The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2502 I borrow a sword from the future...!

"Ashu, why... are you here..."

The crying stopped!

Ajian blinked and looked at Gu Han who had temporarily regained consciousness, and was overjoyed: "Young Master, you are okay... That's great! I thought you had started the feast just now..."

He spoke very quickly.

As if he had thought of something, he asked again: "Who is Ashu?"

Gu Han did not answer.

He realized that this was not the future, and the Ajian in front of him was not the Ashu of the future, but... they were the same person after all!

If Luo Wannian were to destroy everything.

The Ashu of the future would naturally not appear, and perhaps he was the only one in the world who knew who that mean tree seedling was.

Just thought of this.

The light in his left eye instantly disappeared and turned into a dark darkness, leaving only a little clarity in his right eye, which was shaky!

"Young... Young Master!"

Ajian panicked, took out the black crystal sword, pointed at the empty anti-world and threatened: "Luo! come out to me! Grandpa Jian will challenge you..."


Seeing the black sword, a flash of light flashed in his right eye, and Gu Han remembered it immediately.

That sword!

That sword hidden in the long river of time, separated from him for countless years, is still there! !

The idea suddenly came to him!

A boundless sharp aura swept over, dispelling the boundless calamity power, and almost completely collapsed the remaining aura of Gu Han!

To do this step.

It is already his limit!

"In vain!"

Luo Wannian's voice came from his body: "You were in good condition before, but you couldn't summon it, let alone now?"

Gu Han didn't say anything.

Indeed, as Luo Wannian said, now he only has a little spiritual obsession left, and he is in the anti-world. It is a bit difficult for him to even sense the sword, let alone use it?


He did not stop, and there was only one thought left in his mind!


He must kill Luo Wannian, even if he gambles everything, even if he loses everything, even if he dies tens of millions of times, he must kill him!




The sharp intention is getting stronger, but his consciousness is getting weaker.

On the side.

Sensing the shocking sharp aura that came from nowhere, watching the spiritual light in Gu Han's right eye about to completely dissipate, Ah Jian seemed to understand something vaguely.

"Young Master, you will die."

"It's okay!"

"Young Master, you can't do this."

"I want to... try!"

"Young Master, let me help you!"

He glanced at the sapling in his right hand, which had run out of power and had a dim green light, and sighed: "I'll help you... find this sword."

He didn't wait for Gu Han to speak.

As soon as the voice fell, a trace of transparent flame suddenly appeared on his body. In just a moment, it spread to his whole body and finally gathered in the black sword!

The black sword trembled!

It established a connection with Ajian, the former sword spirit again. When the sword spirit and sword body merged, a boundless sharp aura burst out, and instantly split the sky against the world.


In Gu Han's heart lake, Luo Wannian seemed to have sensed something. He raised his head and revealed a brand new look - it was actually a combination of him and Gu Han!

"Useless move."


As the voice rang out, the boundless calamity power in the anti-world burst out, and directly swallowed him and the black sword completely!


Gu Han's right eye flickered!

"Young Master."

Faintly, Ajian's voice came from the calamity power: "You may have forgotten that this sword was given to you by me..."

"I know!"

Gu Han whispered: "I know everything!"


Ajian's voice was somewhat relieved: "So, you remembered it all."

"... Yeah."

"Then do you still remember?"

Ajian suddenly said again: "What did I say?"

"I remember."

Gu Han whispered: "Share weal and woe..."

Ajian's voice also rang: "Never betray..."

For a moment.

The voices of the two completely overlapped and intersected at one place.

"Life and death, together!"


As the words fell, a black sword surrounded by endless transparent flames, unstoppable and sharp, suddenly broke out from the blockade of the calamity force. The sword light was so strong that it could illuminate the sky in all directions and flew towards Gu Han!

"Young Master..."

"I, A Jian... I keep my word..."


A Jian's last voice came over.

Gu Han was heartbroken!

Visible to the naked eye, the spiritual light in his right eye instantly became more solid, and even faintly carried a hint of madness and blood!




As the aura continued to explode, his right arm, which had been assimilated into the calamity body, was actually taken over by him. It briefly turned into a normal appearance and suddenly stretched out!

"Sword! Come!!"

The spiritual light in his eyes trembled violently, and his thoughts were almost crazy. The black sword sensed the call and trembled slightly. With endless joy, the sword light was crisscrossed, and it broke through the calamity force and fell into his hands!


The black sword was in hand, and the sword body was wrapped in colorless flames. Its power was close to immortality, which directly gave Gu Han the ability to move for a short time!


Luo Wannian's figure appeared in front of him again, but compared with the previous one, the strange aura of calamity power on his body was much weaker, and replaced by a trace of the aura of the will of all living beings, as if... he was about to shed his body of the calamity master!

Far more than that!

Under the supplement of Gu Han's will of all living beings, his strength, which had been weakened again and again, was actually restored a lot, and was constantly strengthening!

"Why bother?"

Looking at Gu Han, who had almost everything taken away by him and was about to be completely annihilated, he said calmly: "Even if he burned himself to help you escape temporarily, but... that's all. Your sword can't hurt me at all."

"No... that's not right."

Gu Han just stared at the colorless flames lingering on the black sword, with a sad tone, muttering: "I still have one sword... the last sword!"

"I know what you are thinking."

Luo Wannian said in a calm voice: "You want to summon that power, but I said that a trump card that cannot be revealed cannot be called a trump card!"

"What's more."

"Now everything you have... even your will of all living beings is mine, what can you use to summon it?"

"I can't..."

Gu Han raised his head with difficulty, his right eye was scarlet, staring at him intently: "But... Ah Jian can! He helped me... find that sword!"

There has never been a moment like this.

He sensed the existence of that sword so clearly, realized the source of that sword, and knew the connection between this sword and him!


Luo Wannian was unmoved and asked again: "Where is the sword?"

"The sword is in the future!"

Gu Han raised the sword with difficulty, and the tip of the sword pointed to the sky.

"I will borrow a sword from the future..."

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