The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2489 Return to Anti-Heaven!

As the Ghost Emperor disappeared.

This battle has also come to an end, and the Huangquan River has regained its calm on the surface.


A battle and killing that no one could see began.

Under the jurisdiction of the yellow-character monument.

The stone statue transformed by Su Su was silent in the deepest part of the Yellow Spring River. Behind him, thousands of iron ropes of order and law formed by the Nine Paths of the Taichu and the laws of the yellow-character stele were intertwined with each other, glowing with a cold light, and it was unknown how far they extended. where.

It is under the jurisdiction of Quanzi Monument.

The Huangquan River looks particularly cold and strange. In the deepest part of the river, the Ghost Emperor has already revealed his true body. His body is like a continuous mountain range, huge and boundless, but Su Su's Broken Arms is stuck on his shoulder, and his whole body is bound by endless iron chains of the law of order. He was tightly bound and couldn't move at all!

Above the river.

The Ghost Emperor's words that he would come back as soon as he left still lingered in the ears of all the Ghost Lords, but... one breath, three breaths, five breaths... Until the end, half a quarter of an hour passed, and the Ghost Emperor still did not come back.

I felt sad in my heart.

Realization dawned on them.

The Ghost Emperor probably, maybe, maybe... really won't come back.


No. 1 watched all this quietly, his eyes sweeping across the river of Huangquan, his face expressionless. Although Huangquan was still the same Huangquan, it... was different after all.

Huangquan two points.

The smell is completely different.

Half of it was cold and peaceful, and the other half was weird and cold. The situation was like water and fire, and they collided constantly, turning into dim yellow whirlpools with a radius of millions of feet. I don't know how many souls and bones were swallowed up. Go in.

No. 1 did not take action.

He knew that this war would be protracted and would last for countless years until one side was completely defeated.

Susu is like this.

So does he.

Even compared to Su Su, before the establishment of Huangquan Palace and before he finds enough ferrymen, he will fight against the entire ghost clan on his own!


None of this is the most important.

Turning his eyes, he looked at the distance of the Yellow Spring River. He could vaguely feel the existence of the tribulation force and the source of the tribulation outside.

"I can hold on."

"I hope... Lord, you can keep your promise, come back again, and meet again... again!"

While talking.

The roaring sound of the river gradually weakened, and the faint yellow aura disappeared. The Huangquan River had completely disappeared from the real world!


The moment Huang Quan disappeared, No. 1 seemed to sense something, and his expression changed: "That was..."

New world.

As Gu Han entered Anti-Heaven and Earth, as Su Su and No. 1 entered Huangquan, and as the source of calamity and the new world became more closely integrated, the whole world became dark, gloomy, and full of strangeness, like a ghostland.


But a faint green light spanned the endless silence and kept flying towards the entrance of Anti-Heaven and Earth!

"what happened?"

"Why is there still more?"

"It's over, it's over, I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"


In the green light, a panicked voice kept sounding.

It's Ah Jian!

Looking at the twig in his hand, he felt like crying.

On the way here.

Naturally, he had already discovered the changes in the branches, and he had been infected by Luo Wannian's source of calamity at some point. Even though he tried every means, he still could not effectively get rid of it. Even now, only an inch is left. Nearly half of the small branches have turned into a dark color!

Not only that!

in his induction.

Under the influence of the source of calamity, this branch was filled with all kinds of ominousness and strangeness. It seemed that a strange and evil will was about to grow out of it, and even he couldn't stop it!

Instinct told him.

If he really allowed this will to awaken, he would definitely be in bad luck!


Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and glanced at the black sword in his left hand: "If this continues, this sword will not die in the hands of the man named Luo, but will be killed by it... No, no, absolutely not! "


"Look at the sword!!!"

Thinking of this, he decisively raised his sword and struck it down with a sword!

A cold light flashed.

One inch became half an inch.


The screams sounded, and A Jian was so distressed that he almost shed tears.

"No more!"

"It has become so short, can it still be used in the future..."

Feeling distressed.

He was completely unaware that on the small branch that was only half an inch long, deep in the green light, there was a dark, strange, and almost imperceptible aura of the source of tribulation flashing past.

"Eh...are we here?"

After swinging his sword to kill himself.

He suddenly discovered that he had arrived at the entrance to Anti-Heaven and Earth.

"Where is the young master?"

"Where's Sister Susu?"

"And...where are they?"


After walking around, he suddenly discovered that except for Chongming, who was lying on the fragments of the Heaven and Earth Monument not far away, not knowing whether he was alive or dead, the battlefield was empty!

"Venerable Dawei?"

Just as he was about to go over and take a look at the situation, the black sword in his hand suddenly started to tremble slightly. The tip of the sword turned and automatically pointed at the entrance to Anti-Heaven and Earth. It seemed to be about to fly away!

"You mean..."

A Jian was a little dumbfounded: "Young Master, are you in there?"


The black sword trembled again, as if in response.

A Jian suddenly fell silent.

In the past, even if the small branch in his hand could be used, he knew the weirdness in the Anti-Heaven and Earth better than anyone else. He knew that if he went in like this, he would die without a single chance of survival, so he naturally hid as far away as possible.

But now...

He has recovered his past memories.

He thought of his eager anticipation when he gave the sword to Gu Han, and of his tears of joy when the Black Sword recognized Gu Han as its master, and of the promises he had made to Gu Han, and even more of what Ah Yin said to him before he died.

"No matter! I'll die if I die!"

"Young Master, don't panic! I, Ah Jian, will help you!!"

With a light shout, he raised his hand and followed the guidance of the Black Sword, turning into a stream of light and sinking into the entrance of the Anti-Heaven and Earth!


The scenery changed.

His consciousness was in a trance.

Gu Han had come to the Anti-Heaven and Earth again, and he was suddenly stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

It was different from what he expected.

I thought that after entering the Anti-Heaven and Earth, he would be besieged by the Jieling Spirits, attacked by Luo Wannian, or even be imprisoned in a bloody battle, but... none of these happened.


Even Luo Wannian himself did not appear, as if he had completely disappeared!

What came into view.

was a house covered with snow, an ancient, large, and majestic house!

Vermilion lacquered gate.

Red walls and green tiles.

Although half-hidden under the snow, it still couldn't resist its nobleness. The two stone lions in front of the door were baring their teeth and claws, majestic and awe-inspiring, revealing the unique identity and status of the owner of the courtyard.

There were many people in the house.

Putting aside the owners of each room, there were more than a thousand people including the doormen, servants, guards, and maids!

Above the main gate.

A huge golden plaque hung high above it, with three big characters written on it.

Duke's Mansion!

Seeing this, Gu Han raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice: "This again?"

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