The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 1227 Let’s have a thousand divine crystals to fill our stomachs first!

Gu Han knew very well.

Judging from all kinds of information, given the behavior of the Moon Clan, even if he had the opportunity to go to the Canglan Ancient World, there was absolutely no possibility of taking Ah Sha away. The first thing to do now is to work step by step, master the information, and make a decision. Planning, taking things slowly, and acting impulsively will only be counterproductive.

There was a calculation in my mind.

He asked the two again about Ferryman No. 3.

Judging from the news sent back from Huangquan Palace, this person should be someone who could help him, but he didn't know anything about the other person's specific identity.

In fact.

Not only did he not know, but even Dong Shi and Zhao Zheng didn't know.

"Peripheral members like us are not qualified to know the true identity of the messenger. This is a taboo. Only the president himself has the right to contact him, and he knows more than us."

"Where is your president?"

"Was...receiving guests."


"That's...that Qi Sheng."

Dong Shi was a little embarrassed.

"It's him?"

Gu Han suddenly realized.

He suddenly thought of the starship that flew over his head earlier, looking extremely arrogant, and heading in the same direction as him. It was heading for the headquarters of the Luoyun Chamber of Commerce. There was a high probability that it was the one named Qi Sheng.

"He came once a month ago."

Dong Shi quickly explained: "This Qi... Qi Sheng, has a crystal token in his hand, and has been looking for a rare material called Huanxi Shensha, but there has been no news. I must have come here for this piece." thing."


Feng Shiliu smiled lightly and said: "This President Hou is very hands-on in everything. For the sake of the prosperity of the Chamber of Commerce, he even discussed business with people in person."

Dong Shi was sitting on pins and needles.

The chair beneath him creaked, seeming a little overwhelmed.

In fact.

Even if he is the owner of the crystal token, he can't just meet Hou Zhen, and... the president himself doesn't need to take action in order to purchase it.

"The messenger doesn't know something."

Zhao Zheng, however, did not have so many worries and said bluntly: "The president has a wide network of contacts and has close contacts with Qi Tai. Therefore, every time Qi Sheng comes here for something, he goes directly to the president without going through the hands of others."

"Messenger, don't worry!"

Dong Shi felt sweat dripping from his forehead and said hurriedly: "I have sent a message to the president and other members of the organization. They will be here soon!"

"It doesn't matter."

"I don't have anything else to do, just wait."

Gu Han smiled and didn't ask any questions, let alone give orders. Instead, he asked him about the Luoyun Chamber of Commerce.

Dong Shi naturally told everything he knew.

In Luoyun Guild, in addition to the president Hou Zhen, there are nine vice-presidents. The lowest is at the sixth level of immeasurable realm, and the highest is at the peak of immeasurable realm. They are responsible for different businesses. In addition, there is also the chief alchemist, Chief weapon refiner, chief appraiser... a total of thirteen peripheral members.


Dong Shi has been in the organization for the shortest time, only a few hundred years. Others, such as Zhao Zheng, have been in the organization for more than 2,000 years. He also respected him very much.

The oldest person is Hou Zhen.

He has been the president of Luoyun Guild for nearly 20,000 years.

Gu Han was thoughtful.

Dong Shi has the most junior qualifications. Although he holds the position of vice president, when there was trouble in the chamber of commerce, he was the first one to show up, and he was always cautious in his words and actions. On the contrary, he was not as confident as Zhao Zheng, who wanted to come and do what he usually does. It's all hard work and not as glamorous as it seems.

"Tsk, tsk."

Qianye suddenly said: "Why is this so long? The elbows shouldn't turn outwards, right?"

"Not really."

Gu Han thought for a while, "He shouldn't dare even if the organization is here."

"Hard to say."

Qianye shook his head and said: "Although your organization is indeed commendable in terms of selecting people, these are only peripheral members after all, and the sky is high and the emperor is far away. After so long... people's hearts will inevitably change."

"I hope so."

Gu Han glanced at the sword talisman and said calmly: "He can be a smart man."


Just as he was talking, Qiuqiu suddenly came over to him in a daze, and little stars appeared in his eyes again.

I'm going to starve to death...

Gu Han put away his suspicions, looked at Dong Shi, and said with a smile: "Vice President Dong, is there anything to eat?"


Dong Shi was stunned and said, "Yes, yes, the envoy will wait a moment, I will have someone prepare it right now."

Although practitioners can abstain from food and drink all year round, there are still many people who retain the eating habits of their early years, which is not too uncommon. The best example...just look at Feng Xi who is standing by the window drinking. .

"not me."

Gu Han shook his head and pointed at Qiuqiu, "That's it."


Dong Shi glanced at Qiuqiu and was stunned again.


Qiuqiu waved his little wings and said hello in a friendly manner.

For a while.

The two balls blinked together, their eyes facing each other, feeling cordial.


Zhao Zheng looked at Qiuqiu carefully for a few times. He was a little unsure and frowned: "Forgive me for my limited knowledge. Why do I feel that it is somewhat similar to the legendary Poxu..."

"It's not like."

Sapling waved a small branch and said, "Sister Qiuqiu is Poxu!"

Even the calm Zhao Zheng was dumbfounded, "Then...then it..."

He wanted to ask, the classics record that Poxu is like a fish but not a fish, with wings under his ribs and natural speed... but it never said that Poxu is a ball!

Could it be that the classics I read are fake?

He suddenly began to doubt himself.

"What a fuss!"

Shu Miaozi pouted, "If you eat more than ten meals a day, you can get so fat!"


Zhao Zheng's thoughts were in a mess.

Dong Shi sighed secretly.

He hasn't eaten a spiritual food for hundreds of years, but he has become a ball... Who can he complain to?


Zhao Zheng came back to his senses after a long while, and said admiringly: "It is rumored that this Poxu roams in the void, with a strong temper, and would rather perish than be restrained by others, but I didn't expect that the messenger could actually subdue it and let it follow him willingly. It's really unprecedented!"


Gu Han felt that Zhao Zheng might have misunderstood something. Other void-breakers might be strong-willed, but Qiuqiu... was probably an outlier.

Not much.

Ten or eight divine crystals could easily trick it away!

Thinking of this, he touched his feet lightly, and Qiuqiu rolled out consciously, and then... rolled back, flapping its two short wings in a flattering manner, blinking its big eyes for food.

Gu Han suddenly felt a little worried.

He had finally made some money, so he wouldn't be eaten back to poverty by it, right?

This scene.

Zhao Zheng was dumbfounded.

I've learned it!

You can't know much from books, but you have to watch the ball to know this matter... You have to watch the ball!

Dong Shi glanced at Qiuqiu and asked curiously, "What does it... feed on?"

"As a void-breaker."

Zhao Zheng stroked his beard, "Of course it feeds on void divine crystals!"

Dong Shi's mouth twitched, feeling a little painful.

Void divine crystals?

That thing... is not cheap!

"How much do you need?"

"Not too much."

Gu Han touched Qiuqiu's head and thought for a while, "Let's start with a thousand yuan."


Dong Shi was stunned, "Can this...can we finish it?"

"Just a small portion first."

Gu Han smiled, "We'll have the main course in half an hour."

With a click!

The chair under Dong Shi finally couldn't bear the weight and was crushed into pieces on the spot. His mind was full of a thousand divine crystals, and he forgot to use his cultivation. His body rolled several feet away!

The atmosphere was very awkward.

"Don't just stand there!"

Gu Han slapped Shu Miaozi casually and scolded, "Help Vice President Qiu up..."

Shu Miaozi: ? ? ?

Dong Shi: ...

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