The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2308 Ancestral Star! ?

Epochal catastrophe?

Gu Han was moved when he heard this. This was the first time he heard such a statement.

"What is the epochal catastrophe?"

"It's not difficult to understand."

The young man Gu Han thought for a while and said: "Chess has black and white, water has clear and turbid, and people's hearts have good and evil. This epochal catastrophe comes from the evil, greed and jealousy of all living beings... so it can also be called the catastrophe of all living beings!"

Gu Han suddenly realized.

He cultivated the will of all living beings, so he naturally understood what the other party meant, and also understood why the three thousand worlds were full of immortals and powerful people, but why they completely collapsed in the end and turned into the positive and negative worlds of the future.

All living beings have thoughts and wishes.

Naturally, there is evil and jealousy.

The stronger the power of the wish, the greater the power of the evil and jealousy.

The former.

It is strong enough to allow him to kill Jiumo and help him escape from the long river of time.

The latter.

It can also be strong enough to completely destroy everything, including the world, including all living beings themselves!

"The strongest opponent of all living beings is always oneself!"

The young man Gu Han sighed dejectedly and said, "This is also the main reason why the catastrophe is so fierce that no one can stop it!"

"What about other places?"

Gu Han thought about it and asked curiously, "What about the other big worlds?"


The young man Gu Han shook his head, "The situation there is not much better than ours. Nine out of ten living beings are infected by the power of the catastrophe. The few remaining ones are also lingering and in danger of extinction!"

"What about you?"

Gu Han suddenly said, "You don't seem to be afraid of this catastrophe power?"

"Of course not."

The young man Gu Han laughed and said, "With my strength, if I am infected by these ordinary catastrophe powers, I might as well not live!"

Gu Han's heart moved.

"Ordinary robbery power? Is there something stronger?"

"Of course there is."

The young man Gu Han narrowed his eyes, revealing a hint of fear: "The robbery power comes from all living beings. All living beings are strong and weak, and the robbery power is naturally the same, but... you'd better pray not to encounter that kind of existence."

"Very strong?"

"Terrifyingly strong!"

"How strong?"

Gu Han continued to ask: "Or, in other words, where are they strong?"

"Here we are."

The young man Gu Han did not answer, but paused and smiled: "Go back to heal your wounds first and see the scenery of the ancestral star. I guarantee that you can't see it anywhere else!"

Gu Han did not ask any more questions.

Looking at the blue star in front of him, his eyes were full of emotion.

Beyond the star, mist was lingering.

Above the star, land and water were connected.

With his cultivation, he could see everything on the stars. He suddenly discovered that the ocean alone occupied more than 70% of the area of ​​a small star, and on the remaining less than 30% of the land, there were billions of mortals living!

In the future.

Let alone a star, even a small area would definitely not have so many creatures!

"Not surprising."

The young man Gu Han smiled and said, "People on our ancestral star are more fertile."

Gu Han: "..."

For a moment.

He almost suspected that there was also a Dean Li on this ancestral star, who also created a skill of having many children and grandchildren.

Before he could speak.

The scenery in front of him changed, and the two of them had landed on a long street. People came and went on the long street, and there were tall buildings on both sides of the long street. The architectural style was extremely novel, with a few floors and dozens of floors. Each floor... was less than ten feet high, and the space was narrow and cramped, like a pigeon cage.

As he looked at it.

His eyes became strange.

He saw four wheels, an iron shell that could move on its own, saw colorful glass lamps of different colors, and saw the metal blocks held by countless people as a communication tool.

The former.

It was a bit like the four-wheeled cart made by Dean Li.

The latter.

He had seen it in the bamboo building in the Demon Palace. It seemed that Su Su brought it from her hometown. The only difference was that Su Su brought it with a spirit crystal.

He was just looking at it with curiosity.

Suddenly, a group of youthful and boldly dressed girls ran over. Gu Han, a young man holding a metal block and wearing a long gown with an ancient style, chattered and took pictures continuously, with a face full of excitement and joy.


Gu Han was just wondering when a girl suddenly ran over, staring at him with shining eyes, and shouted that she wanted to take a picture to commemorate it.

Gu Han was speechless.

But he still cooperated with the other party and posed some strange postures that made it extremely difficult for him to adapt.

After a while,

The girls reluctantly let the two go.

Gu Han felt a little tired.

It was no less tiring than the bloody battle with Jiumo.

"I forgot."

The young man Gu Han smiled and said, "Although we are ordinary, we are unique in Zuxing in terms of our handsome appearance."

This sentence.

Gu Han agreed very much.

"Aren't they surprised by our dress?"

"What's strange?"

The young man Gu Han smiled faintly and said, "Ancient style is popular in Zuxing recently."

"What about me?"

Thinking of the girl's behavior just now, Gu Han was puzzled and asked, "What does it mean that she took a photo with me?"

He admitted.

Although he still retained some of his handsomeness when he was young, he was old after all.

"What a fuss."

The young man Gu Han said meaningfully, "She likes people like you who can't even stand steadily."

Gu Han: "?"


Looking at everything so new in front of him, he sighed: "What a magical place."

"People on Zuxing are very lazy."

The young man Gu Han smiled: "But lazy people are also the smartest, so they made all kinds of exquisite gadgets to provide themselves with all kinds of conveniences... This is incomparable to the cultivation world."

While talking.

The two had come to a three-story building with elegant decorations. The rainbow lights on the gatehouse flickered, reflecting three big characters.

Lanxin Pavilion.

The front of the building was very wide, and a steady stream of metal shells stopped. One by one, men got out of the shells impatiently. Regardless of age, they all had a smile on their faces that could only be understood but not expressed in words.

"What is this place?"

Gu Han frowned slightly, always feeling that the expressions of these people were a bit vulgar.


The young man Gu Han said casually: "In layman's terms, it's a place to wash feet."

Gu Han: "???"

"Just wash feet."

He didn't understand, "Is it necessary to call it such an elegant name? Do they need to be so happy?"

"Take a look."

The young man Gu Han smiled mysteriously: "You will understand."

Gu Han glanced inside the building.


His face became extremely strange.

In the attic, there were all kinds of beauties, fat and thin, and in the private room, there were white stripes, naked, panting and moaning... Just one look completely changed his perception of this place.

"Is this a place to wash feet?"


The young man Gu Han said seriously and confidently: "And it's a very formal one."

Gu Han: "???"

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