The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 1009 Sixth Brother, what do you think?

far away.

Fan Yu's senior brother, an old man at the seventh level of Tongtian Realm, looked at this scene and was dumbfounded. He even temporarily forgot about his opponent.

It dawned on him.

What did Fan Yu mean when he said before that Gu Han didn't try his best?


Suddenly, the phoenix flapped its wings lightly, and boundless golden flames fell down, directly covering most of the sky. At the same time, thousands of long swords rang out, all shook, and fell instantly!

Sea of ​​flames, rain of swords.

The two complement each other and form an indescribably beautiful picture, but underneath the picture, there are desperate murderous intentions!

Those two thousand people...

The strong ones could still scream, but the weak ones were turned into ashes on the spot!


A group of ordinary disciples had retreated to a distance. When they saw the sky above, they all had an idea in their hearts.

This is the real genius and evildoer!

Wu Yue?

That's a clown!

From today on, within ten thousand years, no one in the Wuliang Sect will dare to call themselves a genius and a monster!

After a while.

The sea of ​​flames gradually receded, and the sound of the sword became fainter, and the figures of Feng Xi and Gu Han appeared in front of people again.


Gu Han took a breath and said with a smile, "Are you happy this time?"

Feng Xi was silent for a moment and said regretfully: "No wine."

Gu Han:......

Qianye shook his head repeatedly, "The majestic Shifeng Zhenling is actually addicted to alcohol! What a shame!"

"Yun Xiao said it."

Gu Han thought for a while, "Senior Sister actually didn't drink in her previous life, but I don't know how she learned it later."


Qianye sneered, "The person who taught her to drink must have ulterior motives! Bah!"


Gu Han took it seriously and scolded him, "He must not be a good guy!"



At this time, the sky, which had gradually returned to calm after the battle between the two, shook again, and there seemed to be a faint coldness falling.

"It's Fifth Brother and the others!"

Gu Han instantly recognized it, this was the aura of Huang Quan!

With a glance, he saw that the elites brought by Zhao Yan were gradually gaining the upper hand and could defeat their opponents at any time. He no longer had any worries in his heart and immediately looked up to the sky, "Senior Sister, let's go take a look?"


The two people's figures flashed, and then they broke through the sky and went to Xuji!


Seeing the two of them leaving, Yunfan held the sapling tightly with his left hand and secretly rubbed his leg with his right hand, looking a little melancholy.

The same is Longjian.

How arrogant was it when it was in Yun Ao's hands? How domineering?

But now in his hands, not only was he beaten severely, but he also had to endure the ridicule of the saplings, and even... his legs were swollen from being slapped!

he thought for a moment.

He inherited a fake Long Jian.

The sapling was held in his hand and could not move, but still refused to calm down. His eyes kept turning and he was groping around. He suddenly saw Wu Yue with only half of his body left. "Huh? Is he awake?"

Wu Yue woke up leisurely.

He was awakened by the sound of the battle between Gu Han and Feng Xi.

Just when I opened my eyes, there was an extra person and a tree in front of me!


His heart tightened and he struggled to get up!


The sapling blinked, looked at the eaves in the distance, and said, "Would you like to connect your butt first?"


Wu Yue's figure froze, and he vomited blood again as his heart was filled with anger.

Yunfan's eyes kept flashing.

He was a little reluctant, after all, dog legs also need a sense of presence.

no doubt.

At this time, the half-waste Wu Yue is an easy target to find a sense of presence.

Think of this.

He clasped his hands, imitating the fat man's behavior again, and said calmly: "Stand up! Attack with all your strength! If you can break through Yun's defense, Yun will let you live..."


Wu Yue greeted him cordially and was so angry that he fainted again.

Yunfan was melancholy again.

Could it be that... I was born a bitch?

When Gu Han and Feng Xi came to Xuji, they happened to see the surging river that stretched across the sky and the earth!


Zhao Yan stood quietly, a little helpless and aggrieved.

before coming out.

He regarded death as if he were at home, and was already prepared for a big battle, with bloodshed and silence, to create a chance for Ren Wu and Ren Liu to win.

After coming out.

He completely became a bystander... He just stood there and watched the two brothers show off their power and directly performed a cross for him.

From start to finish.

