The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 417: Portal Closed

As he walked towards my position, the World's Will Incarnation opened his palm. On it, a pistol-shaped object mysteriously appeared.

"Use this." While maintaining an amiable smile, he handed the object to me.

I know, there's no need to guess what it really is. It's his own iteration of the Spirit Ocean Droplet that I used to close the Portal in the World of Spirits.

However, if those droplets needed to be maintained and controlled carefully, this one only needed to be fired at the Portal. It's a gun after all. By then, it will automatically work its wonders to close it. All I need to do next is to maintain its form and prevent any interference.

"Thank you."

As soon as I got a hold of it, I immediately aimed it at the Portal.

If I entered that, I would once again arrive in that world. The world where Alwyn, Remilia and Illiana are currently. And perhaps, it's the world I created during my previous life.

It's quite ironic to be fighting the denizens of the world I, myself created.

Well, that's not proven yet so I still couldn't wrap my head around that information I picked up.

Before pulling the trigger, I looked around first and my gaze naturally landed on Nysia. When she saw me looking at her, she nodded, encouraging me to do what I have to do.

By closing this Portal, her half a century struggle living in this world will finally be over. And the same could be said with Elise, Leianne, Lunaria and Dannae.

However, although it should be over and they should be living their life towards the new era, I chained them to my chariot, tying our destinies to each other.

It's not like I haven't thought about this before. That it would be better for them to stay in their world and live peacefully while a new era ushered for them. Away from the future conflict that I would have no choice but to dive into.

However, my selfishness reigned. I very much want them to stay with me. Instead of worrying about what's happening to them in their homeworld, I would surely be more at ease if they're at my side wherein I could reach for them easily.

As I returned a nod to her, my gaze went back to the Portal.

I took a deep breath to clear my head from continuing to overthink. Following that, my forefinger pulled the trigger…




Because of how terrorized the seven Dark World Transcendents upon seeing their comrades melt in that nightmarish blast from a simple gun, there's only one thought running inside their minds. 'Escape!'.

With their focus fully on that thought, the wounds they were receiving from their pursuers were all ignored. If they could escape, they would be able to think of a way to continue living by hiding their tracks. However, that's all it would be, a thought.

When an enormous surge of Meta Energy flooded towards the middle of the stronghold, Yuko and the others chasing after the seven fleeing Dark World Transcendents turned their head towards it.

Daisuke's Companions who accompanied him from the World of Barbarian all understood that occurrence. The appearance of the World's Will Incarnation.

Some of them became worried because of how hostile the Incarnation was in the previous world but one word by Yuko assuring them that nothing untoward will happen to Daisuke settled their emotions down.

Following it, they felt another surge of Meta Energy and how it seemingly specifically engulfed that place.

"That's a sign of him closing the Portal. Let's not make him wait for us." Yuko declared.

Soon afterward, a burst of Flux Energy exuded from her Metagen. It blinked out of her previous position and instantly reappeared behind one of the Dark World Transcendents riding a quadrupedal beast, speeding past from the middle of the stronghold to where a group of Core Pilots could be seen taking down the little resistance left behind from the Dark World Mortal Ranks and the few Corrupted Pilots.

That particular Beastmaster Transcendent relied on his Soul-bound Beasts to break past the blockade they made.

Leaving Irja and Zerina to deal with the other three, Yuko chased after him upon seeing the direction he was going.

He's probably thinking to use the Core Pilots to aid in his escape. But in that direction, Leianne and Elise were the ones leading the Core Pilots.

After being notified by Yuko, the two wordlessly agreed as they immediately moved.

Blocking the Transcendents path, the Ice Sylphid and the Sunfire Princess both invoked their Domain Skill. On the right was a huge ice field with an ongoing blizzard storm while on the left, a fiery ground being burnt by golden flames.

When the Beastmaster Transcendent saw that, he tried to swivel to the side to avoid entering the two overlapping Domains.

Unfortunately for him, that decision allowed for Yuko to deliver her attack.

Saberforce instantly covered her Metagen's regenium saber as it delivered a simple slash.

Although simple, it instantly traversed the short distance between her and the escaping Transcendent.


With an agonizing yelp, the beast that looked like a combination of a lizard and a tiger got its legs and bottom part severed resulting in a violent splash of purple blood.

Following that, the Beastmaster Transcendent riding the beast was instantly launched off from its back. He rolled on the surface of the Moon and ultimately crashed onto a pillar of one of the stronghold's structures, bringing the whole structure down on him.

