The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 1823 Finally arrived at Xuantian Realm!

"Yu Shu!"

Gu Han righteously condemned: "You, how could you do this!"



"Do you want me to join you?"

Leng Meizi blinked, and suddenly glanced at Mo Chenyin, smiling and saying: "Senior sister, do you mind?"

Mo Chenyin: "???"

"Dead girl!"

As a demon, facing the erratic Leng Meizi, she actually had a tendency to be unable to resist.

Gu Han couldn't help it.

He strode forward and was about to give Leng Meizi a slap. As soon as he raised his hand, a bright light suddenly caught his eyes.


He was stunned, and he didn't care about Leng Meizi anymore, and looked over intently.

"That is..."

Getting closer and closer.

The light became bigger and narrower, longer and longer, hazy, uncertain, and hidden in the shape of a sword.

"Xuantian Domain?"

He blurted out with a move in his heart.


He had inquired carefully, and the Xuantian Domain should be only half the size of the Nine-Layer Demon Domain, but it was not scattered, but connected.

The shape of the domain was just as he saw it.

It was like a giant illusory sword that stretched across the void!

Magnificent and majestic.

It seemed to hide an infinite sharpness!

"We're here!"

His expression lifted.

Just as Gu Han was about to leave, he seemed to have thought of something and glared at Leng Meizi, "I'll settle accounts with you later!"

"I really won't dare next time."

Leng Meizi blinked and promised him again.

Gu Han's face, which had just recovered, turned dark again.


After a few verbal threats, he disappeared.


Seeing Gu Han leave, Mo Chenyin sighed, came to Leng Meizi, and whispered: "Junior sister, you treat him..."

"Senior sister wants to ask me if I like him?"

"Sure enough, Junior sister is really smart."

Mo Chenyin smiled helplessly, not surprised.

In fact, it's not just Gu Han.

After spending so much time with Leng Meizi, she still couldn't figure out what kind of feelings Leng Meizi had for Gu Han.

"Senior sister."

Leng Meizi thought about it and said seriously: "Is it important?"

Mo Chenyin was stunned.

"If he is good, I will be good."

Leng Meizi smiled gently, "If he is happy, I will be happy, if he becomes stronger, I will be happy, if he is unhappy, he will be sad... I will make the culprit disappear forever."


After a pause, she looked at Mo Chenyin and asked back: "Senior sister, is liking more important than being able to be with him forever?"

"Junior sister."

Mo Chenyin was silent for a moment, and then said: "You are not his accessory."

"I know."

Leng Meizi whispered softly: "But senior sister, his realm is the only realm, and he is also my only one. If even the only one is gone in this life, then... what is the meaning of my life?"

Mo Chenyin suddenly didn't know how to answer.

Until this moment.

She realized that the temperament of this junior sister in front of her was much more paranoid than her own!


She also realized that Leng Meizi's feelings for Gu Han have surpassed everyone's cognition.

"You are right."

After a long silence, she also whispered: "He is our only one. Without him, we can't live."

After that.

The two smiled at each other, and suddenly understood each other's feelings better, and the feelings between them were also deeper.

"In that case."

Leng Meizi smiled cunningly, "Then next time, let's go together?"


Mo Chenyin's fair face flushed a little, bit her lower lip, and deliberately said: "Okay!"


Leng Meizi's eyes lit up, and suddenly stretched out her claws, holding the fullness of Mo Chenyin's chest, and said regretfully: "But... he seems to like Senior Sister more like this."

"Not necessarily!"

Sudden attack.

Mo Chenyin's delicate body trembled, unwilling to be outdone, and also grabbed the other's chest, suppressing her shame, and said: "What if she loves someone else!"

Ninth deck

The two girls flirted and played with each other, the atmosphere was charming and fragrant, and occasionally there was a ray of spring light, but it was not something Gu Han could appreciate.


The first floor of Yunque.

At this moment, everyone gathered in the main cabin, looking at the large domain that looked like a giant sword, and they were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

"I'm back."

At the front.

Chongming looked at this place that he had left for more than a thousand years, his eyes full of loss, reminiscence, and sadness...

A year has passed.

It has completely grown back a gorgeous five-color divine feathers, and the tail feathers are slightly glowing. Because of the partial recovery of strength, it looks much more majestic than before.

In the distance.

Yuan Zhengyang, holding the Hidden Sword, was also full of emotion, and trembling, said: "I didn't expect that I, Yuan Zhengyang, would be able to return to the Xuantian Domain one day!"

Compared to them.

Those sword cultivators who saw the Xuantian Domain for the first time were even more excited and speechless.

"Let me see it!"

The little one struggled to squeeze through the crowd and came to the front. Seeing the giant sword with a magnificent color in the illusion, his mouth opened wide, and his eyes were full of yearning and desire.


"What a majestic sword!"

It was Tangtang!

Compared to a year ago, she was taller, and her pink and tender face also had a bit more determination.

"Is this the Xuantian Domain?"

Old Sun twisted his beard that had grown back and said with emotion: "It is indeed majestic and magnificent. Compared with the Nine Nether Demon Domain, although it is a little smaller, it is more magnificent in terms of atmosphere!"

A green light flashed.

The sapling fell in front of everyone, shook his head, and said pretentiously: "How cheap! How cheap... Oh!"

He didn't finish his words.

A figure fell and stepped on it.

It was Gu Han!

"Young Master?"


"Sword head?"


Everyone hurriedly saluted and greeted.

"Are we here yet?"

Gu Han looked at the domain in the distance and smiled, with some emotion in his tone, "So, this is the Xuantian Domain."


Zhongming nodded and pointed to the direction of the handle of the domain sword, "The former Xuantian Domain was at this location."

It explained.

The handle of the sword has the meaning of the sword head.

In addition to Xuantian Sword Sect, the thirty-six lower sects and the rest of the scattered cultivators and small forces are distributed on the sword body.

"What a pity."

The old sword cultivator shook his head and said regretfully: "When I came, the mountain gate of Xuantian Sword Sect had been occupied by the four major sword sects, and under their suppression, there was not even a decent force. There were only some small sects and forces that were struggling to survive."

"Old Sun."

Gu Han thought for a moment and smiled, "Stop the boat."

Old Sun was stunned for a moment.

Although he didn't understand the meaning, he still did as he was told.

"You wait here."

Gu Han looked back at everyone and said, "I'll go there to check the truth first!"

"Young Master."

Old Sun couldn't help but said, "Could it be that you are going to be alone and take risks again?"

"Not taking risks."

Gu Han emphasized, "Just collecting intelligence, not making trouble."

Old Sun suddenly realized.

I understand, the young master is going to make trouble.

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