The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2332: One hit to kill and one hit to be killed!

Press down the hidden worries in your heart.

He glanced into the sky, turned his eyes, and landed on Gu Han again. He said quietly: "Why do you have to make trouble like this? Cooperate well and live well, okay?"

"That's how you live."

Gu Han smiled: "It's not me and Mr. Ji."

"You're good."

Xu Kun raised his eyebrows: "Pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, you are quite capable!"


Gu Han said casually: "Let me tell you, you are better than them, comparable to half of Wu Canghai."

There are many units of measurement for his combat power.

Wu Canghai.

The one belonging to the lowest level.

Xu Kun didn't know who Wu Canghai was, but seeing Gu Han's casual look, he suddenly felt a very uncomfortable feeling in his heart. He felt that Gu Han didn't look at him seriously at all.

"old man."

He clasped his hands and said quietly: "Your life is about to end. It must not have been easy to reach this point, right?"

"Isn't it easy?"

Gu Han sighed with emotion: "To say that a narrow escape is a lifetime is an understatement!"


Xu Kun looked at him and said seriously: "After so many struggles, you have never learned to cherish your life! People who don't care about their lives will usually die violently!"

While talking.

He slowly raised his hand, and a tyrannical source of power far surpassed that of the young man before, causing the surrounding space to vibrate non-stop, and seemed to be unbearable!

"Elder brother, be careful!"

Behind the crowd, Guo Kai suddenly said: "From my perspective, this person is not that simple!"

"I already know his strength."

Xu Kun smiled calmly and said slowly: "It's almost the same as me a hundred years ago!"

No coincidence.

He also has his own combat power measurement unit - himself, and it is the highest level unit!

he thinks.

A hundred years ago, he was already strong enough to dominate the crowd and dominate one side!


He even felt that he was much stronger now!

"I haven't used my full strength in years!"

Surrounded by the original power in his hand, Xu Kun slowly walked towards Gu Han and said softly: "Although your body is decayed, your life is about to end, and you are old and unbearable, you still have some strength, which can just let me relax my muscles and bones! In addition, Outside..."


He glanced behind him and said softly: "Just let them see! What is a real battle! What is a real life and death fight!"

Hear the words.

Everyone's expressions perked up and they looked over intently!

"Elder brother is going to take action with all his strength!"

"Since I came to Tianmu Palace, I have never seen him so interested!"

"There's a good show to watch!"

"That old guy, after meeting his senior brother, he doesn't even know how he will die!"


Discussions arose.

This made Xu Kun even more determined to teach everyone a lesson!


"It was never a child's play!"

As he spoke, he slowly approached Gu Han and said in a deep voice: "Victory or defeat, life and death, survival... are all in an instant! As the saying goes, even when a lion fights a rabbit, you need all your strength! No matter how strong your opponent is, you only need to Go all out and kill with one strike! Get the maximum result at the minimum cost!”

Everyone looked in admiration!

They suddenly felt that Xu Kun at this moment was more fierce and murderous than usual, and the truth he spoke was even more inspiring and thought-provoking!

"I heard Master mentioned..."

A young man said softly: "Elder brother was once under siege. He fought his way out of the siege with one enemy against a hundred, not only unscathed, but also killed all his opponents, so he became famous in one battle!"

"came back!"

Ni Hong's eyes were full of respect and he murmured: "That invincible and invincible senior back!"

"Watch it!"

Xu Kun suddenly shouted softly: "This is the battle!"

The words fell.

As if teleporting, he directly crossed the final distance and came to Gu Han, saying in a deep voice: "This is the sure kill!"



As soon as he finished speaking, the original power that he had accumulated to the extreme exploded with all his strength, directly shaking the surrounding space into powder. Cracks in the space suddenly appeared, but even the corners of his clothes were not damaged at all!

"Kill you! It only takes three breaths!"

At the same time the sound sounded.

With a press of his palm, it landed in front of Gu Han!

"Use his way and give back to him!"

"You slapped my little junior brother, I'll slap you back!"

If you have any revenge, you must avenge yourself, Senior Brother!

this moment. Xu Kun's reputation in everyone's hearts has reached its peak!


There was a loud noise, which shocked their blood and almost made them unable to stand!

Gu Han's figure trembled!

It wasn't because of Xu Kun's offensive or the outbreak of injuries, it was just because the black sword in his hand suddenly moved again!

A very familiar change!

"came back."

He turned his eyes and looked into the distance, half-smiling but not smiling: "Sure enough, he's back."

Under the sky.

The two figures held hands, and the dog came to the vicinity of Tianmu Palace.

A pink and jade carving, cute and cute.

One had a bruised nose and swollen face, and blood was coming from his nostrils.

It's A Yin and A Jian!

Inside the Tianmu Palace.

Everyone looked disgusted!

When death is imminent, do you still want to imitate what others say?


They suddenly realized something was wrong again!


Ni Hong stared at Gu Han with wide eyes: "How can he still talk?"

Xu Kun frowned, and suddenly felt something was wrong!

He didn't explode and die as imagined!

There was no blood mist as imagined!

On the contrary!

His all-out attack fell on Gu Han, but there was no feedback or response at all, just like a stone sinking into the sea!

Gu Han suddenly retracted his gaze.

He glanced at Xu Kun and smiled.


As the voice fell, the void suddenly felt a vast and boundless sword intent that was much stronger than his original power entering his body, as if he was cut by billions of small swords, and he roared to the sky in pain!


Everyone was excited when they heard it!

"Go all out! Senior Brother is going all out!"

Shouting so loudly.

I'm afraid he used all his strength.

It seems a bit impolite.

They didn't dare to say this.

At this time.

Gu Han spoke again: "Two."



Under the continuous infusion of sword power, Xu Kun's robes fluttered, his black hair flew, and his whole body suddenly expanded like an inflatable, and his figure became taller and more powerful!

The screams became louder!


To everyone, it was a manifestation of Xu Kun's power being pushed to the extreme.

The only strange thing was that it was Gu Han who counted.

"Brother! Good job!"

A young man was dazzled by the sight and couldn't help but say: "What a lion fighting a rabbit, it also needs to be full of strength! I learned it! I learned it!"

It wasn't just him who learned it.

There were also the others.

The more they watched, the more excited they became, and the more excited they became, and even without Gu Han's words, they had already joined the battle spontaneously and counted down the battle.


Before he finished speaking.

A familiar blood mist suddenly exploded in front of them!

Three breaths of time.

Xu Kun perfectly interpreted what a real life-and-death fight was with his own life, and he also completed it without any delay... He was killed in one blow!

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