The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 222: The Tower

"What is honor if it will end with us dying? I get you, Lester. However, not everyone has the same mindset as you. We're a small family to begin with. As a branch of one of the 5 Aristocratic Families, we were diligent in our duties. During our seclusion, we crept closer behind them by producing you. But this… unless we produce another Unparalleled for the race, we're just another heap of bodies they can send in the frontline for them."

The aged voice who's most likely the current head of this family reasoned to the youthful voice who talked about regaining their race's honor earlier.

Considering this is a manor near to that bridge, I thought they would be a lower family. Even if there are only five main Aristocratic Families, each of them has numerous branch families.

And if I take the voice's words at face value, they seemed to have a certain background. Whoever he is, what he said is reasonable. There's no point in gaining back the honor if they will end up dying. That's the logical choice most will pick. Their race is ruled not only by their Unparalleled or Transcendents but also the coming Dark World Transcendents, they're insignificant to them. It's already too late to rebel at this time.

The voices we're hearing came from a room a few steps from the window we jumped in. It's probably the study room of the Family Head. Fleur drew near the closed door to hear it better.

"The World's Will appeared before me, father. It said that someone will help us."

The owner of the youthful voice explained himself.

The World's Will, huh? If that's true then, she's currently observing us. By appearing before this guy who seemed to still have a reason for not wanting to betray the world. Is she trying to help us?

I observed the two from outside the room by sensing the pressure of their energy. Even though both of them are Rank 5 Mortals, the younger one called Lester is stronger than the other.

"The World's Will. Are you sure about that? If someone else finds out that you have contact with it, let alone a trial, the Rattori Family will kill us all. They're the ones who decided for our race to hug onto the foreign invaders' legs."

"I know, father. That's why I only tell you about this. You're still the head of our family. I will follow your decisions."

"… Did the World's Will mention when will that help arrive?"

"Yes! Tonight!"

Lester answered in a way that it failed to hide his excitement.

There's no doubt. It's talking about us. But do I need to appear before them? Honestly, their strength is already insignificant. At this stage, only those who have a chance to become a Transcendent matter.

Besides, there's a possibility that they will not look favorably on us. Two Transcendents walking inside the heart of their territory undetected. That's something unimaginable. But here we are.

"They mentioned the World's Will. What do you think, Daisuke?"

Fleur became interested when it now involved the World's Will. If earlier it's just like an empty talk about rebelling against their race, now it could probably become something bigger. I'm fairly certain that someone who will help them is us.

"Let's check the manor first. They're talking about rebelling. It's safe to assume that someone might be spying on them. Also, we're only here to pass the time. Let's focus on that first."

There are still 3 minutes and when the aura wears off. By then, we needed to wait for another 10 minutes to continue our infiltration.

With our speed, we separated from each other to cover more area in a short time. And after accounting every person in the manor, we met in front of that door once again.

"No traps are triggered and no one is actively spying. Apart from the two in here, I counted at least 20 more whose strength ranges from Rank 4 and Rank 3 Mortals, excluding the young ones."

I reported. According to what I heard from the other occupants of this manor, this is the Taylor Family, a branch of Tyre Family, one of the five main Aristocratic Families. In this family, there are only 3 Elemental Fusing Realm, the two at the study talking to each other and another one that was standing guard outside.

"It's the same in my direction except, they're unusually gathered in one spot. Talking about what they will do. They're nervous about something."

Well, if they caught wind of that guy's thoughts, it's normal for them to be nervous. That's rebellion and they are not even one of the five Aristocratic Families.

"I see. Some of them were probably still undecided. Let's go into one of the deserted rooms. After we renew the concealment, we're going straight towards the roof of that tower and get the artifact."

"The World's Will is talking about us, am I correct?"

Fleur asked me to verify the conclusion she arrived at. Anyone could guess that. We're the only ones that were closest to the World's Will.

With the state of the Human Race and the Elementals, it's already a surprise that they still managed to send 20 elites back then. Unfortunately, it ended in a complete failure.

"Yes. But we don't need to make an appearance. We just need to let them know that we were here and we heard them. After that, we will leave something for them to ponder about. Our priority is that Artifact, not them. I don't know what the World's Will is thinking but we currently do not have the means to help them in restoring the honor of their race."

Upon hearing my answer, Fleur accepted it and nodded.

The following conversation between the two was now not important. They switched from their previous topic to how they will greet us if we really appear to them.

That's kind of a naive thought, to be honest.

After finding the secluded room, Fleur and I once again became alone. Well, the way she stared at me now has an added intent. It's a discerning look as she tried to guess what I am currently thinking.

10 minutes later, before reactivating the Aura of Concealment. I had Fleur write a message on the floor using her Elemental Energy.

When the surrounding Elemental Energy stirred because of what she did, the activity inside the manor became chaotic.

Feeling that sudden surge of unrelated Elemental Energy, anyone would be alerted.

However, before the two who were conversing earlier reached the room we were in, we've long gone and jumped out of the window, hidden from their eyes.

By leaving that message, it will be up to them now on how to decide on their further actions. We fulfilled what the World's Will said to that Lester. Though we didn't appear in person, we left a message that would answer their doubts on Lester's words.

When we appeared back on the road, our feet automatically faced the direction of the tower.

Because this is now the Central Area. They lifted the restriction of flying to show how different they are. Because of that, once we arrived in front of the Aristocrat Tower, we didn't hesitate to fly to the top instead of going up from walking inside.

The tower symbolizes the authority of the Five Families. It's a five-sided structure whose walls bear the five emblems of the said families. The Tower consists of floors evenly divided for them. According to Fleur, the purpose of the tower is nothing short of flaunting their authority.

This race is truly different, eh?

Well, that was its purpose before their seclusion. Now that they're back, either it's back to how it was before or the five main Aristocratic Families have become just names now. Most possibly, the two families where the current Transcendents hailed from held the most power now.


As we both landed on the roof of the tower, the Energy Gathering Platform instantly registered in our eyes. The Artifact we were going to steal was erected on top of a monolith-like structure. Around it was lines leading to the Elemental Nodes spread across the roof. It's an Elemental Formation which uses ten Elemental Nodes to construct a formation which gathers the surrounding Elemental Energy.

However, instead of Elemental Stones, there is a group of thirty or more low ranking Noxians and Dark World denizens at each location where the nodes should be placed. By channeling their own Elemental Energy, they're powering up the Energy Gathering Platform.

In the middle of the roof, five Elemental Fusing Realm Noxians and five Rank 5 Mortals Dark World denizens are currently sitting in a lotus position as they concentrate on absorbing the gathered Elemental Energy.

Like what I am doing with the elites of the Human Race and Elementals, they're on their last lap on their race for reaching the threshold for Transcendence, especially the two in the front row. A Noxian young man in his twenties and a Dark World denizen. They're the closest to the threshold and it's fairly possible that after this absorbing session today, the two will call upon the Door of Transcendence.

Well, It's probably impossible for the Dark World denizen, unless there's a way to do that which I am unaware of.

In any case, I can't let that happen. Cutting someone down before they become a serious threat...

It seems like I just found a side-quest. 

"Daisuke, there. We can hide there."

As I was busy observing them, Fleur tapped my shoulder and pointed somewhere near the exit of the roof.

I followed her finger and saw the small room at the side. It has two doors with different colors; one is black and the other one is white.

Err… If I'm not wrong that is a bathroom…

This Fleur. Did she not know that? Are we going to hide there?

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