The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2059: One master, three apprentices.

"I've lived too long."

The old man said softly: "According to the original longevity, I should have died long ago. When the will of the great road was sleeping, I was still able to survive. But now that I have fully recovered, I naturally have to find ways to clean up the old things like us and maintain the balance... …”

"To the avenue."

"To all sentient beings, our existence is a burden. To the Great Dao, we have violated the rules and destroyed the balance. This time... it has brought old people like us together at the two realms. Isn't it better to save the world?" What do you mean we kill each other and catch them all in one fell swoop?”

"after all."

"Even if the great road is revived, the number of half-step immortals that can be achieved in this world is still limited. If we don't die, how will the little guys behind us have a chance?"

In a few words.

A shocking secret has been revealed.

Gu Han was thoughtful.

Gongsun Li, the old man in front of him, obviously used abnormal and even beyond the tolerance of the Dao to extend his longevity. Naturally, after the will of the Dao is completely revived, these people who disrupt the balance must first be eliminated. .


Gongsun Li met Luo Youran and was killed by heaven's punishment. It might not be a secret arrangement.


Dao Dao can kill extremely vicious people like Gongsun Li directly, but for people like the old man, Dao Dao cannot randomly impose heavenly punishment, otherwise it will destroy the balance to a greater extent!


The key fragment appears.

There are many old monsters who have hidden themselves in the world and used secret methods to survive. They gather together to connect the two realms.

"Do you understand?"

The old man smiled and said: "Why don't we want to break through? But breakthrough also takes time, and the great road... won't give us time."


Gu Han nodded and said, "This is a conspiracy."

Key fragments.

It is related to a higher level of immortality. Even though they know that they will have a narrow escape from death, those old monsters who have lived for countless years have to come!


Maybe there is a silver lining.

Not coming.

We can only continue to wait for death.


After his thoughts were clear, he sighed: "Dao Dao is fishing, and the bait he uses... is a temptation that no fish can refuse!"


When he heard the word "fishing", the old man smiled, and there was a deep meaning in his smile.

It seems that he also knows this well.


Gu Han frowned slightly, then turned around and said, "Since the great road of this world cannot tolerate seniors like this, why don't you go to the positive and negative world? Although it is dangerous there, there are more opportunities."

"They don't dare to go."

The old man shook his head and said softly: "I can't go."


"I’m waiting for you."

"wait for me?"

Gu Han was startled.

Thinking of what the other party said when he showed up earlier, he felt something in his heart and said, "Senior, do you know I'm coming?"


The old man didn't hide anything from him, nodded and said: "I just don't know why you came, so I can only wait and wait. I can't leave for a moment."


Gu Han was a little excited, "What do you know?"

"I said that."

The old man smiled and said: "I will tell you everything you can know."

Gu Han frowned.

Being able to know and wanting to know are two different things.

"Come on, come on."

He waved to Gu Han cordially and said with a smile: "Don't be anxious, you will understand all this sooner or later. There is still time. You have it, and so do I. Come drink tea with me and talk..."


He looked at Gouzi again, with a hint of kindness in his eyes, "Are you a descendant of Fushan? Poor little guy, you have suffered a lot in these years, haven't you?"


Gouzi was stunned.

Who is Nagiyama?

Just when he was about to ask, he suddenly felt a warmth on his head. He didn't know when he was held by the old man in his arms, and a rough big hand gently stroked its forehead.



The dog enjoyed and resisted at the same time.


It's because the old man's hands are very warm and kind, which makes him feel the care of his elders that he has never felt before.


I feel that as a great demon, a dignified dog sage, devouring heaven and earth, it is a bit outrageous to be held in someone's arms and jerked off like this!

It's struggling.

Gu Han said curiously: "Senior, Fushan is..."


Also a dog.

Their origin, he heard from Leng Meizi, was that they were born to a genius from the Tengu tribe and a human woman. Later, they were secretly hidden by Mu Feng, the eldest disciple of Lingya, and the incomplete Seven Evils were tested on them. The true solution leads to the two divisions of consciousness.

The animal nature belongs to Xiao Hei.

Humanity belongs to Agou.


The old man stroked the dog, a flash of recollection flashed in his cloudy eyes, and said softly: "He was once the best member of the Tengu clan, and he was also my youngest disciple... But later, the Tengu clan encountered an accident. , the body dies and the clan dies.”


"Speaking of which, these all happened 600,000 years ago."


As soon as he lowered his eyes, he glanced at Gouzi, his eyes even more loving, and said with a smile: "He actually still has descendants alive."


In his big withered hands, the dog stuck out his head, and his ears became ridged.

My ancestor?

Is he your apprentice?

Gu Han suddenly realized.

No wonder the old man asked Xiao Hei to come with him. I didn't expect that there was such a relationship between the two.

"Senior, then you..."

After realizing it, he was also a little surprised.

"I don't look like a demon, right?"

The old man smiled and said, "After all, in the demon race, it is based on the bloodline of the race. Taking apprentices is the way of the human race, but I am different from other demons..."

Speaking of this.

A trace of deep attachment flashed in his eyes, and he whispered, "I was raised by the human race."

"Learn the etiquette of the human race."

"Familiar with the past of the human race."

"Plus, I have lived for a long time, so naturally, I look like a human."


Gu Han was stunned again.


The dog opened his two big black eyes and looked at the old man, his eyes full of confusion.

"In my life."

"I have three disciples."

As if thinking of something, the old man sighed and said softly: "Fushan is my youngest disciple, and the one with the best talent and bloodline. He is also the most respectful and filial one. However, he died in an accident later."

"Second disciple Xiaohong."

"His talent is not bad, but his temperament is too extreme and he is not in line with my philosophy. He left the demon clan 700,000 years ago and completely cut off contact with the demon alliance. He called himself the demon lord and formed his own lineage. Later, he went to the positive and negative world and never came back..."

Gu Han's face froze.


Looking at Gu Han, the old man's tone was more profound, "My disciple is the sword-suppressing city lord who was killed by you."

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