The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2426 Uncles, uncles, and grandpas!

Take it from all living beings?

Return it to all living beings?

Gu Han was startled when he heard it, and he vaguely felt that there seemed to be a deeper meaning in the other person's words, which reminded him of the business that had evolved from the human world to the present.

Could it be...

Is there any secret connection between the two?

Compared to him.

Su Yi and the others were not surprised. After all, Su Yun had said similar things before.

"Little girl."

Taoist Master Tongtian didn't say much. He turned his eyes and landed on Su Su again: "Have you thought about it? Are you willing to be my apprentice?"

"I don't dare!"

The little girl held her head and hid behind the woman in yellow, and said pitifully: "I will never dare to fish again, I will never dare to catch geese again, I will never dare to stew your disciples again..."

"She is a smart girl."

Master Tongtian sighed quietly, knowing in his heart that Su Su didn't say a word of rejection, but in fact... she had already refused.

"That's it!"

"Since you don't want to, I won't force you to do anything."

After a pause, he sighed again: "You just need to remember that the road is always under your feet, so how can there be any reason for others to help you walk?"

"what do you mean?"

Su Su blinked, not understanding.

"It doesn't matter!"

Tongtian Dao Master did not explain much, smiled casually, and said leisurely: "One day, you find a way to complete the tenth path of Taichu, you will understand what I said today. If you have figured it out by then, come to Tongtian Daoist Temple Come to me, my promise is valid at any time!”

"Congratulations! Take your time!"

"Goodbye, senior!"

Su Su cheered up instantly and jumped out from behind the woman in yellow. Her bangs trembled and she bowed respectfully to the outside. Her little face was full of joy.


Taoist Master Tongtian said with a half-smile, "Who said I was leaving?"


Su Su's little face instantly drooped.

Su Yi was also a little strange.

Logically speaking, Taoist Master Tongtian is a resolute and resolute person. If he fails to recruit a disciple, he will leave directly without any hesitation, but...

"Senior, is there anything else you can do?"

Su Yi didn't understand.


Above the chaos, Taoist Master Tongtian did not speak. He put his hands on his back and wore a green robe. His eyebrows were drawn into his temples. His eyes were dark, and he suddenly looked at the empty crib. Deep in his eyes, there was a hint of doubt.

Instinct told him.

Although it was empty here, something was wrong, as if... there was a non-existent person standing there.

Gu Han was shocked!

Could it be that he was discovered?


Before he could think about it, two eyes that were like sharp blades and seemed to be able to penetrate everything fell instantly. The eyes were faint, implying a hint of detachment, and the boundless and infinite power made his consciousness tremble continuously!

Until now.

Only then did Gu Han realize how powerful an intact and peak transcendent power was. It was not comparable to the Sixth Patriarch of later generations, or even Dameng Lao Dao, or even Su Yun's will incarnation!

"come out."

Master Tongtian suddenly spoke, his voice was like endless thunder, which directly made his consciousness go blank!

After the thunder.

It is endless silence and dead silence!

In a trance.

The room, the people, the baby... everything in Gu Han's eyes disappeared, and his consciousness seemed to have come to an inexplicable place between existence and non-being, vaguely above chaos!

"It's quite strange."

The mist was boundless, Taoist Master Tongtian frowned slightly, looking at the opposite side of nothingness, walking slowly in the mist, he always felt that there was a person standing there who shouldn't exist at all, and he wanted to find out.


As he continued to approach, Gu Han suddenly felt a great sense of crisis in his heart. His instinct told him that once the other party discovered his existence, his end would be much more miserable than enduring the backlash of time!

My mind raced.

But now he is just a flash of consciousness, and it is difficult to think of any effective way to break the situation for a while.

At the critical moment.

Just when Master Tongtian was about to pass through the mist and find a clue, a loud cry of a baby suddenly sounded, implying the true meaning of Hunyuan Wuji, directly dispelling the endless mist!


There was a sound of surprise, and the figure of Taoist Master Tongtian disappeared suddenly!

In a trance.

Gu Han only felt that he was being continuously pulled by the power of Hunyuan Wuji's true meaning. He returned to the wooden bed again and saw the crying baby.

Different from last time.

It seems that because of the sudden appearance of Taoist Master Tongtian, everything in front of him has become extremely unreal and unstable, like a dream, and even the flow of time has become fast and slow, very irregular.

It's like watching flowers on horseback.

His consciousness was half awake and half hazy, and he saw figures one after another appearing in this room, appearing beside the bed, staying for a short time, and then leaving again.

Some carry swords on their backs and have long beards on their faces, claiming to be their uncles.

Some have short hair and short sleeves, are dressed strangely, possess supreme sword power, and claim to be his third uncle.

Some hold spears in their hands and have loving faces. They are his grandfathers.

Somebody is surrounded by the aura of green wood and has an ancient temperament. He is his uncle.

There were young men and women coming hand in hand. The man was handsome and handsome, and the woman was beautiful. They were both at the peak of immortality and peerless swordsmen. They seemed to be his senior brother and second senior sister.

There is a young man wearing a golden robe.

There are big demons who are arrogant and domineering.

There are top-level cultivators who are good at planning.

There are peerless masters who are of different races and have amazing momentum... There are too many of them, so many that Gu Han can hardly remember them all.

He only knows.

Among these people, the one with the lowest cultivation is also a top-level cultivator who is about to enter immortality. In the future, apart from the existence of the old Taoist Da Meng, he is an absolutely invincible existence. As for the one with the highest cultivation... He can't see through it at all, but his instinct tells him that he will definitely not be weaker than the previous Taoist Master Tongtian!

Without exception.

When these people came to visit him, they all presented gifts, ranging from the supreme Taoist treasures and amazing medicines that he could hardly understand, to the peerless magic weapons and rare spiritual materials that would make many powerful people in the future and the three thousand worlds fight for their heads. There are many kinds and dazzling things, almost filling up this rather spacious room.


He could also feel a trace of kindness and care from these people, such as Qian Ye, Yun Jiansheng, Chongming, Yan Changge, Shang Qingshu, Ren Wu Ren Liu, Yuan Zhengyang...

He never thought.

He had so many relatives and elders, so many people who cared about him in this unknown place and unknown era.


He realized another problem.

These uncles, grandpas, uncles, many elders, and top masters, he didn't see any of them in the future, even after he went to the Hongmeng World!

Where did they go?

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