The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2220 Mingquan Sect, Mingyu Sect?

It’s not just Gu Han.

Even Pao Hui and Feng Xi had weird looks on their faces. They could naturally tell that Qi Wanzhong's expression was sincere and his tone was serious. He was not pretending, nor was he joking.


I am really thanking Gu Han!

"no need thank me?"

Gu Han said calmly: "Thank me for destroying your sect? Thank me for killing your disciples? Thank me for making you a bare sect leader?"

"Yes, but not entirely right."

Qi Wanzhong's answer was ambiguous.

"Although I have a good temper."

Gu Han thought for a while and said seriously: "But this is not the reason why you don't speak human words."

Fu Hui's heart trembled.

Seeing the empty sect, he always felt that Gu Han was telling lies, and the evidence was abundant.

"You should understand."

Qi Wanzhong turned his eyes, looked into the distance, and said lightly: "Since the creation of the world, the times have been changing. The rise of any force initially relies on the power of one person. If he is strong enough and ruthless enough, he can lead his subordinates. The power quickly stands at the top of the world!"


"It's never enough for one person to be strong!"

He clasped his hands behind his back, and his voice was full of sighs and sighs: "If a force wants to be prosperous and last for thousands of generations, it will never rely on the efforts of one person. Unfortunately, many people in this world don't understand this!"

"Throughout the ages."

"There are too many forces, even if they are tyrannical for a while, in the end, they will be short-lived and destroyed. The same is true for the Mingquan Sect today!"


"People today keep saying that they should take the ancients as warnings and lessons, but in the end, they are all following the same path of the ancients!"

Speaking of which.

He looked at the three of them: "Don't you think this is a very sad thing?"

A few words.

Fu Hui was stunned when he heard this, and suddenly felt that this sect leader had become extremely strange!

"Something's wrong!"

He murmured: "Sect Master...he was not like this before!"

In the Mingquan Sect.

There are three great underworld envoys, high above them, with a position of power and authority above everyone else. There are eight great elders below, and the seven underworld envoys are all under the command of these three people. Controls the lifeline and resources of the sect.

Only Qi Wanzhong.

Just a bare-bones guy, his status is awkward.

Although he is the leader of the sect in name, major matters must be decided by the three underworld envoys before they can be finalized, and he cannot truly exercise the power of the leader of a sect.

He seemed to enjoy it too.

He doesn't accept disciples or confidants. He behaves well and fulfills his duties. He can't make mistakes, but he doesn't stand out either.

But now...

"You are not me."

Qi Wanzhong glanced at him and said lightly: "Do you know that I am not the real me at this time?"


Eight words flashed through Fu Hui's mind - bear the humiliation and bear the burden, hide one's strength and bide one's time.


Gu Han smiled half-heartedly and said, "You want to thank me?"


Qi Wan emphasized: "The so-called gathering of sand forms a tower, gathering trees forms a forest, and gathering water forms an abyss! But if the sand is a plate of loose sand, the wood is a pile of rotten wood, and the water is a pool of stagnant water, what should we do? After thinking about it, I think there are two ways. indivual!"


"Slowly figure it out, correct the chaos, and get everything back on track."


"Completely destroy everything that exists, rebuild from destruction, and usher in new life!"

Fu Hui’s expression was shocked again!

Eight words flashed through my mind again - great talent, great strategy, and far-sightedness!

He didn't expect that.

Beneath Qi Wanzhong's ordinary appearance, there is such ambition and ambition hidden behind him!


Qi Wanzhong said with emotion: "I have only considered the first method. After all, although the second method is effective and can be relied upon by me alone, it is still too reluctant after all. After all, those beings standing behind the three underworld envoys, I am Don’t dare to mess with it.”


When the conversation changed, he stared at Gu Han with piercing eyes: "Your appearance perfectly broke all this and perfectly realized my idea! You have helped me so much, tell me, should I thank you properly? you?"

"Thank you."

Gu Han smiled and said, "How are you going to thank me?"

"Spare your life."

Qi Wanzhong said seriously: "What do you think?"

Gu Han: "?"

"Those races."

"Those sacrifices."

"You shouldn't have let them go."

Qi Wanzhong sighed: "They are a very important part of my plan. You can kill these disciples and elders, but you can't really destroy all the foundations. Otherwise, everything will be lost. How can I rebuild?" ?”


"You have both merit and fault, and relatively speaking, your fault is greater."

"Of course."

He smiled and said: "I am a talented person, so I can give you a chance to atone for your sins. Do you want it?"

"what chance?"

"Follow me!"

Qi Wanzhong's eyes flashed with light, and he said in a deep voice: "Achieve a shocking feat! Create a brilliant future! Let the Mingquan Sect stand up again, reborn from the ashes, and move towards its true prosperity! By then, you and I No matter what, he will definitely stand above all the heavens and worlds and truly control all the spirits in the world!”

Hear the words.

Fu Hui swallowed.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that his heart was moved.


He also knew that it was useless for his heart to move, but for Gu Han's heart to move.


Subconsciously, he looked at Gu Han and wanted to say, don't miss this opportunity, fuck him!

"One thing to say."

Gu Han smiled with emotion: "You are a good painter."

"It's not a picture! It's the truth!"

Qi Wanzhong shook his head and said seriously: "All the plans are in my heart. I have made all the preparations. I have even thought of the name of the new sect. It is called... Hell Sect? What do you think? "

Gu Han: "??"

"Underworld Sect?"


Qi Wanzhong frowned and said, "You feel bad?"

Gu Han said nothing.

A strange look on his face.


In the Southern Forest Territory, he met an opponent named Xiao Ran. There was also a remnant soul in the opponent's consciousness space, claiming to be the founder of the Underworld Sect. Later... he was swallowed by Qianye.

he thinks.

This is definitely not just the same name. After all, according to what the other party said, everything about the Hell Sect is inextricably related to the Nether Spring Sect in front of you.

"I see."

Thinking of this, he smiled with emotion: "His roots are here!"

"What root?"

Qi Wanzhong was confused.

"It's nothing."

Gu Han smiled and asked curiously: "Can you tell me what exactly you have prepared?"

He saw clearly.

The Qi Wanzhong in front of him is not the founder of the Underworld Sect in later generations!

There must be a hidden secret in this!


"Since I want to recruit you, I will show my sincerity."

Qi Wanzhong thought for a moment and nodded in agreement: "Everyone in the Mingquan Sect, including the three Ming Envoys, knows that I, Qi Wanzhong, have no confidants or disciples, but is it true... is this really the case?"

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