The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 1022 Human intention VS transcendent intention!


Gu Han looked at Luo Feng expressionlessly and said sarcastically: "Don't you guess the spirit crystal anymore? Don't you value your rules the most? And what about the fairness you pursue?"

"In the past, I was fighting against Mr. Jun."

Luo Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "But after resurrecting my life, I learned some secrets and found that Junfu was actually in control of his own actions. Even he couldn't achieve true transcendence, so my previous rules were naturally meaningless. . Of course, I have never forgotten my original intention..."

"It's just a saying for mortals."

"Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world."

"I haven't transcended myself yet, so how can I bring justice to all sentient beings? When I truly reach the end and truly transcend the world, I will naturally fulfill my promise!"

Gu Han said nothing.

He felt that the Luo Feng in front of him, who was free from the constraints of the rules, was much more difficult to deal with than the Luo Wushuang who abided by the rules!



Have ability, faith, and ideas.

Each of these factors may seem ordinary individually, but when combined together, they are definitely the most terrifying!

no doubt.

The Luo Feng in front of him is such a person.

"I don't care what your plans are!"

Gu Han looked at him coldly, "This is the third time. I don't understand. There are more than trillions of living beings in the universe. Why do you just have trouble with me? Do you really think I have no temper?"

"You are taking the extreme path."

Luo Feng sighed: "You should understand that human calamity can be said to be the most special extreme state. It is ever-changing and one of the few... special opportunities that can change your destiny against the will of heaven. I found it in human calamity. My way, looking at you, has also found your way!”


"Your path is somewhat similar to that of Junior Brother Yang, so you are naturally close and depend on each other for life and death."

"And I'm different."

At this point, he felt a little emotional and said softly: "The fact that I can appear here already explains everything. Putting aside your identity and my purpose, we are taking completely opposite and opposite paths, so ...You and I are destined rivals!"


Gu Han's face was expressionless, "Are you too detached to care about someone's shit!"

"Don't be too quick to get angry."

Luo Feng smiled and said: "I have one last sincerity to give to you."


Gu Han strode towards him, "First let me kill you with a sword..."

"these years."

Luo Feng ignored him and just smiled lightly: "After my deduction, in addition to gaining insight into some secrets, I also discovered... the whereabouts of Junior Brother Yang's real body."

"Brother Luo!"

Gu Han paused and suddenly became polite, "I spoke a little loud just now, don't mind."

"The fairy clan."

Luo Feng ignored his change of attitude and looked at the laws that filled the sky, and continued: "The body is in line with the Dao. Although it has endless power, it is restricted by the Dao. The king is so tyrannical and cannot deal with you and me back then. For this reason, in order to facilitate their actions, they established a group of secret forces in the world to obey their orders. "

"Of course."

"These forces often don't appear once in tens of millions of years, and they are located in very special places. It is naturally difficult for ordinary people to know about them. Even more than 99% of people are unaware of their existence!"

Gu Han suppressed his displeasure and said politely: "Can you get to the point?"

"These forces have a collective name."


"Heavenly Palace."

"Heavenly Palace?"


Luo Feng nodded and said: "But there is more than one Heavenly Palace. I don't know which Heavenly Palace he is in. And with your current strength, it is almost impossible to find him. And... I advise you , and don’t go to him for the time being, it’s not a good thing for you or him.”

Gu Han stopped talking.

There is no doubt that Yang Yi, who was on the gold list back then, was ordered to kill him by the will of the Immortal Emperor. If they meet rashly, it will bring huge trouble to Yang Yi and even him...

"He violated the Immortal Emperor's will back then, should he be fine?"

"No big deal."

Luo Feng shook his head, "At most, he was ordered to retreat, a small punishment but a big punishment. After all, talents like him are rare. Moreover, this Junior Brother Yang is somewhat different from the Junior Brother Yang Ying we have met. He is not A person who can be manipulated casually!”

Gu Han suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.


Luo Feng looked at him, "Is this sincerity still justified?"

"Thank you."

Gu Han nodded and said sincerely: "Our previous two grudges have been wiped out."

Luo Feng smiled, "What about this time?"

Gu Han thought for a while, "You committed suicide?"

"What if I say no?"

"Easy, I'll help you."

Gu Han raised his eyebrows and walked slowly towards him. Although the aura on his body became more and more bland, if he looked at it for a long time, he could faintly detect the various emotions in the world, the joys and sorrows.

Luo Feng didn't say anything more, and slowly walked towards him. The aura on his body became more and more vague and came out of the dust, like a banished immortal, untainted by the mortal world.

Just half a breath.

The two completely opposite auras on the two men collided.


The two figures stopped at the same time, but neither of them made a move. They just stood there quietly, with their eyes slightly closed, allowing the worldly and transcendental thoughts to continue to spread and collide.

Gu Han thought in his heart.

The sapling of human will shook violently as never before, and endless human will spread down, turning into the appearance of a small mountain village. In the mountain village, mortals came and went, chopping wood, carrying water, cooking, mending... Although they were just illusory figures, they showed the life of mortals.

He actually conjured up the Wangxiang Village of the past!


Amidst the laughter and joy, only a small courtyard was empty, with a cold pot and a cold stove. The person he wanted to see the most did not show up after all.

In the village.

On a small road.

Gu Han and Luo Wushuang stood opposite each other, which was the embodiment of artistic conception.

People came and went, and there were constantly figures passing by the two of them, greeting Gu Han cordially, and Gu Han seemed to have become the tiger-fighting hero of the year, completely integrated into this harmony.


There were also people constantly surrounding Luo Feng and saying hello, but the aura of being out of this world on him was out of tune with this place, and even a little repulsive. Many figures just approached him and immediately disappeared.

Human calamity is very special.

Similarly, the competition between the two was also very special. Unlike the previous three games where the strength was hard and life and death were only on the line, the two were fighting in another way.

"This village is not very big."

Luo Feng smiled and said, "I want to go out, it's not difficult."

"You can try."

Gu Han said lightly: "Since you insist on making things difficult for me, then don't transcend, stay here!"

If Luo Feng walked out of the village, he would win.

On the contrary, if Gu Han left him in the human world, he would not be able to transcend, and naturally lost.

Win or lose.

It's only a few steps away.

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