The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 405: Ice Princess

Because we already talked initially when we arrived here, it didn't take long before our conversation to reach the point to talk about the purpose of my visit

From how we interacted earlier, I could already predict her decision but before giving me an answer, she had me sit next to her, on her soft bed.

Right now, she's wearing a princess-like dress, a lot different than when I first saw her. It's now matching her sky-blue hair.

As soon as I sat next to her, her aromatic fragrance wafted to my nose. It was all over her bed that when I sat on it, it instantly crawled and covered me.

If I lay down in her bed, it will feel like she's lying down next to me, hugging me tightly. That's how fragrant her bed is.

Surely, the bed was often used by her because instead of inheriting her father's throne, she gave it back to her grandfather. Moreover, she couldn't trust her brothers and sisters from different mothers who only had petty ambitions.

Because of her intelligence and perhaps because of my recommendation, Nysia often consulted her whenever I'm not here. That's how high I valued her talent.

"You looked so serious, is there still a story we haven't talked about before?"

"There's a lot. I will tell you everything about me. Isn't it better to always have things we can talk about?"

"True. I want to slowly learn more about the experiences of Princess Leianne."

"I told you, stop calling me Princess. When I chose to rely on you and betrayed my father, I stopped being one."

"You're still a princess at birth, there's no denying that. Anyway, what is it? You're starting to get me curious."

"It's nothing serious, really. Before, it's always with your Incarnation. I know that it was you but it's somewhat surreal when you're just a lump of Energy."

"I see. You're right. My Incarnation was not enough to confirm if you've grown to have feelings for me… Then, let's start by letting you feel that I'm not just a lump of energy anymore." I reached for her hand that was buried in her bed, tightly clasped. Opening her palm, I could feel the sweat that accumulated in it. Despite her ability being something that involves the control of Ice, it still managed to be this sweaty. This proved how nervous and tense she was currently.

I heard from her that being someone favored by the Emperor, she was separated from the rest. Even at a young age, she started studying everything her Imperial Father presented her. She neither gets the chance to enjoy her youth nor fall in love with someone else for her thirty years of living in this world. The closest she could think of about affection was her admiration for Matthew's loyalty and her awe towards her father's terrifying prestige.

Until I appeared before her. I'm not really sure if it's the truth but according to her, she only thought of using me to become her bridge to get Nysia's cooperation. However, the way I confronted her back then made a mark on her mind. It was like she saw the traits of her father to me. That's why whenever she had the chance to spend time with me after my wedding with Nysia, she's trying to know more about me. 

Perhaps, at that time, I could only be seen by her as a replacement for her father whose ambition contradicted hers. As to how it eventually evolved to her truly liking me, it's already a mystery that only Leianne could answer.

Under her eyes' focused attention, I slowly overlapped my hand on hers.

Aside from the embrace from earlier, this is the first time where our skins truly touched and perhaps because of her awakened ability, her skin was really cool to the touch. Even her sweat was too cold.

I have no idea if it was her normal temperature or it was because she was nervous at the same time excited at this moment.

After staring at our clasped hands for a while, Leianne gradually closed her eyes to feel the sensation better.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes.

After five minutes, Leianne once again opened her eyes. Lifting her gaze to meet mine, a refreshing smile peeked out from her lips. Like a frozen flower blooming after being basked in the warm sunlight.

"Un… You're warm. No, this feeling, it's too warm that I want to stay like this with you even more."

"Humans are warm-blooded creatures, it's natural. I bet you can pick anyone and you will feel the same warmth."

"Geez… Not that kind of warmth. After I tried thinking of a perfect response… Anyway, Daisuke, I want to be your Companion."

"You already are, Leianne. You didn't notice because you're too focused on feeling the warmth you're talking about."

Although I tried joking with her, it's just because it's rare seeing her focus on one thing that she became completely unaware of other things happening around her.

Right… Like the convergence of our destiny and the notifications about her becoming my Companion. She didn't even feel the strong surge of Energy that sprang up and was absorbed by her body.

It happened even without me asking her. Unlike Reinys who had apprehensions about becoming my Companion, Leianne only needed to confirm it in her heart or mind or whatever organ that decides for her. As soon as she accepted it, there's no need for me to ask her about it anymore.

When she noticed the change in her, Leianne's deep-blue eyes blinked twice. Afterward, she couldn't help herself anymore as she opened her arms to embrace me, using the excuse to let her feel more of my warmth.

In any case, I let her do that until she's satisfied. As her princess' grace came back, she shamefully apologized for her unladylike behavior, according to her.

As an answer, I could only shake my head before pulling her into my embrace next, using the reason of getting back at her.

In the end, Leianne once again indulged from the warmth of our embrace.

"Well then, Nysia is already waiting for you. I also still have three women that I have to pay a visit to."

"We'll all be relevant to you, right? My father had a lot of wives and concubines. However, none of them, even my mother, became relevant for him. Except me."

"I told you, you don't have to compare me to your father. Lucas and I might have some similar traits but our priorities were completely different. I will not be here standing in front of you if I will just toss you to the side after taking you in as my Companion."

"I will believe you on that, Daisuke."

"I guess you still need proof before you're truly convinced."

Turning around from the door, I approached Leianne once more. Picking her up from the bed by her waist, we're now even closer than before. I could feel her tenderness and her supple softness pressing against my chest. Her thin waist was also perfectly grasped by my hand.

"This…" Noticing the difference from our earlier hug, Leianne was once again speechless.

"I will be taking your first kiss, Leianne."


Slowly lowering my head to align my lips to hers, Leianne could only blink her eyes as words stopped being created by her mouth. Her lips parted slightly as if waiting for mine to take it.

As our lips touched, Leianne's eyes naturally widened. Although she's not resisting, she's also not reacting.

Soon enough, cold mist gradually spread from her feet, freezing every piece of furniture in her room. Unconsciously activating her ability as she gradually became absorbed from the feeling of my lips moving to deepen our kiss.

I admit, even if she's still not a Transcendent, the cold that was being exuded by her Ability was probably enough to damage a full-fledged Transcendent.

She's already a Legend-rank. It's only a matter of time for her to complete her Mortal Pathway. With the Energy Stones I brought, like with my other Companions, she will definitely be able to complete it.

"Alright, deactivate your ability. Don't freeze the entire room." Releasing her lips from mine, I held her by her chin. While my grip at her waist gradually loosened.

"You're unfair… You didn't let me prepare for it." Leianne traced her now wet lips with her fingers. As if trying to emulate the feeling of my lips that had just released it, a few seconds ago.

"But it made you convinced, right?"

"Yes... Let's redo it later. I'm not totally convinced yet!"

This girl… she's creating a convenient excuse for herself, huh? 

"Sure. But we really have to go now. See you later, Leianne."

"Un. Leave the interrogation to me. I'll give you the answer you're seeking."

"I'll look forward to it."

Watching her back as she gradually disappeared towards the elevator's direction, I mulled over this new addition to my Companions. Despite her strong character, she's surprisingly too pure. Only Avelin or Noelle could rival her with that kind of pureness…

Well then, it's time to check on the next one…

In less than a minute, I arrived at another door. I didn't need to knock anymore since as soon as I approached it, the door opened instantly.

Inside, Lunaria was waiting for me. Her energy was a bit erratic but it's not because of her wounds from the battle. It's because she's too tense that she kept pacing around the room and peeking from the door.

Seeing her like that, I unhesitatingly stepped inside her room and pulled the door closed behind me. 

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