The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2363 Gu Han’s obsession!


Zhongming looked at Jueyuan and said seriously: "You should be glad that we can't beat you."

"Let's not talk about whether we can beat you or not."

Jueyuan sighed softly, looked at Gu Han again, and said: "From the moment he stepped on the golden bridge, he had no way back. Whether he can go further depends on the luck of this donor. After all, it is better to save yourself than to save yourself."

The voice fell.

He turned his eyes and looked at the starry sky in the distance.

Under the twisting of the robbery force.

In the blink of an eye, he turned into Luo Wannian's figure again. Compared with the last time, his recovery speed was much faster, and his figure was more solid than before. The two black ropes transformed by the robbery force tightly bound the two groups of robbery force, constantly absorbing and devouring!

Everyone can see it.

Luo Wannian is stronger, recovers faster, and is more difficult to deal with.

"Why is he so strong?"

"How did he do it?"

Donghua and Taishu looked at each other, one didn't understand why Luo Wannian had a strength far beyond that of ordinary robbers, and the other didn't understand why the other party could devour the same kind of robbers!

"Not strange."

Jueyuan glanced at Luo Wannian, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes, and whispered: "This donor has a big grudge in his heart."

He turned his eyes again.

He looked at Gu Han again.

"The grudge must be resolved."


The black sea was surging, boundless, showing the weird and evil meaning, and it also contained endless wails and grudges of all living beings, like a huge mouth of the abyss, constantly impacting Gu Han's mind, as if to swallow him completely!


The impact of the black sea on him was far less than one percent of the robbery source!

The robbery force was surging.

He floated and sank in the black sea, and his whole body was almost completely transformed into a robbery body. The pupil of his right eye also shrank to the size of a needle, and there was also his last clarity and reason!

In the Heart Lake.

The originally clear and transparent lake water has become as dark as ink, and the towering tree that symbolizes the wishes of all living beings has also become strange and eerie, emitting boundless violence and evil thoughts, and looks particularly hideous!

Seemingly there and not there.

There seems to be a whisper in his ear, with endless weirdness and temptation, persuading him to stop resisting, completely accept the assimilation of the source of disaster, and enter a higher, unknowable realm, with supreme power, control endless people, and stand above the three thousand worlds!

Surpass everything!

Become the strongest disaster master in history!

Chaos disaster master!

"I am... Chaos disaster master..."

Mumbling repeatedly.

The last trace of clarity in the spirit platform keeps reminding him that he cannot sink, absolutely cannot sink. Once he is completely assimilated by the disaster source, everything that represents the name Gu Han will die completely!


Those former relatives and friends will never see him again!

"Go back... I want to go back..."

Until this moment.

He realized that he also had obsessions in his heart that he couldn't let go of, and even more unfulfilled wishes!

Go back!

Go back to the afterlife!

Go back to the era that belongs to him! Even if it's just to take one last look at those people!



As if sensing his wish, the azure ocean at the other end of the golden bridge, which symbolizes the will of all living beings, suddenly rolled up a wave of a million feet, echoing the power of his wish!

He raised his head suddenly!

A trace of fierceness flashed in his pupils, which were only the size of a needle!

"I! It's Gu Han!"

"I! Not the Lord of Chaos Tribulation!"

"Tribulation? Source?"

"I... go to your mother's Tribulation Source!!!"

After the words fell.

He suddenly stretched out his right hand, as if he was holding something faintly. At the other end of the golden bridge, the wave of a million feet high trembled slightly, and it instantly broke away from the sea of ​​wishes and turned into a blue translucent sword of a million feet!

"Who dares to stop me from going back!"

"I will kill him!!!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the giant sword of willpower seemed to be pulled by something, crossing the golden bridge, whistling and coming. In a moment, it had come to him, the tip of the sword was sharp, and it completely submerged his figure!


Boom boom boom!

The giant sword of willpower shook violently, the black sea was churning, and the two completely opposite forces continued to fight, causing the other robbery masters to open their eyes one after another. Looking at this scene, the aura of the robbery source on their bodies trembled, as if they had felt something in their hearts.

They suddenly discovered.

This person who was to be robbed was more than ten times more difficult than they had imagined!

I don’t know how long it took.

The movement gradually calmed down, and a staggering figure fell on the edge of the black sea again.

Gu Han!

Compared with the previous moment, except for being a little embarrassed, he no longer had any signs of being infected by the robbery power, and the fundamental robbery source that symbolized the vast robbery master was also completely offset by the power of the wishes of all living beings, and disappeared completely from the black sea and his body!


At the same time.

Under the starry sky, sealed by the endless Buddha light, the calamity power that originally belonged to the Lord of the Cangmang Calamity was like rootless water. Under the illumination of the Buddha light, wisps of black smoke appeared. In just a few breaths, it completely disappeared from everyone's sight!

"This, this, this..."

Donghua Taishu swallowed his saliva together, as if he couldn't believe his eyes at all.

Then look at Gu Han.

The calamity power around him has completely dissipated, and it has returned to its original state. Compared with before, the breath of eternal existence has become clearer!

"He, really succeeded?"

Even Chongming's eyes were full of shock.

What Gu Han did was not only to resist the assimilation and erosion of the calamity source, but also to completely eliminate the calamity source and the boundless resentment accumulated by countless sentient beings in the vast world for countless years!

From beginning to end.

Gu Han did not fight the Lord of the Vast Calamity head-on, but he knew how difficult and dangerous this battle with almost no gunpowder smoke was. It was more than ten times more difficult than destroying the body of the Lord of the Vast Calamity head-on!


Jueyuan smiled and turned around and said, "I forgot to tell you donors that I have never made a mistake in my judgment in my life."

Two people and a chicken: "..."


On the golden bridge.

After eliminating the calamity source of the Lord of the Vast Calamity with a sword, Gu Han's spirit was exhausted to the extreme. If it weren't for that obsession, he wanted to rely on his own strength to fight against the boundless resentment of the entire world, which would be impossible.


Boom boom boom!

The black sea was churning and continuously impacting his mind, but he didn't care at all. He turned his eyes and looked into the distance again. Deep in his eyes, there was a hint of ruthlessness and murderous intent!

He didn't care about his own state.

His mind turned slightly, and his figure disappeared in an instant. When he appeared again, he had come to another golden bridge. Connected to the end of this golden bridge was the Luo Tian Tribulation Master who was temporarily sealed by Jueyuan with Buddha's light!


Sensing Gu Han's arrival, the black figure symbolizing the fundamental source of the Luo Tian Tribulation Master opened his eyes instantly!

"It's you..."


Before he could finish his words, he was strangled by Gu Han!

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