The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 1181 Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

"No more? How could it not be?"

"Could it be that Poxu didn't come at all?"

"It's impossible. Didn't you see that all the divine crystals inside are gone? If Poxu didn't come, who ate it, and who triggered the backhand we left behind?"

"Then where did you say it is?"

"how could I know!"


Several people were not of the same mind, and when they saw this scene, they immediately started quarreling.

"stop fighting!"

Suddenly, the old man seemed to have discovered something. He pointed at a smaller and smaller light spot in the distance and said solemnly: "There is a starship there!"


The young man recognized it instantly, and blood surged in his eyes, "We have given orders in advance, and no one is allowed to step into this trap. Who dares to disrespect our orders? Damn it!"

"Are you still in the mood to care about this?"

The middle-aged man quickly took out the jade messenger and urged: "Hurry! Activate all the restrictions and catch him later. I want to see who has such courage!"

Hear the words.

The other three people woke up immediately and no longer hesitated. They took out their jade talismans to send messages, and then used all their strength to catch up.

No starships used.

It’s useless, if you can’t use it.

At this stage of their cultivation, apart from the special starship in Gu Han's hand, ordinary starships are not as fast as their own.

Received summons.

The leader of the Mingguang Sect, who had already been relieved, felt his heart sink again!


They prepared nine paths.

The channel in the center of the trap is the main one, and the other eight channels are supplementary to avoid unexpected situations.

Obviously, now the unexpected happens!

Could it be related to my son...

Thinking in his heart, the movement of his hand was not slow at all, opening all the remaining eight restrictions!

I caught a glimpse of the strange eyes of several elders behind me.

The uneasiness in his heart became even worse.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Thinking of this, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and flew directly into the trap!

Several people behind him looked at each other and followed immediately!


Not only them, but the elites of the other three forces also set out to find out what was going on.

The starship is speeding along!

The little thing also noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere. He clung to Gu Han tightly, not daring to move. From time to time... he even nudged Gu Han to show his favor.

Although not very intelligent.

But I have to say that it is still very talented when it comes to holding thighs.

Gu Han was angry and funny.

Along the way, he rarely suffered losses, but today...he didn't get a single divine crystal, and he might even have to get Qianye in for it soon!

It can't be said that it was a big loss.

All I can say is that everything is lost!

When he caught a glimpse of the other person's body, he was speechless.

It is round and chubby. Apart from two short wings, there are only two big eyes left. It does not have the power of a void alien at all, but it is a bit cute and silly.

How much you can eat!

Only then can he eat himself from a fish into a ball!

"Junior brother."

Just as he was secretly cursing, Feng Xi suddenly said, "Someone is chasing me from behind."

Gu Han glanced behind him and saw four figures approaching faintly.

He wasn't surprised either.

Given the strength of the other party, he would naturally be able to detect any changes very quickly, and judging from the amount of money the other party spent today, it was impossible to let him leave so easily.

"Let them chase."

"We'll catch up later!"


The four of them became more and more frightened as they chased each other.

"What kind of starship is this!"

The old man was surprised and uncertain, "Why is it so fast!"

"It's definitely not ours!"

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said, "Our four families simply don't have such a fast starship!"

"This is baby!"

A trace of greed flashed in the young man's eyes, "Such a starship is rare in the world. If we can get it and find out how to refine it, its value will be unimaginable!"


The woman sneered and said: "It is no accident that he appears here. There is a high probability that he is here for Poxu. I am 70% sure that Poxu is on his ship. It is better to find it first." That’s right, otherwise we won’t be able to explain when those people come later!”

Having said that.

But she also had to admit that the speed of Gu Han's starship was almost as fast as that of an ordinary Infinite Realm monk. Even if the four of her tried hard to catch up, they could only get closer gradually. It was impossible to capture him at once!

While catching up.

A faint light suddenly lit up in the distance!

Ban activated!


Seeing this, the young man smiled solemnly, "Under the restriction, no matter how fast his starship is, it will be difficult to get wings..."

The word "escape" has not yet been spoken.

But a hazy green light suddenly flashed in the distance. The next moment, a hole was opened above the restriction, and the starship passed straight through without any hindrance!


"Absolutely impossible!"

He exclaimed uncontrollably and uttered the most common phrase that everyone says when they lose their composure.


"Excuse me, Ashu, for speaking frankly, I see the restrictions in the world as if they were made of clay and paper, and I have nothing to fear!"

Shumiaozi broke the ban again, said coquettishly, and came to ask for credit.


Gu Han rarely praised it.

After all, in the face of worldly restrictions, Shumiaozi is indeed the most qualified to say this.

"Ha! So that the master will know!"

The sapling was filled with excitement, "No matter how many restrictions he has, I, Ashu, also have a thousand ways of doing things!"

While talking.

Another layer of restrictions stood in front of him.


It shouted softly and kicked away again!

"Shadow-shaking kick!"

"To the ground and to the bottom of my heart!"

"Chasing souls and killing people in a series of mandarin ducks!"


Breaking the ban all the way, making moves all the way, there are new tricks every time, and there are new names every time, which also makes Gu Han's starship sail smoothly all the way without losing any speed.

Also at this time.

A figure sneaked out of the cabin.

From the beginning to now, he has seen everything that happened. The more he watched, the more frightened and frightened he became. His survival instinct gave him the courage to escape for the first time!

"Specialized in kicking beasts!"

Just as he was about to jump off the ship to escape, a foot shadow instantly fell on his face!

There was a soft click.

His head was almost kicked off by a sapling, his eyes rolled, and he fainted on the spot.

"Don't kick me to death."

Gu Han frowned and said, "He will be useful for a while."

Shumiaozi's cultivation is as high as the sky. Although he restrains his strength, he can still kill the opponent with one kick at will.


The sapling shouted to Qu, "He was peeking at my aunt again just now!"

"It's too light!"

Gu Han's eyes narrowed, "Just kick him to death. Such a dog will die early and be reborn!"


Feng Xi:......

Seeing Gu Han breaking through eight restrictions in a row and riding a powerful horse, the four of them no longer bothered to explore why his starship was so fast.

"This can't go on like this!"

The old man took a deep breath and said, "Don't forget, we left a lot of divine crystals in our trap. Maybe most of them fell into his hands. With the support of these divine crystals, his starship can travel at full speed for several years." Long, but what about us, ten days? Half a month? If we keep chasing like this regardless of our cultivation, our speed will only get slower and slower!"

"Until the end, I was completely rid of him!"

"Give me the order!"

Having said this, he made a decisive decision: "Let those people guarding outside come in, no matter the cost, give me... surround and kill this thief with all your strength!"

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