The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 1165 The chat record between Gu Han and Leng Meizi.



In the deep silence, a fierce battle is still going on.

In the roaring sound.

The black dragon roared, black flames filled the sky, the Yellow Spring River was surging, and a broken monument kept falling down, smashing the black dragon's body and roaring non-stop. This battle was extremely powerful. If it were placed in an ordinary place, it would be more than enough to destroy ten realms. However, in this almost boundless silence, it seemed inconspicuous.

Under the black dragon and the broken monument.

Two people stood opposite each other.

One had an old face, gray hair scattered on his shoulders, and his breath was very frivolous.

One wore a ghost robe and a ghost mask on his face. His breath was deep and cold, revealing endless mystery.

Yun Xiao.

The master of the Yellow Spring Palace.

In the past year, one of them fled and the other chased, and they traveled for an unknown distance. This was the countless times they had fought.

At this moment.

Yun Xiao was injured on top of the injury, and was almost at the end of his strength.

The Yellow Spring Palace Master was no longer as strong as before, and the power of his attacks was much weaker.

"Are you really going to fight me to the death?"

Yun Xiao stared at him, puzzled: "There are so many things going on in your Yellow Spring Palace, and you really don't care about it at all. Forgive me for being frank, it's irrational for you to do this."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The Yellow Spring Palace Master was too lazy to pay attention to him. With a flick of his sleeves, the endless Yellow Spring rushed over again, surrounding Yun Xiao, and the broken monument in the sky also fell fiercely, smashing the black dragon's bones and muscles, and the dragon's blood turned into black flames and scattered in the Yellow Spring River!

Yun Xiao suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"You want to trap me?"


"You found a helper?"

"Yun Xiao."

The Yellow Spring Palace Master looked at him dimly, "It's been a hundred thousand years, don't you want to see your old friend?"

"Old friend?"

Yun Xiao pondered for a moment, "My contemporaries are all dead, and there are only four of them who can be called my friends. Could it be... you are talking about Qingyuan? Is he still alive?"

"You are really scary."

Seeing that he guessed the truth directly, even as an opponent, the Yellow Spring Palace Master still admired his wisdom.

"So, you must die!"

With a sigh in his heart, he was murderous again!


In Tianya Pavilion.

Gu Han and Xia Qingyuan were studying the news from the Yellow Spring headquarters.

"Found it!"

Gu Han was very excited.

In fact, in this information, except for the location of the Canglan Ancient Realm, there was not much introduction about the Moon Clan, which was not much different from what Xia Qingyuan said before, but he didn't mind at all. The situation can be understood after going there. The location is the most important!

Except for the Canglan Ancient Realm.

This information also includes the approximate location of the current location of the Lord of Huangquan Palace. It is not far from Junyang Domain. Gu Han can reach it in a hundred years with full effort.


For Xia Qingyuan's first step of major cultivation, especially his blood-red golden pupil can control the laws of space, it does not take too long.

"Wait a minute."

Xia Qingyuan thought for a moment and said: "You want to build a ship now. As a branch of the World Tree, the little guy has thousands of magical powers. The most difficult part is the initial refining! If it weren't for me, I'm afraid they would spend ten years and it would be difficult to complete the task. If I do it, it will take at most half a month."

"Thank you, senior."

"What are you polite about!"

He sighed: "If there is a chance in the future, I would like to meet that little girl."


Gu Han said goodbye and went to prepare for the upcoming trip, and Xia Qingyuan also quietly recuperated.


Just came to the outer room.

A disciple of Tianya Pavilion came up and handed a storage ring to Gu Han, saying that it was Xun Kang's order.

Twenty magical medicines were neatly arranged.

In addition, there were eight additional laws.

"It's well thought out."

Gu Han was very satisfied.

His current cultivation level was at the fifth level of Xiaoyao Realm. With these eight laws, he could impact the Chedi Realm.

And among the twenty magical medicines.

Only five were used to nourish the soul.

"We must prepare well!"

He thought for a moment and came up with several plans.

First, improve the cultivation level first.

Second, do our best to collect magical medicines to nourish the soul to help Qianye recover. Although he is not durable... his explosive power is also amazing!

