The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2297 I save all living beings, and all living beings also save me!

Like fireworks.

After the blood mist drifted away, it completely disappeared, leaving only a red light in the center that flickered, rising and falling with the waves in the long river of time.

Inside the red sky.

Astonishingly, it was a small red seal wrapped with threads of domineering power, simple and mysterious!

It's one of the key fragments!


Just as he was about to take it in his hand, the Long River of Time suddenly roared again. As the torrential river washed away, Gu Han's figure trembled, his face turned pale, and an indescribable feeling of weakness also came.

It only took half an instant.

The key fragment has been submerged in the endless river and can never be seen again.


Gu Han's brows furrowed. Just as he was about to look for it, his body trembled again. All the hidden wounds accumulated in his body exploded at this moment, and the blood that kept pouring out instantly dyed Xuanjia red!

The feeling of weakness was twice as strong as before.

Subconsciously he glanced at the sword.

The transparent, crystal-like sword body reflected an extremely old face with a head full of white hair.

Feelings of weakness are not just caused by injuries.

There is also the sense of danger and death brought about by the fact that life is about to run out and life is about to end.

"Damn it!"

With a bitter smile, he sighed: "I will die of old age one day..."

strictly speaking.

There is actually no real winner in this battle.

Jiumo is dead.

But Xuanjie was completely destroyed, and although he was still alive, with the loss of life span, he couldn't last much longer.

Didn't bother to check the injury.

No longer paying attention to where the key fragment went.

Compared to these two things.

He felt there were more important things to do.

Turning his eyes, he looked towards the place where the whirlpool disappeared, which was also where the Xuandan camp disappeared.

"turn out to be."

"Xuandan camp, this is how it came to be."

At this moment.

He finally understood why the Mysterious World itself was destroyed in the tragic war, but why the Mysterious Pill Camp was able to remain in a generally intact state until millions of years later.

Jiumo's desperate move.

He didn't send himself to the future, but instead he fulfilled the Xuandan camp through a combination of circumstances.


"I can't give you an answer for the time being."

Sighed softly.

Apart from regret, there was a hint of old age and fatigue in his voice.

Years pass by thousands of times.

Without the protection of the eternal sword of chaos, in just a short moment, he became a little older than before.

he knows.

His time is running out.

"Don't worry."

"This answer will be late, millions of years late, but eventually... someone will give you an answer, and your descendants will never let you wander away, and will never forget you, or each of you. Human sacrifice and dedication!”

He raised his hand with difficulty.

He took out a jade talisman and briefly recorded the location of the Xuan Dan Camp in the East Wasteland. His eyes turned again and fell on the Xuan Armor on his body.

Compared with before the war.

A lot of the restrictions on the black armor were damaged, and the originally bright armor became pitted and dilapidated. However, deep inside the armor, there was a faint trace of the flow of time. It seemed that it had been immersed in the long river of time for too long, giving birth to... Another strange change.

Thoughts moved slightly.

The pieces of silver armor were separated and layered on top of each other, protecting the jade talisman.

"Go ahead."

Gently touching the body of the armor, feeling the faint reluctance coming from the spirit inside the armor, he said softly: "Xuanjia comes from the Xuan Realm, and should belong to the Xuan Realm. This jade talisman is my last promise to them. Protect it well, this is also your last mission."

Buzz buzz.

The armor was alive, trembling slightly, and kept rubbing against him, as if reluctant to let go.

"Let's go."

Gu Han pushed it gently, and the black armor turned into a silver light and floated away.

"Someday in the future."

"You and I will one day be reunited."

The effort of a few sentences.

The feeling of weakness became twice as strong, and even his originally clear eyes became slightly cloudy.

"Let's break up."

Looking at the traces of water vapor still covering the long sword, he sighed with relief: "Jiumo is dead, and your wishes have been fulfilled."

The words fell.

He closed his eyes tiredly, sensing the rapid passing of his life span, and memories of the future generations kept flashing through his mind.

"Feel sorry."

"I can not go back……"

Consciousness gradually fell silent.

In a daze, he seemed to feel that he had fallen into an endless and surging river. The water was so cold that it almost swallowed everything about him, but... just when he was about to drown completely and die in the river, a pair of hands suddenly gently The ground lifted him up.

Immediately afterwards.

Ten pairs, a hundred pairs... Until the end, there were as many as 736,890,7359 pairs of hands supporting him, like slowly rising from the endless ocean. An island directly lifted him out of the water.

Brush it!

Gu Han opened his eyes instantly!

"I'm not dead?"

As his consciousness gradually awakened, he found that he was still in the long river of time, drifting with the current, and he did not know where he had drifted to. In the reflection on the sword, he still looked that old.


The strange thing is that under the erosion of the long river of time, the passage of his life span has almost stopped!

"Is it... you?"

He glanced around.

He suddenly discovered.

He didn't know when a layer of hazy water vapor appeared outside his body. It was the will and wishes of the 736,890,7359 creatures in the Xuan Realm that were supposed to dissipate!

In just half a moment.

He figured out everything.

He killed Jiumo, avenged the creatures of the Xuan Realm, and fulfilled their last wishes and obsessions. Similarly, the will of the creatures in the Xuan Realm also returned to him, blocking the scouring power of the long river of time for him!

He moved.

He walked forward slowly, and in the water mist around him, a trace of time power flowed endlessly, making him walk in the roaring long river of time as if walking on flat ground, as if strolling in a leisurely garden, without the previous feeling of difficulty.

More importantly.

Through the water mist around him, he could faintly sense the various mysteries, changes, and extraordinary things of the power of time and years!

I save all living beings.

All living beings also save me.

A trace of enlightenment came to his mind, he paused, suddenly realized, and sighed: "Thank you all."

In the mist.

It seemed that millions of faces flashed by, and everyone's face was full of gratitude and relief.

His eyes turned.

He looked at the long river of time in front of him again. He didn't know how long he had drifted, nor did he know where he was, and even less what era he was in now.


Since his life was temporarily safe, he must get out!

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