The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 224: Easy Heist and the Side Quest


The leading Noxian youth shouted at me as he immediately took out a bladed weapon. Even if he was surprised at my sudden appearance, his decision-making ability is swift that he instantly resorted to taking out his weapon. A true elite.

However, an elite of his level can only be a threat to someone at his level and lower.

In front of absolute power, everything will be inadequate.

Phantasmic Doppelganger!

There's no need to hesitate here. Ever since I saw him a few minutes ago, his fate was already sealed. Only a miracle can save him now.

One Phantasmic Clone instantly formed and cast its sight on him.

Since I am already inclined to kill him along with the other guy and the remaining elites, the clone instantly moved from its position. In a blink of an eye, it conjured a Purple Sword, aimed directly at the Noxian youth.

Upon seeing that, the Noxian youth cast a Mastered Spell of his to face the clone.

However, the Purple Sword flew towards the Noxian youth unhindered. It easily destroyed whatever Spell he cast as it continued on its path to cut at him.

The Noxian youth stood unfazed even with how easy his Spell was destroyed as he tried to face the Purple Sword using his bladed weapon.

Unfortunately, his attempt was still futile.

When the Purple Sword hit his blade, the series of explosions ensued which resulted in him to be forcefully flung back, his state unknown.

Following that, I formed three more clones which also instantaneously engaged the other elites crowding around the cube.

They were all elites, so like that Noxian youth, the other nine recovered from the effect of Energy Storm at the same time as the Purple Sword of the first clone was formed.

They were about to help the Noxian youth resist it, however, my clones didn't give them a chance to do that.

Before they could stick their necks for him, the three clones came charging for them.

Due to that, Dark Element Spells from the Noxians and various Skills from the Dark World denizens were simultaneously unleashed, all in the hopes of defeating them.

However, my clones that were also using a watered-down version of the Nullification Zone weakened their Spells before either blocking or dodging them.

With the increase in stats due to my buffs, one hit from a clone could send them flying instantly. This is the difference between a Mortal and a Transcendent. Even if it's just my clones which carried 24% of my total stats along with the buff from the Domain of Valor, it's more than enough to match those near the threshold of Transcendence.

Additionally, the clones also inherited my cautiousness as well as careful placement of Skills and Spells. They needed to up their game if they wanted to defeat them.

Even those elites I am currently training can't easily cope with them. What more these Noxian and Dark World elites? They're played with almost instantly that their struggle to fight a clone sends them right next to their graves.

From the time I appeared in front of them until their first clash with the clone, only a few seconds had passed. It's only enough time for someone to yawn.

During all of that, my arm moved to grab the cube and removed it from being used as the core part of the Elemental Gathering Platform.

And to secure it, I instantly put it inside the Necklace.

Having done that, our objective was now more or less complete.

Now's the time to cut down the weeds. Before they become harmful to us, I'm going to end their lives here.

Blame it on their bad luck to be here.

"Now then. I don't need to introduce myself. Just treat this as a dream, maybe you'll have another chance at Transcendence in the afterlife."

I said in a loud voice. Only some of them heard it and cast their gaze on me and that cost them an opening which my clone used as an opportunity.

Because of the sudden disappearance of the core, the Elemental Gathering Platform promptly stopped. Apart from the elites in the middle, the others who were supplying Elemental Energy to the nodes all woke up and looked over to see the carnage that I am causing them.

Well, even if they woke up, they're insignificant at this stage.


Fleur called out and appeared beside me. She was late for a few seconds due to taking care of the two that were in the Men's room.

It's only a few seconds but we're almost done here.

"Kill them and let's go."

We already talked about this and she's in total agreement with what I planned to do. The possibility of another Transcendent emerging in the ranks of the enemies was surely dreadful. If we could decrease it even if there's only one, I would choose to still go through it.

Fleur nodded. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she lifted her branch-originated staff and channeled her Water Elemental Energy onto it.

In less than a second, a Spell Nucleus was instantly formed at the tip of her staff. As the surge of Water Element got extracted from the surroundings, a 9-nodes Water Elemental Spell was unleashed upon the elites who were fighting off my clones.

The Spell which Fleur cast zoomed past them and transformed into nine ice lion-like beasts. The nine ice lions divided themselves into three groups. After that, they each picked a target to lunge at.

One female Noxian became the target of the first group. Unluckily for her, she has just been sent flying away and had one of her wings cut off.

Before she could even land on the ground, the three ice lions leapt towards her. At that point, dodging or defending herself was already impossible. Each head of the ice lions bit her at three different spots. One aimed for the neck, one aimed for her arms and one aimed for the last wing attached on her hips.

As her sorrowful scream filled our ears, the blue ice tigers became stained red by her blood that was spilled.

At the same time as that, the other two groups of ice lions both aimed at the other elites that were staying at the periphery. They seemed to be afraid to engage my clones but they were observing it carefully.

Because of that, they were caught unaware of the danger which found them.

Like the first one, two more agonizing screams became the highlight of the moment which made the remaining elites shudder in place.

When the nine lions finished their targets, they disappeared by melting into puddles of water.

Those lower-ranked Noxians and Dark World denizens stationed at the nodes who had just managed to recover from the Energy Storm were instantly met with the sight of that butchery made by the ice lions.

They gawked at what's happening and cowardly took a step back, trembling on their knees.

And when they noticed the origin of that Spell, another bout of shock hit them as they all froze in the spot with some who at least managed to utter her name.

There were also others who shouted as if they're afraid that we wouldn't hear them.

"Elemental Supreme Fleur! Why is she here?!"

"We're done for. Where are our Unparalleled?"

"Fleur is one thing but that guy… Who is he?"

"Forget that. Let's run before we get implicated!"

Their shouts reached us but we couldn't be bothered to care for them.

Since Fleur already made her move, it's my turn again.

Of course, I picked the two elites who were closest to reaching the threshold to Transcendence. The Noxian youth who had just stood up from where he landed and the Dark World denizen who's currently coordinating with his fellow Dark World denizen to deal with one of the clones.

The Willful Sword flew from its scabbard and hovered in front of me. Ever since it awakened during my Transcendent Trials, it's always excited whenever I will fight someone. Even when I was piloting a Metagen, it attached itself on the huge Regenium Sword, enhancing it.

Now, it got another chance to flaunt in front of me. Sparks of lightning instantly exuded out from it and the blue-colored Swordforce coated it from its hilt up to its tip.

"You're always lively in direct contrast to your owner. Well then, do your job."

I talked to it and surprisingly, it shook as if it's nodding at me. It didn't really need to use any Energy Explosion Projectile to turn it into a solidified Purple Sword, just the Willful Sword was already enough to cut them down. However, to make it error-free, I still opened the Bedevilled Outburst and turned it into a Purple Sword.

It is overkill but I'm just making sure that they will really die here.

I already sensed the Noxian Transcendents. By how strong their Transcendent Aura that swept past our location, it also gave me the chance to pinpoint their location through it.

They're already on their way towards this location and they only needed a little over thirty seconds to reach the Tower.

Both of them appeared from the tallest castle in this Central Area. They're together and most likely, the two are a couple, having their time together.

Our sudden appearance most possibly destroyed that moment for them and they'll arrive here pissed off from our interference.

Well, not like I care about that and even before they arrive, we'll be long gone.

After turning the Willful Sword into a Purple Lightning Sword, I gripped it in my hand and moved to end the remaining elites.

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