The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 1612: Let us divert the trouble to others and prevent it!

"not necessarily."

Leng Meizi stared at the starship, thoughtfully, "The time and place they appeared were all coincidental..."

Just talking about starships.

The Pang family's ship is much inferior to Gu Han's. After all, the whole body is made of branches of the World Tree, and it has gathered the skilled craftsmen from the Junyang region. There are few starships in the world that can match it.


After they broke through, they could barely avoid being caught up by those evil monsters.

Two starships approached quickly.

Pang Li could even vaguely see the silhouettes of several people on the bow, and his face instantly darkened.


"No need."

Pang Guangda waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "If you want us to protect them from disaster, you must have this ability!"


Sun Zi also said coldly: "It seems that they know nothing about the terror of the Pang family!"



As soon as the words fell, two powerful auras instantly rose from the two of them!

One returns to the eighth level!

One returns to the seventh level!

Born as void hunters, at this moment, their ruthlessness in their bones was clearly demonstrated!

"Damn it!"

"Let me ward off disasters and dream!"


In an instant, two powerful attacks came down on Gu Han and his party!

The offensive is coming.

Mei Yun was stunned for a moment and then became furious, "You bitch, how did we offend them?"


On the bow of the boat, the sapling almost cried, "What should we do?"

There is an interception in front.

There were pursuers behind.

It didn't dare to slow down the starship, nor did it dare to change its direction at will.


Gu Han slowly raised his sword and sighed, "How can there be any enthusiastic people in such a ghost place?"

"Damn it."

Qianye cursed in a low voice, "The little strength I just saved is going to be gone again!"

While talking.

Gu Han had already leapt onto the bow of the ship, covered in silver armor, with demonic flames rising all over his body, and he slashed at the two men's attack with his sword!

The cold light appears!

The silence suddenly lit up for a moment!

There was a loud bang, and a demonic sword light collided with the two men's offensive!

"So strong!"

Pang Guang and Sun Zi looked at each other, secretly shocked. They didn't expect Gu Han to be able to take a combined blow from them.

"Too much power was used before!"

Qianye was very dissatisfied, "Otherwise, that sword attack just now could not kill them, but it could also seriously injure them!"

So is he.

Gu Han, too.

The two of them were exhausted from the big battle just now, and it was barely enough to be able to block their attack at this moment.


At this time, the saplings panicked: "They... are going to catch up!"


The remnants of the offensive from both sides exploded continuously, and the air machines flew out in all directions, shaking the starship and causing it to suddenly slow down.


Pang Guang's starship was also affected, and its speed slowed down a lot.

The two threw a rat weapon.

I don’t dare to take action anymore for the time being.

Gu Han's starship is faster than theirs and has good strength. If the fight continues, they will be the first to be caught up by those alien monsters!

Above the bow of the ship.

Gu Han wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Murderous intent gradually arose in my heart.

The moment they fought, he understood that the two people on the opposite side were both ruthless and ruthless people. They would kill each other with their deadly moves, leaving no room for them at all!

"Go after them!"

He said coldly: "Since they think I am causing trouble, then I will throw it on their heads!"


After receiving the order, Sapling took the time to stuff a handful of five-color soil into his mouth, and his body turned into a transparent color. He exerted all his strength to control the starship and chased after him!


The two starships quickly closed the distance.

"Both of you."

Gu Han stood on the bow of the boat holding his sword and said calmly: "You kill me without even asking a question. Isn't it a bit too much?"

The two didn't answer.

What they are more worried about is their current situation.


Don’t even think about finishing it!

The first thing to consider now is how to protect yourself!

Think of this.

Pang Guang gritted his teeth with hatred, and his heart was bleeding with pain, "You little beast, you dare to ruin my plan. If you don't deserve to die, who should die?"



Leng Meizi sighed and said softly: "The appearance of these things has something to do with them."


Mei Yun was startled and became furious, "Is it these dogs that have made us so miserable?"


Leng Meizi sighed, glanced at the other party's expression, and said: "But now it seems that their plan also had an accident."


Mei Yun asked in confusion: "What accident?"

Three people and one tree: "???"

What an accident.

Don't you have any idea?

"Where are you from?"

Opposite me, Pang Li said calmly: "You are quite courageous to dare to disrupt Young Master Wu Jiu's plan."

No blame?

Gu Han was startled, his heart moved, and he blurted out: "Ji... Wujiu?"


Pang Guang frowned when he heard this and sneered: "You are the first one who dares to call Mr. Wu Jiu by his name."


Gu Han said nothing.

In the space of consciousness, Qianye's expression suddenly shook, and a hint of bloody murder suddenly flashed in his eyes!

"So said."

Leng Meizi suddenly said: "This is the Nine Demon Realm...or should I say, the Nine Nether Demon Realm?"

"The Nine Demon Realms?"

Pang Li said expressionlessly: "That was what it was called many years ago."


Gu Han sighed and said softly: "This is such a coincidence."

Qianye didn't recognize it.

He didn't find it strange either.

After all, the void is vast and boundless, with no coordinates or references, and it is pitch black, so naturally it is impossible to recognize it easily.

"God willing."

Qianye only said these two words and then remained silent.


He acted calm.

But Gu Han could feel the hatred and murderous intent hidden beneath the calmness.

Compared to the two.

Leng Meizi thought a little deeper and glanced at the three of them, "I'm very curious, what mission did the one named Ji Wujiu give you? Is it related to these alien monsters?"


Pang Guang said coldly: "You can't even save your life. Are you still in the mood to care about Mr. Wu Jiu?"

"Is it?"

Leng Meizi said calmly: "You dare to take action?"

Pang Guang's tone was choked.

He didn't dare.

The two sides exchanged words, and although the atmosphere became increasingly tense, no one dared to take action first.


It means accident.


It means that those evil monsters may catch up.

"Yellow-haired girl!"

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth!"

Sun Zi couldn't help but sneered: "If you fall into my hands later, I will kill you!"


Seeing that the other party was talking but not taking action, Shumiaozi suddenly became excited.

"Be bold!"

The two small leaves on its head were twitching, pointing at each other, and yelling: "Who allowed you to talk to my aunt like this!"

On the art of talking and talking.

Naturally, Mei Yun was not inferior to Shumiaozi. Seeing this, he couldn't hold it back and shouted: "Grandson! Tell me your name!"

Sun Zi: "???"

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