The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2469 Gu Han’s sentence!

" did you swim?"

Zhulong's eyes were as wide as copper bells.

"I didn't swim much either."

Gu Han sighed and said truthfully: "Just swim in, swim out, and swim in again... I am not good at water, and I have drowned several times."


Zhulong was no longer calm: "Have you gone in more than once?"


Gu Han thought for a while and said uncertainly: "There are four, five, six, seven or eight times?"

Zhulong: "???"

Role model!

An absolute role model for our generation!

Coincidentally, looking at Gu Han at this moment, an idea came to his mind.

"How did you do it?"

His tone was urgent, with a hint of longing: "Teach me, can you teach me? You can mention the conditions! As long as I can do it, it will be absolutely unambiguous! Even if you want my life, old dragon, I will give it to you." !”


Gu Han said speechlessly: "My appearance here can't explain anything?"


"I missed it too."

Zhulong: "..."

Looking at Gu Han blankly, his eyes were straight, with a hint of pain. After a long time, he sighed: "I understand, you don't rely on your own strength."

"Old seniors have a clear lesson."

Gu Han smiled bitterly and didn't hide it.

At this moment.

He has also understood for a long time that the reason why he was able to travel unhindered in the long river of time was mostly due to Su Yun's power and partly because of the Hunyuan Wuji Dao Fruit. But now...these two major helpers are no longer there. Naturally It can no longer be the same as before.

"No wonder."

Zhu Longqiang cheered up, sighed again, and said thoughtfully: "You haven't been locked up yet. It is most likely that the will of the years is sentencing you..."


Gu Han suddenly became nervous.


He humbly asked for advice: "You have rich experience. How many years do you think my sentence should be? Ten thousand years?"

"One hundred million points."

"One hundred thousand years?"

"One hundred million points more."

"Could it be..."

Gu Han swallowed and looked deeper: "Am I going to be put in a serious prison area too?"

"more than."

Zhulong shook his head and said: "A few hundred million points more."

"How many years exactly?"

Gu Han couldn't stand it anymore and went a little crazy.

"Conservative estimate."

Zhulong was silent for a moment and said quietly: "At least it's a life sentence."

Gu Han: "???"

"It's not a big problem."

Zhulong comforted him: "Just get used to it."

Gu Han: "..."

Is this something you are used to?

"You're still young."

Zhulong advised again: "I should have a lot of longevity left, and I should be able to stay here for a long time. According to my calculations, Old Long, I will almost succeed next time. When the time comes, we may be able to be companions." !”


Gu Han looked puzzled when he heard this: "You still want to come?"


Zhulong suddenly fell silent.

"Come on, come on!"

After a moment, he raised his head slightly, revealing a pair of red eyes in his messy gray hair, the vertical pupils filled with unforgettable hatred.

"How can I take revenge if I don't come?"

"How could I kill him if I didn't come!!"

"If I don't come, how can I deserve the suffering I have endured for so many years!!!"

Hate, unforgettable!

Anger, soaring into the sky!

Zhulong's appearance at this moment is very different from before!

Gu Han frowned upon hearing this.

"Old-timer wants revenge?"


"How to repay?"

"Go back to the past!"

Zhulong said with hatred: "Go back to before everything happened, go back to the starting point, and kill...the weak man!"


Gu Han shook his head and said truthfully: "This is very difficult!"

"so what!"

But Zhulong insisted: "Ten times won't work! I'll do it twenty times. If twenty times doesn't work, I'll do it a hundred times... No one can stop me before my life span is exhausted." I!"

"Anyway...I have nothing left."

Speaking of this, there was a hint of sadness in his voice: "If there is no revenge, what is the meaning of living?"

"That's what I said."

Gu Han frowned and said, "There are many ways to take revenge, but you, old man... have chosen the path that is least likely to succeed and is also the most unwise!"

"But it's the only way."

Zhulong sighed dejectedly and said: "Besides this method, I can't think of any other way to get revenge."


"He's strong."

"How strong?"

"About transcendence."


Gu Han suddenly stopped talking. After all, Zhulong's opponent was indeed not that strong!

"more important."

Zhulong said again: "I don't have much time. Once he completely enters the realm of transcendence, he will no longer enter the cause and effect of reincarnation, and the laws of time and destiny will not apply. Even if I go back to the past... I can't kill him."


"The so-called detachment means detachment from everything!"

Zhulong said quietly: "Destiny, cause and effect, reincarnation, time... all the laws are not imposed on me. The past, present and future are all integrated into one, and there is no time to be weak. How can I kill?"

Gu Han was thoughtful.

He suddenly thought of the Taoist Master Tongtian he had met before. He originally thought that the other person from that era was just a shadow and not the real person, but now it seems... that is not the case!

"The detached ones are indeed terrifying!"

Until now.

Only then did he realize how terrifying a complete and transcendent person at his peak was. It was impossible to reverse the years and kill him by going back to the past!


Zhulong glanced at him again and sighed: "My only chance is to kill him before he achieves transcendence! Kill him completely!"

"Even if the old-timers can do it."

Gu Han shook his head and said: "But the law of time and time will not let you go. When the time comes, senior's sentence... may not be as simple as indefinite."

Several long journeys through time.

It allowed him to gain far richer experience than Zhulong.

Change the past.

Not entirely impossible.


Going back in time to kill an ant has completely different meanings, consequences, and costs than killing a powerful person who is alive and well in the future and is about to transcend!

"I know."

Zhulong said softly: "Perhaps, the moment I kill him, I will be obliterated by the law of time, but...what does it matter? It's okay if I take revenge!"


Gu Han thought for a while and said seriously: "Do you think there is another possibility?"


"Kill him now!"

Gu Han said word by word: "Would it be more feasible?"


Zhulong was silent again.

"young people."

After a moment, he continued to speak. Instead of answering Gu Han's question, he said, "Do you know why he is about to transcend?"


"It's very simple."

Zhulong's tone was calm, but underneath the calmness, there was a hint of madness and unwillingness.

"Because he swallowed my Dao Fruit."

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