Third, do our best to collect the Void Divine Crystal.

The star map sent from Huangquan Headquarters was complicated and complex. It was obvious that it was unknown how far away it was from the Junyang Domain. He secretly compared it. Even if the Xuanjianzhou was fully operational, it would take more than ten years to get there!

In this way,

The amount of Void Divine Crystals consumed will be a terrifying amount!

"The plan is great."

Qian Ye sucked his teeth when he heard it, "But where do you get so much money? Even if you have ten times more resources now, you can't afford it!"

"Don't worry."

Gu Han smiled, "Didn't Fatty and the others help me make money?"

"Will he give it to you?"

"I'll let him give it to you."

Gu Han smiled mysteriously, confident.


Just as he was about to prepare, he saw the Yellow Spring Talisman light up again, but another message came.

He glanced.

He was overjoyed, and never thought that he could actually contact Leng Meizi with the Yellow Spring Talisman!

"Too awesome!"

He praised.

Looking at the words from Leng Meizi, his heart warmed, "Yu Shu is thoughtful."


Qian Ye sneered, "You're so affectionate!"

Gu Han ignored him, thought for a while, sent a message to Leng Meizi, and then found a quiet room and began to retreat.

Of course.

During this period, he still did not forget to chat with Leng Meizi.


Inside Huangquan Palace.

Lu Yuan's eyes were bloodshot, staring at Huangquan Talisman, and kept looking through the communication records between Gu Han and Leng Meizi.

"Yu Shu, are you there?"

"Yes, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, how about you?"

"I'm fine too, when will you be back?"

"I don't know, it will take a while."

"Can I go find you?"

"Don't come, it's too far and not safe."


Seeing here.

Lu Yuan was about to explode!

In the past few days, he found an excuse to push most of the affairs to the other elders, and only stared at the communication records between Gu Han and Leng Meizi, wanting to see what they were going to say!

As a result...

"Are you really just chatting?"

He roared angrily. If it weren't for the Yellow Spring Law covering the quiet room and covering up the noise, most of the people in the Yellow Spring Hall would have heard it.

He suddenly had a premonition.

With the addition of Gu Han and Leng Meizi, the Yellow Spring Hall is destined to create many precedents.

For example... chatting with the Yellow Spring Talisman!

Just thinking of this.

The Yellow Spring Talisman in his hand lit up again.

He picked up the Yellow Spring Talisman weakly and took a look, but found that it was a message from Gu Han.

"Yu Shu, can you do me a favor, Agou..."

Seeing this message.

Lu Yuan's eyes were a little moist.

In the past few days, he spent a lot of energy to send messages to Gu Han and Leng Meizi. He waited for several days, and finally waited for something serious!

Why didn't you say it earlier!

He really wanted to ask Gu Han in person if he knew how hard it was for him as a middleman!

Angry or not.

Pinching his nose, he still sent the message to Leng Meizi.

Half a day later.

Leng Meizi's reply came.

"I know Mu Feng's skills, and I also know Agou's skills, just leave it to me."


After delivering the message, Lu Yuan gasped for air.

Finally, it's over!

He swore that if Gu Han and Leng Meizi did this again, he would never help to deliver a single word!

Another half a day passed.

He recovered a little and prepared to deal with the backlog of things in the past few days.

He had just dealt with two things.

The Huangquan Talisman lit up again!

This time it was Leng Meizi.

Looking at the message she sent back, Lu Yuan shivered on the spot.

The message was not long.

There were only nine words.

"Can't I really go find you?"

Here it comes again!

Lu Yuan's scalp was numb, and his blood and qi were reversed. He almost fainted.

"Is it over or not!"

He was almost going crazy. He shivered and sent a warning message to Leng Meizi on the spot.

No idle chat!

You are not allowed to use public property for personal purposes!

Nanlin Central Region, Zhulan Island.

Leng Meizi, who had been happy for several days, received Lu Yuan's warning, and her face instantly became sullen.


She bit her lips and muttered, "So stingy!"

Gao Lan and Jiao Qingqing looked at each other blankly.

Who is this... talking about again?

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