The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2543 Vegetables with a growth cycle exceeding one era?

The vegetable garden is very lively.

The seven mud-legged men were noisy and busy working non-stop. Plus the old man who was supervising the work beside them, there were no more, no less, exactly eight.


They are the people who have fallen into this small courtyard due to various accidents over the years.


After Lao Ba, there is Lao Ninth.


That man was a bit unlucky. When he fell, his position was a little off, and he landed outside the small courtyard. In less than half a breath, he was completely assimilated by the laws of time and turned into a pile of fly ash.

Since then.

No one dares to take a step outside the courtyard!

"Master is here?"

Seeing the young man coming out, an old man in black robes with toothless teeth stood up in a hurry, nodded and bowed, and said with a flattering smile: "Young Master's spirit is much better today!"

This person is Ada.

He is also the strongest one among the eight, and the one who shouts the loudest. He has the title of Great Demon Lord in the outside world, and he is majestic and arrogant.

The first day I came in.

One of his teeth was knocked out by the young man.


He became the most arrogant and the most eloquent person among the eight people.

“Not just the spirit!”

A middle-aged man with a big belly and a lame leg shook his head and kept praising: "From my perspective, our young master is obviously much more handsome."

His name is A Er.

Outside, there was the founder of a certain sect. He was also very arrogant when he came, and then... he had one of his legs broken by a young man, and he never mentioned his origins from then on.


A thin man with a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks and one missing arm sneered: "You mean, the young master used to be ugly?"

He is Asan.

Zeng clamored to kill the youth and Xiaoyuan with one hand, and then... he had no more hands.

"F*ck you!"

"Did I mean that! Why do you want to instigate a relationship between me and the young master! Do you want to fight? I've already seen that you don't like it. Come on, come on, I'll give you a hand!"

"Bah! These are not good things!"

"What did you say! You want to fight too?"

"Come on! I'll give you a leg!"

"I'll give you one eye!"

"Look at your potential! Come on, I'll give you a pair of ears!"


Ah four five six seven.

Their experiences are very different from those of the first three. They are all heroes in the outside world, dominating the world, both good and evil. Although they cannot be said to be treacherous or evil, they are all full of evil and do a lot of immoral things.


When they came, one was more dissatisfied than the other, and one was more arrogant than the other, and then... some were missing eyes, some were missing ears, and no one was intact except Lao Ba.

can not go out.

Can't beat it.

The seven people were trapped here, helping the young people water and grow vegetables, weeding and catching insects, purifying their souls and sublimating their values.

The quarrel grew louder and louder.

Several people became increasingly angry, and they were about to take action at the first sight.

In fact.

This is not the first time something like this has happened, and the root of the conflict between the seven people is not the question of whether the young man has become more handsome, but just because they have hatred for each other.

strictly speaking.

This small courtyard is constantly wandering in the long river of time, and the time nodes where everyone fell are naturally different. They are not people of the same era.

In this world.

Ah Da was a demon cultivator and was notorious. After his disappearance, his descendants were slaughtered by Ah Er's men.


Ah Er also had a bad reputation. Not long after he disappeared, the sect was wiped out by Ah San.


Ah San got a daughter and regarded it as a treasure, but she was kidnapped by Ah Si and became his concubine in the 765th room...

It's not just them.

There is also a great connection between A Wu and Liu Qi. We cannot say that the hatred is as deep as the sea, but we can only say that they are incompatible with each other.

These things.

They were all deduced by the young people themselves after interrogating their origins.

these years.

If he hadn't been holding them down, the seven of them would have fought to the death.


He just let Lao Ba be the supervisor.

At least... Even though Lao Ba doesn't know how to count, he doesn't have any grudges against these people.

"What are you doing!"

At the edge of the vegetable field, Lao Ba had long been accustomed to them being like this. He glared and said, "If you trample on the vegetables in this medicine garden, you can't even afford to pay for it with your life!"


The movements of the seven people stagnated and they stopped instantly!

It's not that I'm afraid of you.

But I am afraid of young people!

They have already used their body parts and injuries to prove the fact that young people really have a special obsession with growing vegetables!


The more you care about something, the less you will get.

Over the years.

They work hard and don't dare to be lazy, but the growth of the vegetables in the garden is not as good as the day before. Not to mention the wilting, there is even a tendency of growing back!


Seeing the young man staring at the vegetables in the garden, his brows getting deeper and deeper, Ah Da couldn't help but shudder, and said tremblingly: "It's really... we are not lazy, this dish is not up to par, we... we There’s nothing we can do!”

The young man said nothing.

"Son, please forgive me!"

Ah Wu's heart trembled when he saw it, and he quickly echoed: "I am outside, and I am also familiar with herbal medicine. From my perspective, this vegetable has grown like this. It's not that we don't care, it's just that the grade of this vegetable is too high! "

"Too high?"


Ah Wu continued: "I have a bold guess that the growth cycle of these vegetables will be very, very long!"

"how long?"

"Calculate it in terms of epochs!"

As Ah Wu spoke, he grabbed another handful of soil from the vegetable garden and said seriously: "Sir, please see, this soil is also unusual. There is an aura in it that I have never felt before. It seems... it seems... it is Hongmeng who has not yet Open up, it existed before the world was created!”

A few words.

This made everyone burst into laughter, feeling that he had been trapped here for too long and his brain was not functioning properly.


How much lifespan does one have in the Origin Realm? Then there is no doubt whether the legendary immortals who exist or not can survive an era?

Just some vegetables!

The growth cycle is actually calculated in epochs?

"You know what*!"

Ah Wu argued vigorously with various explanations and examples, and all he said were words that made people laugh, such as 'be bold in guessing', 'be careful in argumentation' and 'free your mind and cognition'.

The atmosphere was still tense just now.

In Ah Wu's blushing and thick-necked explanation, he suddenly became relaxed and funny.

The young man did not laugh.

He actually somewhat agreed with Ah Wu's words.

after all……

Where did this small courtyard come from, why did he encounter it, and why could it withstand part of the power of the prison of time? This is a matter that cannot be explained or imagined!

Just thinking about it.

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lao Ba standing aside without saying a word, with a calm and calm look on his face. His heart moved and he asked curiously: "Lao Ba, what do you think?"

"What are you looking at?"

"Ah Wu's words?"


Lao Ba thought seriously for a moment and gave a very definite answer: "I didn't understand."


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