The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 1176: Nesting dolls, nesting the biggest doll!

Hear the words.

The other three people all shook their heads.

"This cloak is quite magical."

The woman didn't expect the answers from the three of them. She smiled charmingly and said: "It can isolate most of the breath on the body. It is perfect for use in this silence. I don't know where they got it."

"Why bother with so much!"

The old man glanced at her and said calmly: "We are responsible for capturing Poxu, and they are responsible for paying the reward. You agree with me, but for the rest... it's better to worry less!"

"Is it?"

The young man smiled half-heartedly, "Are you really willing?"

"What do you mean?"

The middle-aged man frowned, "If they hadn't told us, we wouldn't have known how to capture the Poxu larvae! And they have promised that after successfully capturing the Poxu larvae, they would attract its parents and give us one. Are you still not satisfied? ?”

"They told us how to capture Poxu."

The young man licked his scarlet lips and continued: "But we set the trap, the manpower is also ours, and even the bait was put together by our family, but they just moved their mouths, but we wanted to run away." If you lose your leg, ask yourself, is this really fair? "

The other three fell silent for a moment.

Of course, they are not willing to give in, but the origin of the other party is inexplicable and the background is unknown. They can't figure out the origin of the other party for a while, so they are a little bit shy.

"Let's talk about this later."

The woman suddenly said again: "I just want to make one thing clear first. According to the purpose of breaking the void they provided... I want that bone!"

"Skin and flesh are mine!"

"I must take away part of the eyes and the source of the innate world!"

"You haven't caught Poxu yet, and you're thinking of dividing the spoils?"

The old man said with a slightly mocking tone: "Let's think about how to make this operation foolproof first!"

"You old devil, you are too cautious!"

The young man was a little disdainful, "We are so well prepared. As soon as the Poxu larva appears, it will be blocked by the ninth layer of restrictions, no matter how powerful it is, it will never escape!"


The woman also nodded and walked out of the passage: "As for the accident on the side... With the four encirclements and the patrolling disciples, within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, it has become a dragnet, and the situation is also in our hands. It’s under control, what else do you have to worry about?”

"This operation is foolproof!"

The middle-aged man also smiled and said: "I am not boasting. With such strict protection, let alone a human being, even an insect... will definitely not be able to fly in!"

at the same time.

Under the leadership of the elders.

Gu Han and his group easily reached the last layer of the encirclement.


Elder Yu suddenly stopped the starship, pointed to a faint green light in front of him, and said: "He is right there!"

"Why is there no one?"

Shumiaozi was a little strange, "We met a lot of people along the way before, but why are there no traces of them now?"

"Of course it's because of him!"

"Live animal?"


Elder Yu nodded, "This person is arrogant and extravagant, behaves absurdly, bullies others with power, is arrogant and domineering, has a violent personality, does all kinds of evil, is hated by people, is a waste among wastes, a scum among scum..."

he gushed.

Gu Han looked strange.

"It's worthless!"

"Everyone in the sect, even his fellow apprentices, are never willing to stay with him!"

After a while.

Elder Yu summed it up without saying anything.

"This evaluation is biased."

Qianye shook his head and said in a slightly mocking tone, "At least the nickname "Living Beast" was earned due to his excellent skills and has nothing to do with his father!"

Gu Han:......

"No one protects him?"

Sapling didn't understand.

"It's not that I don't have it, it's that I don't want to."

Elder Yu explained: "The sect leader didn't give the order. It's too late for everyone to hide from him. How can they get closer to him? And after all, this is the deepest part of the encirclement. No one wants to come around except this living beast. There are elites from various families everywhere. Being with your cronies is naturally the safest place..."


He glanced at Gu Han subconsciously.

The premise is that this person didn't come.

"Thanks to the three of you for your help."

Gu Han sincerely expressed his gratitude.

"Where there!"

Elder Yu was not embarrassed at all, but praised: "I'm afraid no one would have thought that you, little brother, could reach this place quietly and single-handedly... From my point of view, this move is really practical to remove the firepower from the bottom of the cauldron and go straight to Huanglong. How wonderful!”


Shumiaozi looked curious, "What are you so proud of, a traitor?"

"No, no."

Elder Yu shook his head and said seriously: "This should be called abandoning darkness and turning to light."



Zhi Duoxing and Deacon Li looked at each other, secretly admiring each other.


There is a reason why people can become elders!

"Little brother, wait a moment."

Elder Yu didn't care about their expressions, looked at Gu Han again, and said respectfully: "I'll go and bring him here..."


Gu Han smiled and said, "I'll just go find him myself."

He was determined.

This person nicknamed Living Beast is the biggest doll.

That's the case.

There is no need to repeat the same old routine.

While talking.

His figure swayed slightly, and in just one breath, he landed on the bow of the blue star ship, just in time to see the disheveled young man holding a servant with his left hand and a maid with his right hand, with a face full of irritability and evil spirit. The others stood by trembling, fearing that they would offend him.

Gu Han had a strange look on his face.

"Damn it!"

Even though Qian Ye was knowledgeable, he couldn't help but sigh, "It's just the wrong name, not the wrong nickname, it's worthy of being a living beast... well deserved!"

"Huh? Who are you?"

Seeing Gu Han appear, the young man paused, and the irritability and evil spirit on his face became even worse, "How dare you disturb this young master's elegant mood, are you tired of living?"

He regarded Gu Han as the other three people of strength.

Gu Han was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and the momentum on his body fluctuated for a moment, instantly shocking the servant and maid in the field to faint, and raised his wrist, a black sword was already pointed at the young man.

The young man's eyelids twitched, and he subconsciously took out the jade talisman for communication.

Although he was nicknamed a living beast.

But he still had the most basic sense of crisis.

Gu Han's performance was not like that of a friend.



Just after shouting a word, a cold light flashed, and the blade of the black sword had already landed on his face!

Although Gu Han did not use any strength, the young man was just a paper-made free state with spiritual medicine piled up on him, so he naturally could not stop it. He took two breaths in pain, and just as he was about to scream, Gu Han sealed his mouth again.

For a while.

He couldn't open his mouth, and he twitched in pain, rolling around, leaving patches of water on the deck.

Just then, Shu Miaozi rushed over.

"What a waste!"

It shook its head in disdain, "You're scared to death!"

"Little brother!"

Just as Gu Han was about to call out the hidden Feng Xi and prepare for the next step of the plan, he saw Elder Yu holding a jade talisman in his hand and rushing over quickly, with a somewhat anxious tone, "Something's going on!"

"What's wrong?"

"The front sent a message, the young body of the broken void... appeared!"


At the same time.

A long distance away from the few people, with a faint light flashing, a foot long, chubby, chubby little guy appeared in the void with a sneaky look, and his big round eyes were full of curiosity and ignorance.

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