The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 1158 It’s been a hundred thousand years, meeting an old friend!


Gu Han left Qianye alone to reflect, looked at Xia Qingyuan, and said: "What I cultivate is the will of the human world..."

He briefly explained.

"Okay, okay!"

With Xia Qingyuan's knowledge, he naturally understood the key, and praised repeatedly: "What a human mind, what a mortal heart! The fairy spirit body entered the mortal world and was contaminated with the smoke and smoke, and naturally it was no longer pure! The fairy clan encountered When it comes to you, you have met your nemesis, so it’s not surprising that you will end up like this!”

"The will of the world..."

"This road is too special. Unless you have a great opportunity, it will be extremely difficult to pass."

He was a little surprised, "How did you get on this path?"

There was silence for a moment.

Gu Han said softly: "Human calamity."

"I forgot that you also took the path to the extreme realm."

Xia Qingyuan suddenly realized, "Human calamities are ever-changing. If you survive successfully, you will get all kinds of unexpected blessings. It is not an exaggeration to say that you can be reborn. People like you who have understood this special way are rare in the world." ! The human will, the human road, is also the invincible road..."

"It's in the extreme realm!"

Suddenly, a dissatisfied voice came out.


He couldn't hold it back after all.

The meaning of the human world was achieved by Gu Han himself, but it was he who taught Gu Han step by step in the extreme realm, and accumulated it bit by bit until he got to where he is now. The hardships and sadness in the process were much more than the meaning of the human world. He felt Xia Qingyuan only mentioned the human world but not the extreme must be intentional!

The old man is very bad!

"The extreme state is naturally rare."

Xia Qingyuan was stunned for a moment, and said subconsciously: "I have lived for so many years, and I have seen a lot of people who have cultivated the extreme realm, but this is the first time I have seen someone as powerful as him in the extreme realm, but I don't know how far he has cultivated." An extreme state?"


Qianye smiled proudly, "Six!"

Gu Han:......

Xia Qingyuan:......

After a pause, Qianye added: "It's still the perfect six-pole realm!"


Xia Qingyuan was shocked, but he seemed to have thought of something and felt a little regretful, "It's a pity. Not to mention your human will, the road to this extreme state is bumpy and difficult, and it can even be said to be completely impassable! After all, the legendary third The Nine Extremes Realm involves immortality, and no one has ever seen it. This is why everyone knows that the Jiuji Realm is invincible, but few people go there..."

"That's wrong!"

Qianye retorted: "Since you are taking the invincible road, you must have an invincible mind! The road is walked by people. Even if there is no road ahead, just find a way. Just because ordinary people can't walk, it doesn't mean that they can't. I have some feelings for him. confidence!"

Gu Han couldn't help it anymore, "How about you come out and say it!"

"I really believe in you!"

Qianye said speechlessly: "Don't you think that I am a petty person who is deliberately targeting him?"

Gu Han didn't answer.

He was afraid of breaking Qianye's heart.

"It makes sense."

Xia Qingyuan agreed with Qianye's words and said with emotion: "The road to invincibility is difficult. There are countless monks in the world. More than 99% of them have no chance of taking this road. Those who can walk on the road of invincibility can be called monsters. Now you He has two invincible paths and has come this far..."

Speaking of which.

He sighed, "If he knew that Xuantian's lineage had a junior like you, he would feel at ease."

Gu Han knew.

He was talking about a generation of sword heads.


Xia Qingyuan glanced at him again, nodded and said, "If we can include talents like you, Xuantian Sword Sect must be very prosperous now."


Gu Han smiled bitterly and said: "Actually... I am the last descendant of the Xuantian Sword Sect."

Xia Qingyuan was stunned, "What's going on?"

"It's similar to Taiyimen."

Gu Han sighed: "It's just that it was the Gods who did it."

Xia Qingyuan suddenly realized.

Only then did he understand why Gu Han had only mentioned the master of Huangquan Palace before, but not the members of the Xuantian Sword Sect. The Xuantian Sword Sect... had no one left to mention.

"Could it be..."

After thinking about it for a moment, he came up with the key point, "Is it related to the divine king back then?"

"It's most likely him!"

Gu Han nodded, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Shenjun, Yemo!"

"How do you know his name?"

"Yun Xiao told me."

"Yun Xiao..."

Xia Qingyuan was startled and seemed to have some regrets, "Back then, he was considered a hero of his generation, but after the battle with the divine king, we parted ways. When we heard about him later, he had been suppressed, and it was also in At that time, I learned what he had done. Alas, if I had stayed a little longer, maybe... I could have avoided this tragedy. "

"Senior, there is no need to blame yourself."

Gu Han shook his head, "You can stop it for a while, but not forever."

The ability is as strong as plum luck.

The curse in the dragon seal has not been completely removed yet. This shows how strong this curse is, and as long as this curse exists for one day, it will always be a hidden danger. After all, it is impossible to require all Yun clan members to be like Yanhuang. He has a temperament that destroys relatives for justice, especially when meeting someone like Yun Xiao, disaster is inevitable.

After all.

Yun Xiao is just a victim. From the beginning of the curse, Yun's tragedy has been doomed, sooner or later.

"You have to be careful."

Xia Qingyuan warned again carefully: "From what I know about him, after that incident, his temper became extreme and stubborn, and he would not give up until he achieved his goal. He has been dreaming of saving Yun Yi, your perfect six poles I'm afraid it will be difficult to find another one in the world. You are the best container in his mind. He will never let you go easily!"

"Senior, don't worry."

Gu Han thought for a moment and said, "The palace master will not let him go."

"What kind of cultivation is he?"

"The pinnacle of Guiyi Realm."

Gu Han said bluntly: "The palace master's abilities are definitely much stronger than those at the peak of the ordinary Guiyi Realm. It will not be a problem to deal with him."

He was deeply impressed by the sight of the Lord of Huangquan Palace lifting someone up with his hands.


Xia Qingyuan shook his head, "Even so, the Lord of Huangquan Palace may defeat him and hurt him, but if he wants to kill him... I'm afraid it's a bit reluctant!"


"No one knows his strength better than me."

Xia Qingyuan sighed heavily, "Except for Shi Feng, he was the strongest among the five of us back then! Even if his cultivation level is no longer at its peak, he is still extremely difficult to deal with! Otherwise, the Yun clan members back then would not They just suppressed him. It's not that they don't want to get rid of Yun Xiao, but... they can't kill him!"

Gu Han's heart sank.

The master of Huangquan Palace has been chasing Yun Xiao for so long, but to this day, there is still no news. Obviously... Yun Xiao is still alive!

"That's all."

Suddenly, Xia Qingyuan seemed to have made up his mind, and suddenly said: "I was discouraged and intended to spend the rest of my life here, but now... it has been a hundred thousand years. It would be good to go out and meet this friend!"

Gu Han was stunned, "Are you going to find Yun Xiao?"


Xia Qingyuan nodded and said: "Let's talk to him about old times, and by the way, persuade him to come back!"

"What if he doesn't come back?"

Qianye's voice came out again.

"No return?"

Xia Qingyuan's tone was calm, but there was a hint of forlornness in his voice, "No matter how hard I try, I can't let him continue to make mistakes!"

Qianye wanted to say it.

With such little strength now, how can you fight for it?

Take the lead?

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Xia Qingyuan... seems to be the only one left.

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