The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2218 If I say it will rain, it will rain!

The sword's will was as heavy as the sky, as vast as the abyss, as deep as the boundless sky, and the rise and fall of all living beings, the vastness of the ups and downs of the world, pressing down on everyone's head, making them unable to breathe!


Too strong!

Too strong to resist!

Whether it was the remaining six elders or the disciples of the Mingquan Sect, they all looked pale and desperate. Looking at the completely sealed sky, they suddenly realized that Gu Han's words were not a joke at all.

Destroy the sect! Kill!

No one will be left alive!

He really wanted to do this!

"Fight him!"

"It's better to die in glory than to live in disgrace!"

"Since the establishment of the Mingquan Sect, how can we suffer such humiliation!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Do you really think we are easy to bully?"


For a while.

Many disciples of the Mingquan Sect, whose temperaments had changed greatly due to practicing the Mingquan technique, rushed towards Gu Han regardless of everything.

"Kill! Kill them!"

"Destroy the Mingquan Sect! Destroy the Mingquan Realm!"

"Don't leave any of them alive!"

"Brother, don't hold back, and don't care about our lives. We will be destroyed and die together. We accept it!"


On the contrary.

Those who came from various sects and forces and were captured by the Mingquan Sect as sacrifices had mixed feelings of pleasure and hatred on their faces. Under torture, they wanted to tear these people into pieces!

In the flashing of various colors of the dark light, Gu Han was approaching in an instant!

But he ignored it, and instead looked up at the gray sky where the dark energy was intertwined.

"The color is wrong."


Pao Hui was stunned, and he didn't understand what this nonsense meant.

Feng Xiao was thoughtful.

Looking up at the sky, she whispered, "It should have been blue before."


Pao Hui rolled his eyes, and always felt that he was temporarily in Gu Han's camp, so he should say a few words to show his presence, win a wave of favor, and save his life.


Thinking of this, he immediately agreed seriously: "If there is a rain to wash it, maybe it will be better."

Gu Han smiled: "Then let it rain!"

Pao Hui was stunned.

I thought to myself that I just said it casually, why did you take it seriously, you made me unable to respond!


He said carefully: "As far as I know, it hasn't rained in Mingquan Sect for three thousand years..."

"I said it has."

Gu Han said faintly: "Then it must have."

Pao Hui: "???"

Before he could speak.

There was a sudden explosion in the sky!

Under the spread of sword intent

Endless gray clouds rolled and condensed, turning into gray long swords... Tens, hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands. In just a moment, they were densely packed, countless, and hung in the sky!


Pao Hui was a little dumbfounded, and murmured: "This... What a heavy rain..."

Seeing this scene.

The six elders were completely desperate, and one of them shouted at the top of his lungs: "Quick! Quick! Go to the dark statue to invite the dark messenger and the sect master..."

Halfway through the words.

The sound of swords rang loudly, covering the sky, and a sword rain that had never appeared in the Dark Spring Sect poured down!

Change Qinglan, wash the sun and the moon!

The sword rain fell, and the dark spring was extinguished!


The dark statue's eyebrows.

Qi Wanzhong and the three dark messengers knew nothing about what happened outside. At this moment, all their efforts were used to comfort the little boy.


As time went by, the boy's mood became more and more violent, his pale face was full of madness and violence, and only in the whites of his eyes, except for endless resentment and evil spirit, there was no human emotion at all!

I don't know when.

The dark light above his head was only three inches away from his eyebrows, and it became more and more solid, vaguely visible, in the shape of a small seal!

Every time the small seal fell a little.

His aura would double, making it more and more difficult for Qi Wanzhong and the three dark messengers to suppress his power.

In the blood pool below.

The blood had long evaporated, revealing the dark purple ground. With the flashing dark patterns, endless and strange dark energy continued to rise, wrapping the three dark messengers and Qi Wanzhong in it!

"Damn it!"

"Heshan, you really deserve to die!!"

While constantly scolding.

Qi Wanzhong's figure kept retreating, and he was about to be forced out of the hall.

No one knew better than him.

Heshan and the little boy are related by blood. If Heshan has problems, the little boy will naturally be affected. This is why he tries his best to meet his needs even though he obviously doesn't like Heshan.

But now...


"When the underworld comes, I will kill you!!!"

Gnashing his teeth.

He has already made up his mind to kill Heshan.

This time, the second underworld envoy did not defend him.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but he can't speak anymore.

Compared with Qi Wanzhong.

The situation of the three of them is much worse.

As underworld envoys, they have long accepted the curse of the underworld and turned into half-human and half-underworld bodies. The curse in their bodies and the underworld energy on their bodies have now become the most needed nutrients for the little boy's growth. As the underworld light continues to fall, their power is lost more and more!

"Hehe... Hehehe..."

At this time.

The little boy raised his lips and suddenly laughed out loud, which made the four people shudder!

"Not good!!"

The first Ming envoy said angrily: "Lord Mingzi, it seems that he is going to be born early. What should we do...?"

Mingzi came to the world early.

Whether it succeeds or not, the required power of the sacrifice is terrifying, but now the sacrifice is still being prepared and has not been completed. Naturally, this gap can only be filled by them and the Mingquan Sect.

But they can't make up for it.

Even if I can make up for it, I don’t want to!

Mingzi came to the world.

What it brings to the world is destruction and chaos, what it brings to them is supreme power and glory, and they don't want to reverse this order.

"Quick! Quick!"

After all, he is the sect master. Compared with the three great underworld envoys, Qi Wanzhong still remained somewhat calm and said in a deep voice: "Please quickly invite the Underworld Lord to come and decide this matter..."


Just halfway through speaking, a figure covered in blood suddenly fell heavily into the hall!

But he is a disciple of Mingquan Sect.

"Bastard thing!"

Qi Wanzhong was furious: "Who let you in without an edict? You are tired of living!"

"Zong...sect master!"

The disciple didn't care about the rest, struggled to crawl to his side, and said in a voice like tears: "It's dead... It's all dead... It's over, our Mingquan Sect is completely over..."

If it weren't for it, I wouldn't be able to make a move.

Qi Wanzhong almost slapped him to death on the spot.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"What happened!"

" comes someone looking for trouble..."

The disciple explained what Gu Han had done intermittently: "He threatened to destroy our Mingquan Sect... the elders died... the disciples also died, and those sacrifices... were all let go by him ah……"

What! ?

Qi Wanzhong's figure was shaken, and his eyes immediately narrowed!

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