, I will be able to guess how they fought their battles and through that devise something that would become useful to improve their capabilities.

If they fought someone at the same level, experience and combat sense will always be the one that will lead them to victory. That's unless some accident happens.

So... Why do I know all of this? Apart from always observing, it's just a product of my overthinking habit.

"Is it fine for us to observe what training you will put them into?"

Arland asked after they moved back to give us the space.

"Do you still need to observe? You already saw it yesterday. Anyway, I also prepared something for the two of you. How about sparring with me?"

"I would love to but... we don't have the space to do that..."

Fleur answered with short-lived excitement.

"Don't worry, I have a device for that. They will also use it later so... I'll have you two to test it with me."

The Virtual Simulation Capsules. I brought some of it to be used here. Since I already decided to increase the number of Transcendents as fast as possible, I also prepared for every possible training regimen I can put them to.

Though the capsules also only run using Meta Energy, I got the batteries for them. Unlike the Absorption Rooms which gathered large amounts of Energy to be used for cultivation, the capsules were just machines that were akin to appliances. They don't need an exaggerated amount of energy to run them.

Upon hearing my words the two Transcendents were instantly taken in by their curiosity so they also became a bit excited as they waited at the side.

After I'm done analyzing the six Rank 5 Mortals, I picked 3 who would have to wait for their turn against the 4 clones.

Hikari, the old man Elmer and the older of the Elemental siblings Almira.

I activated the Energy Zone on one corner and had the three meditate there while waiting for their turn.

I also asked Arland to create four stages using his expertise on Earth Elemental Spells to separate those who will train under the clones. Afterwards, I added the rule that leaving the stage will result in ending their turn.

The clones this time were all enhanced by the totem. Without Energy Amplification, the clones' strength only reached around Power Level 110. That's more than enough to give them a hard time and push them to their limits.

When everything was set up for them, I returned to where Arland and Fleur were waiting.

The clones who were just standing still started moving and instantly thrashed the four on stage. They're too strong for them that if they don't go all out, they'll be sent flying out in less than a minute.

Hikari and the other two who were meditating opened their eyes and watched those at the same level as them get beaten up by a clone but all of them flashed a hint of excitement as they prepared themselves for their turn.

"Just looking at that, I can feel myself becoming eager to train with them. Do you already have experience in training others before?"

Fleur asked. Her eyes were fixed on Boris and Mara who were struggling against my clones. 

Boris was wielding his whip while conjuring a Sphere of Water to defend against a Purple Sword. Mara was flying around the stage trying to outrun the Energy Explosion Projectiles that was chasing after her. The other two were also in the same predicament but with different circumstances. My clones were already using the result of my analysis to quickly exhaust their Energy Reserves. Only when they were pushed to the limits will this training be truly effective.

"Only once. And it's not as intricate as this."

The Aegis Battalion underwent training from me but that's only to incorporate my combat style to them as well as the battle formation for when I will be in the battlefield with them.

"Only with your ability will this be possible. That Energy Zone was truly amazing. I can only gather Water Element and my control was way below yours. It wouldn't be enough to do something like that. You also have that instant replenishment of energy."

"Un. I'm a Support Expert after all. It fitted my ability. Here, it's your turn. Raising your strength is also one of my objectives. I hate taking the frontline, you see."

After saying that, I took out the spheres which contained the Virtual Simulation Capsules. After lining them up neatly, the two curiously observed it.

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