The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2546: One day is equal to one year of life!

See Gu Han.

Next to the vegetable garden, Ah Si, who was holding his crotch and wailing, reluctantly raised a thumbs up and said, "Young Master...Young Master is so brave!"

Gu Han: "?"

It’s not just Ah Si.

Including Lao Ba, the others also looked at him with admiration.

they thought to themselves.

If it had been them, fighting fiercely for two days and nights, not to mention losing all their fighting power, at least they would have been exhausted and walked away holding on to the wall!

But Gu Han...

"Young master is really brave!"

"If I wait, it won't be as good as it is!"

Everyone was flattering, but Gu Han frowned and said nothing.


After a long time, he sighed complicatedly, not knowing how to face Zhao Mengyou and Xue Yu's passionate love.

The second woman’s explanation.

Not to mention that it was full of loopholes, it could only be said that it was full of flaws. He had already determined that when his fiancée said it, it was nothing more than a lie.

The most critical thing.

Although he has some affection for the two women, the familiarity from his memory tells him that this kind of affection is limited to close friends and does not involve feelings between men and women.

All the truth is revealed.

But he did not expose the clumsy lies of the two women.

He could tell.

The two women were really deeply in love with him, and even in the end, their explanations became increasingly pale, and when faced with his questions, there was a hint of pleading and humility in their attitude.

He wisely stopped asking.

It also left them with the last bit of self-esteem.

Inside the hut.

There was silence.

"Sister Mengyou."

After a long time, Xue Yu looked outside and said in a daze: "Do you think Master Gu believes him?"

"He's so smart."

Zhao Mengyou laughed at himself: "How could you believe it?"

"Then why did he..."

"He was so smart, so he left us with a little bit of self-respect."


Xue Yu's eyes dimmed and he fell silent.

Another half a moment passed.

"Sister Mengyou, isn't it good for us to lie to Mr. Gu like this?"

"It's not good."

Zhao Mengyou's eyes trembled and she said softly: "But even if I had to do it all over again, I...I would still say that!"

"I don't know where this is!"

"I don't know why he's here!"

"I don't know why he lost his memory and all his cultivation!"

"But I don't care!"

Speaking of which.

A hint of paranoia suddenly flashed in her eyes, and she said seriously: "I only know that I am by his side now! I can be with him day and night! I can always be with him and regard myself as his fiancée... That's enough! "

Xue Yu was startled.

Seeing the paranoia in the other person's eyes, she suddenly envied the other person's courage. At least she would never tell such a lie.

"If he recovers his memory, will he treat us..."

"Will not."

Zhao Mengyou shook his head and smiled a little sadly: "I know him better than you do. With his temperament, he can only pretend to be stupid and pretend that none of this has happened."

"At least at least!"

"Until he regains his memory and remembers everything, he temporarily... belongs to us."


"You think so too, right?"

Looking at Xue Yu who was a little overwhelmed, her eyes were burning, with a thorough and keen insight into people's hearts!

Xue Yu was silent again.

Divine Doctor Xue is a master of alchemy, and her medical attainments are even more extraordinary. She is his biological granddaughter, so she is no stranger to alchemy and medicine.


The more this happens, the more she understands that there are three thousand illnesses in life, old age, illness and death, and only lovesickness cannot cure them.

If you don't think about it to the extreme.

How could she jump from the starship without hesitation the first time she saw Gu Han?

If not for the deep love.

With her weak temperament, why would she cooperate with Zhao Mengyou to weave a ridiculous and pitiful lie?

"Sister Mengyou..."

Thinking of this, she glanced outside and said softly: "Do you think this is fate favoring us?"

She heard Gu Han say it before.

This place is a prison. People from outside can hardly get in, and people inside can't even think about getting out. It is an isolated and unknown place.

"It's not so much a favor."

Zhao Mengyou said softly: "It's more like a dream."

"If you don't wake up from this dream."

"If you can dream for a lifetime."

"Even if... I die in my dream, I am willing to do so."

Starting from this day.

There were two more people in the small courtyard, Zhao Mengyou and Xue Yu, who claimed to be Gu Han's fiancée.

Gu Han didn't refute.

It's never explained.

Naturally, everyone took it as a fact and never stepped foot into the thatched hut again. Even Ah Si, who was full of dirty talk and lost his third good leg, put away his lustful and free-spirited behavior.

Get along for a long time.

Everyone also discovered the unique abilities of Zhao Shennu and Xue Yu.

Their cultivation level is not high.

It's just the level at the early stage of Xiaoyao Realm.

But one was good at making tea, and the other was good at playing the piano, which made everyone surprised and happy, as if they had found a treasure!

If it's outside.

No matter how advanced their tea and piano skills are, they may not give them a second glance based on their status and cultivation. But here, the two women's abilities are a rare gleam of light in their boring and despair-filled remaining lives.

Since then.

In addition to raising his sword and chopping firewood, Gu Han also had the habit of spending time by drinking tea and listening to music.


There are also a group of people who come to drink tea and listen to music for free.

The tea is enlightenment tea.

When she was in the ancient Cang world, because of Yang Yi's status and face, Murong Yan treated the A-shaped Xianyuyuan as her own home and brought a lot of good things from it, including a large amount of enlightenment tea. Goddess Zhao also took advantage of it and collected a lot of it.

The music is Tianyin music.

It is a fragment of music that Xue Yu found in a ruins when he went out in his early years. It was left by a great man who specialized in music in ancient times.

Time passed quietly.

There is no distinction between day and night in the small courtyard, but according to everyone's secret calculations, hundreds of years have passed.

During this period of time.

Drinking tea and listening to music every day calmed everyone's impetuous mood a lot, and also reduced a lot of conflicts between Ada and the other seven.

They have gradually understood.

They really have no chance to go out.

After figuring this out.

They no longer cling to the hatred and conflicts outside, shake hands and make peace with each other, and get along more and more harmoniously.

There are no surprises.

The inexplicable summoning power still appears from time to time, and this small courtyard has welcomed several new members, making the already small place seem even more crowded.

Of course.

That hut still belongs to Gu Han and the other two.

One day.

One year of life.

Old Eight looks older and older. His originally strong figure has become thinner and thinner, and his former sharpness and edge have been completely worn away by the years!

Chong Wanshan.

This once majestic and powerful eighth generation sword master of Xuantian Sword Sect now looks more like an old vegetable farmer!

One has been completely transformed!

One takes it as his responsibility to protect the vegetable garden!

An old vegetable farmer who cares about the growth of vegetable seedlings every day and regards it as his mission!

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