The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2521 Teach him a lesson!

One name after another popped out of Queen Luo's mouth, making everyone feel sleepy.

Luo Wushuang didn't rush either.

The stars shine brightly in the night, and the starlight flows endlessly, as if they are calculating something.


Mu Qingxuan, on the other hand, couldn't help it anymore: "Have you...finished counting? There are...thousands of names..."

"not yet."

Luo Youran, however, looked serious and said, "Sister-in-law, please wait a little longer, this is only half of it."

Mu Qingxuan: "?"

She was a little skeptical.

Did Luo Youran deliberately make trouble with Luo Wushuang and reveal so many names?

Also at this time.

Luo Wushuang flicked his fingers again, and the vast star power trembled, wrapping the figure of the calamity spirit and disappearing suddenly!

In the sky.

Among the bright stars, there was suddenly a little invisible black starlight.

at the same time.

The stain on Luo Youran's chessboard also disappeared.

Everyone was shocked again!

What was surprising was Luo Wushuang's strength!

Not to mention being possessed by the robbery spirit, no matter what the elder said, he was still an extremely strong man in the third step of the origin realm, but he was suppressed by Luo Wushuang with a snap of his fingers. Could it be...

"City Lord."

An elder asked tentatively: "Could it be that you have already taken that step?"

Luo Wushuang didn't answer.

Slowly raising his eyes, the stars in the sky came into his eyes, turning into a mysterious and obscure secret that fell into his perception.

"The calamity brought into the world has devastated the world."

"All living beings will perish, and everything will return to ruins."

"Of course."

Changing the topic, he added: "This will all happen in a thousand years, you don't need to worry about it now."


"The preparations that should be made are still essential."


Mu Qingxuan looked solemn, nodded and said: "My husband is right, the catastrophe is dangerous, not to mention a thousand years, even ten thousand years are not enough. Now that we know in advance, we must take full precautions. From today on, Wushuang The city is strict..."

"Qingxuan, you misunderstood."

Luo Wushuang suddenly interrupted her.


Mu Qingxuan was stunned.

"I said prepare."

Luo Wushuang thought for a while and explained: "It's shipbuilding."

Mu Qingxuan: "??"



Luo Wushuang nodded: "Build a boat that is strong enough, big enough, and big enough to accommodate many people."


Mu Qingxuan looked at him with a strange look on his face: "What are you doing building a ship?"

"Run away."

Luo Wushuang gave her a strange look: "You don't think what I just said was a joke, do you?"

Mu Qingxuan: "???"

Everyone looked at each other.

Over the years, they had long been accustomed to Luo Wushuang's unexpected actions. What they were surprised about was why the other party was so focused on escaping that he had no intention of resisting at all.

The terror of robbing spirits.

They also saw it.

But... they felt that Luo Wushuang's words were a bit exaggerated.

"City Lord."

An elder couldn't help but said: "I don't question your intention, but the tribulation of all living beings is illusory. Can you judge the future outcome by just one tribulation spirit? We have to give up everything we have and embark on the road to escape... Even if you run away, where can you go?"

"You don't understand!"

Mu Qingxuan suddenly said: "You can't imagine the magnitude of this catastrophe. When the catastrophe comes to the world, the situation... will only be worse than what my husband said!"

"sister in law."

Luo Youran asked curiously: "How did you know?"


Mu Qingxuan gave a bitter smile and said softly: "I have experienced all this before, and I know how powerless and desperate living beings are when facing a catastrophe! It was also an unimaginable dark age!"

Everyone’s heart sank!

They doubted Luo Wushuang's inference, but Mu Qingxuan was the reincarnation of a great power, and her previous life could be traced back to the beginning of the era. Her words were more credible!


Luo Youran became even more curious: "Sister-in-law, have you ever fought with those robber spirits?"


Mu Qingxuan laughed miserably: "I have been running for my life from the beginning to the end. I was even close to being swallowed up by the power of tribulation and turned into a tribulation spirit. I didn't even have the chance to be reincarnated!"

"Is it?"

Luo Youran's eyes widened: " did you survive?"


Mu Qingxuan did not answer. Instead, he glanced at Luo Wushuang and said with a complicated expression: "The savior is real."



Mu Qingxuan nodded and said softly: "I don't have many memories of my previous life. I only know that when the heaven and earth were about to become extinct and the world was about to perish, someone stood up and entered the game alone to fight against the calamity and prevent this. Everything has eliminated the catastrophe and given this world a future."

Luo Youran was fascinated by what he heard.

Not only her, but the others were also yearning for it. After all, none of them had such strong strength or such perseverance.

If you can't do it, then you will respect it.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law!"

Luo Youran didn't care about counting names anymore and asked: "Who is this savior?"


Mu Qingxuan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I only vaguely remember such a person, but where he went and whether he is still alive is not something I can know."


Luo Youran said regretfully: "I really want to meet him! Such a responsible and courageous person, isn't he much better than my brother?"

"Want to meet him?"

Luo Wushuang smiled slightly and said faintly: "Maybe you have seen him before?"


Luo Youran fumbled around and said blankly: "Where is it? Where is it?"

Luo Wushuang did not answer.

He looked up at the sky that had regained its brightness again, and there was a pocket star map in his eyes, constantly deducing the secrets of heaven.

The Great Dao wants to cultivate a savior.

But Gu Han was used as a template to cultivate Liu Xingchen.

The answer.

It was already very obvious.

Luo Youran did not understand what he meant, but Tianjizi seemed to have thought of something, and a hint of unbelievable meaning flashed in his eyes.


He calculated for a long time with his fingers, but found that the secrets of heaven were obscured and chaotic, and it was difficult to deduce any useful information.

"Yes, that's right!"

At this time, an elder suddenly reacted after hearing the word "savior" and said happily: "City Lord, we don't have to flee!"

"You just said that."

"The Great Dao wants to cultivate Xingchen into a savior! Let him embark on a road that is destined to be invincible! Since the former savior was able to turn the tide, Xingchen... can do the same!"


Luo Wushuang pondered for a moment and said with emotion: "He is still far away!"

"But he still has time."

Not only that elder.

The others think so too.

After all, a thousand years is very short for them, but for Liu Xingchen, it is very long, long enough for him to grow up completely and support everything!

"It's meaningless."

Luo Wushuang shook his head, looked at the city, and sighed: "He is destined to fail to cultivate and pass this sixth extreme realm."


"It's very simple."

Luo Wushuang said indifferently: "Someone will teach him how to be a man."

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