She didn't need to use her Jewel Skills, just blinking herself a few seconds to her Future Clone and using a simple Saber Skill, that Beastmaster Transcendent lost his chance to escape or rather to continue living.

On the other part, Zerina and Irja's combined blockade by utilizing Zerina's Runes and Irja's molded colorful Energy Barriers put the three Rank 1 Transcendents into a dilemma.

No matter how hard they hit on it by utilizing every offensive skills or abilities they possessed, at best, a scratch was the result of their struggle. Moreover, Daisuke's four Pillar Guardians continued sticking to their backs; stabbing them, smashing them or piercing them with energy arrows.

As their small wounds accumulated, their Energy Reserves were already about to be depleted.

When they realized that, the light of hope in their eyes started to waver as the thought of surrendering entered their mind.

But before they could arrive at that thought. Zerina also summoned her Ashknights and enhanced all Pillar Guardians with her Runes.

In this way, the three Rank 1 Transcendents fates were sealed.

On the other side where seven Metagens chased after the three desperate Ultimate Darkgens, Avelin, remembering what Daisuke taught her, led the charge.

Although she's unfamiliar with piloting the Metagen and using an axe made from regenium, she used her overwhelming offensive Jewel Skills to tackle the three, pulling them down back to the moon's surface.

Behind her, Kazeyoshi, Amry, Matthew, Old Man Reol, Liam and Lyra used that chance she made to take turns chipping away the three Transcendent's willpower.

In less than five minutes, Avelin flew up high, leaving the range of the explosions caused by the three destroyed Ultimate Darkgens. The Pilots inside exploded along it.

Because of their stats and numerical advantage, the three Darkgens' probability to escape dropped down to 0% as soon as Avelin got a hold of them.

With the Support Bonus, every Transcendent Companion of Daisuke and Heroes receiving that bonus were above 200 UPL. The Rank 1 Transcendents being sent from the Dark World were mostly early Rank 1 to gain experience, resulting in this kind of outcome.

Even if they have the plan to send more Transcendents to hasten their conquest, if Daisuke's group arrives at any Mortal World, there's only one result, their defeat.



In less than two minutes since I pulled the trigger, the huge Portal was now reduced to a single point.

And a few seconds later, the crack in space from the Portal completely healed, closing the Dark World's connection to the World of Meta's moon. The last wisps of Dark Energy were then mixed in with the now apparent Meta Energy in this place.

With this, out of thirty Portals Great One Zaraya and company opened more than three years ago, this is the fifth. About the other 25 or the Portals that from other Mortal Worlds wherein the other rogue Heroes were summoned to, I had no idea yet if some of them managed to close it or were completely conquered already. We have to go back to Earth to know about it.

Before going back to the World of Barbarian, those in charge of these Portals were already alarmed because of the three we managed to close.

And today, even after sending fresh Transcendents, the result was still the same. Closed Portal without any news about the Transcendents they sent.

If all thirty Portals they opened were successfully closed by us, it would be a slap to their tribes and those Great Ones' faces.

That's why it's safe to guess that they would start increasing their efforts on conquering the other 25 worlds.

In any case, we just had to prepare for any measure they will add to stop us from closing more Portals.

It's a pity for those who had just arrived here to aid the Darkbugs. Their arrival was ill-timed.

If I have to guess, the reports they sent to the other side talked about the few Transcendents existing in this world and that they're confident to conquer this world as long as they manage to deal with Nysia.

And to answer to that, sending those additional Transcendents was for that very purpose, erasing Nysia in this world.

Sadly, my return with an army of powerful Transcendents wasn't anticipated by them resulting in this scenario.

"On behalf of the denizens of this world, you have my utmost gratitude. Will it come to the point that you will need my help, feel free."

As soon as I stood up from where I sat to focus on maintaining the pure Meta Energy closing the Portal, the World's Will Incarnation bowed in front of me.

The humility of this Incarnation is already almost that of a real human.

Thinking back, he stopped responding when the Transcendents started working with the Dark World. When we turned the situation around, he instantly accepted to meet us.

Well, he has his faults as well. Nysia was also abandoned by him and he never guided the Heroes. Nonetheless, by helping this time, he at least did his job as the manager of the World of Meta.

"I'm not the one you should be thanking. I'm doing this because of my own selfish reasons." I calmly answered before turning around and walked towards where Nysia and the other girls are.

He's representing the denizens of this world, huh? But the real MVP here is the denizens themselves, especially Nysia.

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