The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 1794 A gift from Yun Jiansheng!

Tangtang is very innocent.

Tangtang is also very honest.

Although he grew up in the quagmire of Zhenjian City, under the guidance of Lu Linyuan, his mind was pure.

Taking something without reporting it is called stealing.

He who takes it without asking is a thief.

This is one of the things she learned.


Shumiaozi was asked.

Not shame.

It's just that it followed Gu Han all the way and never had this concept in its mind.


After pondering for a moment, it said earnestly: "Do you think the people in Zhenjian City are good?"

"not good!"

Tangtang's little head kept shaking, "Not good, not good at all!"

"what about me?"

"Brother Ashu is very good!"


The sapling's face turned solemn, and he said solemnly: "We are not stealing, we are punishing evil and promoting good, we are killing the rich and helping the poor, we are upholding justice..."


Tangtang was thoughtful, his immature mind had already been affected by these words.


Tang Miaoxin looked strange.

On the surface, there is nothing wrong with Shumiaozi's words,'s terrifying if you think about it carefully!


She pulled Tangtang and asked her to stay away from the sapling.

Also at this time.

Everyone suddenly felt that their vision went dark, and the sky above their heads suddenly became dim. As the stars moved, stars dotted the night sky, with a full moon in the center, which was extremely beautiful.

"This is……"

Tang Miaoxin was suddenly stunned.


Shumiaozi's eyes lit up, "Are you here again?"

Yun Jiansheng's natural sword intent.

It is certainly not unfamiliar.

Just like in Donghuang.

Silently, the aura on its body continued to rise, without any obstacles at all, and finally crossed the barrier that it failed to cross by only half a step last time.

Promotion and return to unity!

"I...have returned to unity!"

Dazedly feeling the immortal breath coming out of his body, as well as the skyrocketing strength, he was so excited that he couldn't control himself.


What has also skyrocketed is its obsession that is buried deep in its heart and has never changed at all!

beat! Gu! dog!

It is not the only one with good fortune.

"So beautiful..."

Tangtang stared blankly at the night sky, his black and white eyes unblinking, he couldn't help but be fascinated.

The stars are bright and the moon is like a flower.

The stars and moonlight merged and turned into a giant sword a million feet long, which was finally... reflected in her ignorant eyes.


She stretched out her tender little hands and faced the night sky, as if she wanted to grab something.


The moment when the little hand holds it.

The giant sword seemed to have a reaction, and the stars and moonlight in the sky trembled again, and a gorgeous and bright light suddenly condensed, cut through the night sky, and fell straight on her!

Take a closer look!

It turned out to be an illusory long sword that was more than four feet long!

But only for a moment.

The long sword was already hovering in front of Tangtang. The sword's body was transparent and bright. The sword's body seemed to have thousands of stars, which seemed to exist but not exist. It was both real and illusory, and extremely dazzling.


Muttering to himself, Tangtang uncontrollably touched the blade of the long sword.


A flash of light flashed, the sword disintegrated inch by inch, sank into her body, and disappeared!


Shu Miaozi and Tang Miaoxin were amazed.

"Tangtang, how are you?"


Tangtang said blankly: "I don't know either..."

"Go, go, go!"

Sapling said impatiently: "I will take you there to witness a big event!"

While talking.

With a flick of the branch, thick vines spread instantly, tying up a group of prisoners.


"You're not particular! This table is just half open!"

The boss of the prisoners was dissatisfied and kept crying.

"Eat, eat, eat!"

The sapling was furious, "I only know how to eat, but it has delayed the important things of this tree. Can you afford it?"

"Brother Shu."

Tangtang looked curious, "What are we going to do?"

"You'll find out later."

The sapling smiled mysteriously, his heart boiling with excitement, and turned into a green light, leading everyone away in an instant!

this time!

You must beat them until they are all looking for their teeth!

"Hehehe...oh hehehe...wahahahahaha..."

Under the silent night sky.

There was a series of creepy laughter.

at the same time.

The sapling on Lu Linyuan's shoulder also received great blessings. The tree's body continued to grow, and its aura became more and more powerful, which made everyone marvel.

Gu Han was not surprised.

Shumiaozi can be blessed with the natural sword intention, and Aoki can definitely do the same.

In comparison.

He was even more interested in the opportunity given by the natural sword intention just now.

Natural sword intent.

Connected with Yun Jiansheng's obsession, sending opportunities is naturally what Yun Jiansheng meant.

Something that even Yun Jiansheng would value...


Thinking of this, his heart moved.

Could it be...


Also at this time!

A wolf figure fell from the sky, and by chance, it landed in the earth-fire-gold heavenly furnace. He was struggling with his burning passion, but under the suppression of the natural sword intention, everything became in vain!

Lord of Zhenjian City!

The body keeps sinking.

The restriction in the furnace was instantly activated, and the blazing force was even stronger than before, constantly melting the remaining parts of his body!

At this moment.

Having personally felt the power of the natural sword intent, he was completely desperate and no longer had any luck.

"Who is he?"

The last moment of his life.

He stopped struggling and looked at the white-clothed figure who seemed to be unconscious and asked subconsciously.


Gu Han was silent for a moment.

"Xuantian Sword Sect."

Glancing at the Red Dust Sword, he paused for a word and said solemnly: "The ninth generation sword master, Yun Jiansheng."


Hearing this, Chongming sighed softly, his voice implying endless nostalgia and recollection.

Things have changed.

The ninth generation Xuantian Sword Master, who once made it feel amazing, now only has a wisp of obsession left.

Looking at it.

Its eyes fell on Gu Han again, and it felt a little relieved.


"You have a good vision, better than everyone else. This kid is very competitive."

Although his brain is a little dull.

But it could also feel that when Gu Han just made his move, there was a sense of the vastness of the world, the ups and downs of life, and the strange realm that it could not figure out... all of which were enough to show that Gu Han had truly walked out of his own way!

"You are right."

Looking at the shadow of Yun Jiansheng's obsession, it murmured: "This kid is not simple, he will go further than you in the future."

The ninth generation sword master, Yun Jiansheng?

The Lord of Zhenjian City suddenly realized, and there was a hint of bitterness in his voice.

In his life.

He had an indissoluble bond with the sword.

In the positive and negative world.

He was seriously injured by the sword of the Xuantian Patriarch.

In Zhenjian City.

His plan was destroyed by Gu Han, the tenth generation sword master.


He is about to die under the immortal sword intent of the ninth generation sword master.

And the place where he was buried.

It was the earth fire melting gold furnace that he had spent endless effort to build with his own hands!


Even after death, his body, his cultivation, and his origin will all be fulfilled by others!

Thinking of this.

A strong sense of unwillingness and resentment suddenly surged in his heart, and he roared fiercely.

"I! I don't accept it!!!"

After the words fell.

Several bubbles appeared in the sky furnace, and his figure completely disappeared.


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