The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 1754 I, Gu Han, do not cultivate the past or the future, but only this life!


The two women watched Gu Han quietly, knowing that he seemed to be at a critical moment, and did not dare to disturb him.

The road is broken.

How to go?

Either turn back, stop, fly over, or... build a bridge!

Thinking of the previous feelings in my heart.

He glanced at the two girls.

He glanced at the small courtyard.

His figure suddenly disappeared from the field.

"What's up with him?"

Mo Chenyin was a little worried.

"he looks like."

Leng Meizi thought for a while, "Looking for a path that belongs to him alone."

With the blessing of the peak cultivation level of the Infinite Realm, it didn't take long for Gu Han to arrive at Tianwu City, a place that symbolizes the starting point of everything.

The mottled city.

Ruined streets.

It vaguely brought back his memories of those years.

Stay for a moment.

He moved again and went to the wild forest, walking around aimlessly.

Went to the capital of Daqi again.

Then there are Fengwu Courtyard, Jade Qing Sect, Eastern Wilderness and Northern Territory, Zhongzhou... Every place he has ever set foot on, now he has visited it again.

All the way.

He saw the vegetation withered and flourished, and all things sprouting.

I saw all kinds of things in the world, I saw birth, old age, sickness and death, I saw joys and sorrows.


I also saw Hui Neng who was boasting a lot but could not hide the loneliness deep in his eyes. I also saw the blood ancestor who was hiding in the cave and was secretly happy. I saw the saplings laughing wildly in the rain. I saw Mei Mei with a lonely look on his face. transport……


He also went back to the place where he once hunted tigers to take a look, and by the way...touched two fish.

Return to the second daughter.

One day has passed.

Compared with before, he was clearly broken, but his aura became more clumsy, and his eyes became more ordinary and quiet.

not far away.

Gu Tian, ​​Sun Lao Wei and others have been waiting here for a long time.

No one bothered Gu Han.

They could all see that Gu Han seemed to be in a strange state of enlightenment.

"The rain has stopped."

Gu Han raised his head and spoke softly.

He traveled for a day.

This rain lasted for just one day, and it didn't last long, but this piece of land has undergone a radical change!

"Sister Mo."

Looking back, he handed over the fish in his hand and said softly: "I want to eat fish."

"I'll do it."

Mo Chenyin took a fish.

"I help."

Leng Meizi took another fish.

The smoke rose again, and the two girls did not use their cultivation skills, just busy like two little wives.


Gu Tian nodded repeatedly as he watched, feeling that the two women matched his son very well in terms of appearance, character, temperament, and even cooking skills!

that is……

There is a lack of someone to talk to, a person to light the fire, a person to make tea, a person to play the piano... There is only one fly in the ointment!

"Nothing lasts forever."

"The ups and downs are all in this wisp of fireworks."

Lao Sun twists his beard and sighs, "Is this the pattern and realm of the young master? Returning to nature and simplicity, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!"


Compared to the two of them, Old Wei let out a long sigh and looked at Gu Han not far away, worried.

Your Majesty.

Can you grasp it?

"Old Sun."

Gu Han suddenly looked at Sun Zi and said softly: "When you broke through the Guiyi Realm, did you realize the past?"


Lao Sun was stunned and said strangely: "Of course I have realized it."

"what does it look like?"

"It's hard to say."

Lao Sun didn't know what was going on, thinking that Gu Han was about to break through the realm and return to his original state, and he wanted to provide experience, so he patiently said: "The changes in the past don't just refer to the past, but... may also include things in the past life. I just The initial understanding is not complete.”

"Do you think this was you in the previous life?"


"Your Majesty!"

Wei Shanhe said loudly: "This question is too hasty, past life? It is not certain whether the big girl in the previous life was a human being!"

Lao Sun: "..."

"Sister, I'm not scolding you."

Seeing that his face was a little dark, Old Wei explained: "I may not have been a human in my previous life!"


Lao Sun counterattacked for the first time: "Maybe we can still be a couple!"

"It makes sense."

But Old Wei said seriously: "It's possible!"

Lao Sun: "???"

"What about the future?"

Gu Han ignored their argument and asked again: "What is it like?"


Old Sun was startled, shook his head, and sighed: "The future is uncertain. I have reached this point and have exhausted all my accumulation. If there is no opportunity, I will probably not be able to set foot in the Origin Realm in this life."


Gu Han was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "So, when your life span is exhausted, there will be no more Sun Zi in the world."

Lao Sun's mouth twitched.

Suddenly I felt heartbroken.

Young Master, I kindly answer your question, but why do you want to destroy my Taoist heart?

Gu Han stopped talking.

One day.

Will I... never see them again, never drink fish soup?

The smell of fireworks is flowing around his body.

It seems that I have returned to the moment when I realized the meaning of the world.


At this time, he had another gain.

The human world is small.

It was as small as a small yard the size of a palm, as small as a hut, a few wooden piers, and two busy women.

The human world is very big.

It is big enough to carry all living things, the joys and sorrows, the joys and sorrows, the various states of living beings, and the prosperity and end.

The temperament of the body is constantly changing.

It seems that it is not just ordinary, there are ups and downs, ups and downs, prosperity and ending... In the inner lake, the sapling of human meaning has been replaced by a towering tree, every leaf, every stripe The lines all imply the various forms of life, the ups and downs of the mortal world.

Human meaning.

That is, the meaning of the world!

Also at this time.

A fresh aroma wafts from the small courtyard, the fish soup is ready.

He glanced at Gu Tian.

He glanced at Mo Chenyin and Leng Meizi who were busy again, their eyes full of nostalgia.

This world is beautiful.

I want to stay here forever and ever!

"My path has been found."

He spoke softly, with a hint of persistence and nostalgia in his voice.

The words fell.

His breath trembled, as if he was heading from the peak of the Infinite Realm to another realm!

Changes from the past.

He still couldn't feel it.


A halo of light seems real and illusory, and it has the faint tendency to build a bridge over the abyss!

Life is full of vegetation and autumn.

Time turns around and will eventually come to an end.

The past cannot be traced, and the future cannot be known.

"That's it."

"What's the use of knowing everything about the past and the future?"

"I'm Gu Han!"

"Only cultivate now, only cultivate in this life, only cultivate, only!"

Big dream world.

The old Taoist huddled under the tree and fell asleep, snoring like thunder, while the Confucian scholar crouched in front of his desk, writing furiously.


As soon as the old Taoist stopped snoring, the Confucian scholar paused his writing, and both of them looked to the sky with a look of disbelief on their faces.


After a long time.

The old Taoist looked at the Confucian scholar with confusion in his eyes, "Is this kid a little evil? He has only been away for a long time and he has found a way to continue the broken path? Isn't this too fast? What do you think?"

The Confucian scholar really wants to say that I’m a bullshit!

But considering that it was indecent to say this, and it would insult my image as a scholar, I could only change my words.

"One thing to say."

"I don't even dare to write like this in my storybook!"

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