The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 1664 Gu Tian assists his son!

It was Zhang Yuan who spoke.

Finished delivering Xiao He.

As soon as he came back, he heard Sister Leng's last words and was quite dissatisfied.

The three of them were silent for a moment.


Leng Meizi looked at him curiously, "What are you objecting to?"


Zhang Yuan's face turned solemn, "I thought that the master, the young master, and fellow Taoists were responsible for planning something, and you..."


Who are you?

Do you dare to do such an extraordinary thing and let the young master and the master follow you?


Gu Han felt that he was a little ungrateful and said seriously: "Do you have any objections?"

Gu Tian said nothing.

I also glanced at him, and the gray color flashed in my eyes, and the meaning was obvious.

against her.

Those who oppose my son, those who oppose my son, die!


Zhang Yuan swallowed.

He suddenly felt that something was wrong, involving Leng Meizi, and the reaction of the two father and son was much greater than he thought.

"it does not matter."

On the contrary, it was the cold girl with a calm look on her face.

While talking.

The palm is surrounded by demonic energy, and a strange demonic eye is looming, it is the one that Gu Tian gave him before!

"If you have an opinion, say it."

She looked at Zhang Yuan and her tone was very gentle, "I am quite able to listen to different opinions."

Being illuminated by the devil's eye.

Zhang Yuan suddenly felt that the demonic body was showing signs of disintegration, his legs softened, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop!

he thinks.

He may have kicked an iron plate, an iron plate harder than Mei Lun and Saplings combined!

"Why are not you talking?"

Leng Meizi's voice was still very calm, "It doesn't matter, the so-called listening will make it clear. If you object to me, you can say it directly."

"I object! Very much!"

Zhang Yuan looked serious and said sternly: "Girl, if you do this, you are putting all the heavy responsibilities on your shoulders. It will... exhaust your body!"

"Are you tired?"

Leng Meizi smiled and slowly put away her magic eyes, "I'm not afraid of getting tired."

"Is it?"

"That would be great!"

Zhang Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, stood up quickly, and said with an apologetic smile: "Girl, if you are capable, please do your best to share the worries of the master and the young master. I am very..."

"What are you doing standing up?"

Leng Meizi gave him a strange look, "You must be very tired after sending Xiao He so far, right?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Zhang Yuan's heart trembled and he knelt down again, "I'm very tired, very tired, very tired!"

he thinks.

That is to say, he is no longer a human being, otherwise, his clothes would be soaked with sweat.

"My lord, my lord!"

Seeing the strange looks in the eyes of the two father and son, he hurriedly explained: "You continue to talk, I will kneel down for a while!"

Gu Han: "..."

Gu Tian: "..."

Not bothering to pay attention to this living treasure who was even more dancing than Ashu, Gu Han rubbed his brows and sighed: "He is actually right. You cannot support this matter alone."

He knows it very well.

For them, every time they improve their strength, they may increase their chances of winning.


The most important thing is the sword of cause and effect that he just realized!

"The Sword of Cause and Effect?"

After hearing the explanation, Leng Meizi's eyes brightened slightly, "Is this the sword you used to kill Dongfang Li?"


"No wonder."

Leng Meizi suddenly realized, "I think that sword is different from the one you usually use."


When it came to cause and effect, Gu Han seemed to have thought of something. He picked it up, took out the jade talisman left by Qingmu that day, and explained its origin.

these years.

He kept running around, never having a moment of free time, and almost forgot about this thing.


With bright eyes, Leng Meizi picked up the jade talisman and studied it carefully.

After a while.

She looked back and said with emotion: "The way of cause and effect is indeed the great way. The seniors Qingmu and Lu Linyuan who created this magical power are undoubtedly great talents that are hard to find in the world!"

Gu Han sighed secretly.

Compared to Qingmu and Lu Linyuan, he missed Tangtang more, that little girl with whom he had a special rapport.

"cause and effect……"

Gu Tian also glanced at the jade talisman, frowned, and was lost in thought.

On the contrary, it was Gu Tian.

His eyes were slightly closed, the demonic flames on his body were looming, and he was not interested at all.

Not arrogant.

Just can't understand it.

"The path of cause and effect is too difficult."

Gu Han smiled bitterly, "According to the records of the jade talisman and the performance of Senior Qingmu using the power of cause and effect that day, this is a taboo way. If you act rashly, you will be punished by the great way, but I..."

He understands.

He had used the Sword of Cause and Effect twice before, and there was nothing unusual about it. It was not that the avenue was open to one side, it was just that the force of cause and effect he activated was too weak.

"What you did was just slightly affecting cause and effect."

Leng Meizi analyzed: "After that, it is to cut off the cause and effect, and then to continue the cause and effect. According to the reasoning of the two seniors, if this magical power is cultivated to a great extent, it can change the cause and effect."

Gu Han suddenly realized.

These are the four levels of causal magical powers recorded in the jade talisman.


Always easier than rebuilding.


Change is always harder than maintaining the status quo.


Leng Meizi held the jade talisman and said thoughtfully: "According to Senior Aoki's deduction, the power of this magical power is definitely not limited to these four levels, but the things behind it may involve real taboos, and... "

Speaking of which.

She changed the topic and said softly: "I also found that this magical power is somewhat similar to the Underworld Festival."

Huangquan Festival?

Gu Han was startled.

Among the nine magical powers of Huangquan, the one he is most familiar with is Huangquan Killing, and the other one is the mysterious Huangquan Burial.

As for the Huangquan Festival...

He vaguely heard Shang Qingshu mention that for countless years, there were very few people who could comprehend this magical power.

"Could it be..."

His heart moved, "The Underworld Sacrifice is also a cause and effect magical power?"


Leng Meizi explained: "The Underworld Sacrifice actually coincides with the law of cause and effect, so theoretically speaking, the stronger the sacrifice, the stronger the magical power will be."


Gu Han's heart moved, and he instantly understood the key.

The so-called sacrifice.

One of its functions is to transfer or offset the backlash when changing cause and effect, as well as the punishment brought by the great road!


Leng Meizi's eyes brightened slightly, "The person who created the Underworld Festival is far more familiar with the law of cause and effect than Senior Aoki and the others."

Gu Han was silent.

The nine great magical powers of Huangquan all come from the stone statue woman holding the gun, who is also... his biological sister.


Leng Meizi thought for a while, "I have a new idea, but it just takes time..."


Gu Han looked solemn and warned: "No matter what you think, you can't use tricks like Huang Quan Sacrifice anymore. Do you understand?"


Leng Meizi tilted her head and said softly: "I know..."

"You think I believe it?!"

Gu Han's eyes twitched and he turned her head back, "Tell me, how many times have you lied to me?"


Gu Tian looked at this and then that, feeling that he was a bit redundant, so he immediately stood up, turned around and left.

"Adoptive father?"

Gu Han was stunned, "What are you doing?"

Gu Tian paused, composed some words, and found a very lame reason, "I want to be quiet."

Gu Han: "???"

Gu Tian didn't explain much and continued to move forward, but he was silently blessing him in his heart.


A father can only help you so much!

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