The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 1445 Gu Xiaobailian?


Shumiaozi was moved by the scene and sniffed: "I miss Huzi."

Gu Han remained silent.

If that little guy hadn't died, he might be his apprentice now.

"Who is Huzi?"

Yuan Xiaoxia looked curious.

"I met you before."

The sapling thought for a while: "A little guy who dreams of eating a fruit."

"Where are the others?"

"Killed by the ghost clan."

Shumiaozi felt a little disappointed: "I didn't even eat a single fruit until I died."


Yuan Xiaoxia suddenly felt a little heavy.

turn out to be……

Do the people here live so miserable?

For the first time in her life, she realized that being a ferryman was not as simple as killing evil ghosts and being cool to show off as she had imagined. It also had responsibilities and missions.

"What's all the fuss about?"

Gui Sanniang's face remained normal, as if she was used to all this, and she said indifferently: "Why do you humans raise livestock, and monks raise spiritual beasts? Isn't it also to kill them for meat? From this aspect, there is no difference between us. !”


Yuan Xiaoxia wanted to argue, but couldn't say it.


Gu Han said calmly: "You have become such a virtuous person, and you still want to mess with other people's minds? Are you full? Or maybe I am too tolerant to you?"

"that is!"

Shumiaozi gave Ghost Sanniang a hard kick and said fiercely: "You are a stinky, narcissistic ugly ghost, a leader, a traitor, a sinner of the ghost clan, and a prisoner of the master... You are so arrogant!"

Ghost Sanniang almost broke the defense on the spot!

Gu Han didn't bother to pay attention to her, let alone refute.

To treat Gui Sanniang like this, you have to be like a sapling, simple and rude, just stab her in the heart hard and that's it.


The races are different, the positions are different, and the ideas are very different... What truth can be said?

The only reason is to completely eliminate the opponent!


He paused and looked into the distance.


Sapling accidentally bumped into him.


He stuck his head out and glanced ahead, and blinked: "Are you here?"


In the mist of ghosts, a giant city thousands of feet high loomed, apparently made of bones!

"That's it."

Gui Sanniang forced herself to calm down the anger in her heart, looked at Gu Han and said, "Three hundred years ago, I happened to pass by this place, and it was Na Mukui's territory."


Gu Han said calmly: "Remember what I told you, as long as you follow it well, I will guarantee that you will go one step further and become a ghost king!"

On the way here.

He has already made a preliminary plan with Qianye.


As if he had thought of something, he looked at the Fine Ghost and the Smart Ghost again, and said seriously: "When you are in the Ghost Realm, you cannot use human names in public, so as not to reveal your secrets. Do you understand?"


The two brats looked at each other and said in unison: "Lord Mowu!"

In the center of the giant city of bones, there is a palace of bones. The hall is filled with ghosts, and the smell of blood is several times stronger than the outside. The screams come one after another, coupled with the cruel laughter of the ghosts, it is like purgatory!

Inside the palace.

A stout ghost tribe member sat high in the throne room. He had a grayish complexion, a square mouth and a broad nose. Under each of his two brown eyes, there was a bulge. As he spoke, he kept squirming, which was strange and inexplicable.

It’s none other than the handsome ghost, Mu Kui!

He is also the number one confidant of the Bone Ghost King!


On the left and right sides, there are four seats on each side, all made of human bones. Behind the seats, there are three ghost tribesmen on each side. Like Mukui, they are all handsome ghosts!

Farther away.

But there were thirty or forty ghost generals, all confidants of the major ghost commanders, who were brought to the banquet together. At this moment, you were coming and going, changing cups and cups, talking loudly, and it was very happy.

The wine glasses in the hands of the ghosts are apparently made of human skulls!

The wine in the cup was bright red, and the smell of blood was tangy. It was actually brewed with human blood!


Several wails and screams were heard again in the side hall, which made the ghosts perk up and become excited again.

Not long after.

Several ghost soldiers walked out of the side hall and placed the steaming human hearts, which were still beating slightly, in front of each ghost commander's table. In front of those ghost generals, they were also presented with fresh flesh and blood and blood wine.


Mu Kui glanced at the three ghost commanders on the right and said with a smile: "The blood food that is now killed, the human hearts that are now harvested, the ready-made live meat, try it and see if it suits your taste?"

"Brother Mu, you are serious."

In the first place on the right, the ghost commander put the human heart in front of him into his mouth and chewed it, his expression full of intoxication.


Mu Kui smiled calmly: "This is the first time you three come to my place, so naturally I want to treat you well."

"That's right, you three are welcome to vote!"

"We will be colleagues from now on, which is a great congratulation. You three, please have a full drink of this cup!"


On the left side, the three ghost commanders spoke one after another, picked up the skull wine glasses on the table, and toasted to the opposite side. For a while, they drank and drank, and the hall was filled with laughter and laughter, and the guests and hosts were enjoying themselves.

"Brother Mu."

In the midst of the excitement, the ghost commander in the middle on the right hesitated for a moment and asked: "If Lord Sanniang comes back, he wants to accuse us..."

Hear the words.

The two ghost commanders beside him also put down their wine glasses and looked at Mukui, as if waiting for his reply.

Three of them.

They are not the ghost generals under the seat of the White Bone Ghost King, but they belong to Ghost Sanniang. They came here today, but they betrayed their original master and joined the new master.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Everything is up to the king."

As if he saw their thoughts, Mu Kui said proudly: "Among the seven ghost kings under the seat of Lord Honghe, the king is the oldest in terms of seniority and the strongest in terms of strength. With his protection, let alone Lady Sanniang is not here, even if she is here, the king can keep you safe!"

Hearing his promise.

The three ghost generals who surrendered secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Betray the Ghost King.

They are also under great pressure. If it weren't for the White Bone Ghost King's too generous conditions, they were really living a miserable life. Even if they had ten more courage, they would not dare to do such a thing.

"Don't worry, the three of you."

Mu Kui continued: "My king will come here later to welcome the three of you. By then, we will be completely one family!"

He turned his eyes.

Looking at the human heart in front of him, he said dissatisfiedly: "Although this person's heart is good, it is not as delicate as the heart of a baby... Go, urge them again!"

Speaking of this.

His eyes turned cold, and he looked at a ghost soldier beside him and said lightly: "If they can't come back after the king arrives, then they will never come back!"


The ghost soldier was trembling with fear and was about to urge them again.

Before he could move his feet.

Suddenly there was a commotion outside, followed by a slightly shrill voice: "How dare you! You dare to stop my old... master, you are tired of living! Get out of here!"


The ghosts were stunned.

Who is so brave that he dares to make trouble outside?

Without waiting for them to check.

A figure slowly walked into the hall, with white hair draped over his shoulders, a handsome figure, a handsome face, and an extraordinary demeanor.

It was Gu Han!

Seeing his appearance, including Mu Kui, the three ghost handsome men on the left were slightly distracted, and a hint of jealousy inexplicably arose in their hearts.

Who is this?

So handsome?

Do you want to make a living by relying on your face?

In contrast to them, the expressions of the three ghost handsome men on the right changed slightly, and they gritted their teeth.

It's him again!

This damn pretty boy!

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