The ancestor Wuliang who has been clamoring to punish the rebellious ones has not even touched the clothes of the two brothers!

Saw Gu Han arriving.

Zhao Yan hesitated for a moment and said with a wry smile: "Are the people from your faction... so strong?"


Gu Han thought for a while, "There are also people who are not good at fighting."

Zhao Yan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.


Gu Han changed the subject and said, "She will only be more terrifying than the fifth and sixth brothers."

Zhao Yan:......

"Ahhh! I don't want to die!"

Suddenly, an almost desperate roar sounded!

Infinite Ancestor!

At this moment, in the center of the underworld, except for him, the other seven have disappeared. Needless to say, what the outcome will be, only he himself, relying on the tyrannical foundation of Guiyi Realm with one foot, is still dying. Stick to it.


He was tied tightly with a rusty iron chain, and half of his body was pulled into the spring water. It was obvious that he could not hold on for long.

"Can't die!"

"I...can't die!"

"I still have one or two hundred years to live, and I... don't want to die!"

He kept roaring and struggling hard. Under his strong survival instinct, he actually seemed to have a sense of despair and despair.




A mysterious aura that faintly transcended the immeasurable realm escaped from his body, and there was actually a little more vitality in his old and decaying body!


Gu Han's heart sank, "Is it broken?"

"What a piece of shit!"

Qianye said calmly: "He just broke that barrier at the time of death and despair. How can it be so simple to break through and enter the realm of unity? But if he can survive, he will spend a few years to settle down. Come on, I’m 60 to 70% sure of breaking through!”


Patriarch Wuliang also realized his condition, and his desire to survive instantly became ten times stronger!

"Let me go!"

He looked at Zhao Yan, "I have lived for who knows how many thousands of years, and I have been waiting for this opportunity! I don't want to miss it! Let me go, and our grudges will be cleared! Your request... No! Wuliang Sect gives it to you, I No! I just want you to let me live! What I’m missing is just a chance!”

"Without me, there would be no Wuliang Sect, and there would be no you as the sect leader!"

"Are you... not even willing to talk about this little bit of affection?"

Zhao Yan remained silent.

"Sect Master Zhao."

Gu Han smiled half-heartedly, "Are you soft-hearted?"

"That's all."

Zhao Yan gave a bitter smile, looked at Patriarch Wuliang, and sighed: "If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place? It's already too late. Patriarch, you should understand by now that your life and death... are not in my hands."

"Little friend!"

The Patriarch Wuliang was mature and he looked at Gu Han suddenly, "Tell them, let me go! I will give you whatever you want! Don't worry, I will never retaliate against you! I will fly away and never do it again." Appear in front of you! If you don’t believe it, I can swear..."


He made several oaths on the spot that made Gu Han sound vicious.

And at this time.

As the extraditer lit the bamboo pole again, only his head was left exposed.

"Little friend!"

Seeing that Gu Han didn't speak, he almost begged: "What I said is all the truth!"

What he said was indeed true.

No matter what happens in the future, at least at this moment, he sincerely wants to repent.

With today's insights, he is confident that within ten years... no, within five years, he will definitely be able to break through to the Guiyi Realm. By then, his longevity will skyrocket and his strength will greatly increase. Naturally, he will not look at the small Infinite Sect. Here, you can completely find another place and make a comeback, just like reviving your life!

Gu Han thought.

People are talking about this, so I need to give an answer.

"Are you really sorry?"

"Repent, regret! I sincerely regret!"

"You know you're wrong?"

"Wrong, wrong! I was totally wrong. I was blind and offended my little friend!"


Gu Han nodded, "I'll give you a chance!"

"Little friend, you'd better... hurry up!"

Ancestor Wuliang only has half his head left.

"Brother Six!"

Gu Han kept his word and shouted to the Huangquan River: "If someone sincerely regrets, can he be forgiven?"


Ren Liu's voice immediately sounded, "If you know...know...if you know your mistakes, correct them. Good...good...there is no greater good!"

The words just fell.

Gurgling, gurgling, a few bubbles appeared on the surface of the Huangquan River, and the ancestor Wuliang had disappeared.


Gu Han pretended to be stunned, "Where is the person?"

Feng Xi:......

Zhao Yan:......


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