The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2641 From today on, Gu Han is Gu Han, and Gu Ci is Gu Ci!


Gu Han turned around slowly, looked at Gu Ci with a calm face, and half-smiled: "Everything you have comes from me, what are you going to do with me?"


Gu Ci was silent for a moment, then sighed softly: "You are qualified and have the ability to control my life and death. The purpose of my existence is to let her understand reincarnation, and to wait for you to come back. Now that you have returned, she has also embarked on the journey." Without the reincarnation path, I won’t be of much use. You can definitely...take back that power."

strictly speaking.

After all, he was just a magical power that gave rise to self-awareness.

Take back the power.

Naturally, Gu Han was asked to take back the Underworld Burial Magical Power.

Gu Han frowned.

"This isn't like you."

In my impression, neither No. 1 nor Gu Ci seemed like someone who would say such a thing.

"People change."

Gu Ci was silent for another moment and said, "Me too."

"You think it's necessary?"

Gu Han looked at him and said seriously: "Since you come from me, you should know that with my current strength, I still care about a mere underworld burial magical power?"

Gu Ci said nothing.

He turned his eyes and looked beyond the Huangquan River, and whispered: "You may not care about Huangquan Burial, but you can't not care about... him."

Gu Han was startled.

He naturally understood that the man Gu Ci mentioned was Taichu Taoist.

"Are you in contact with him?"

Gu Ci did not answer, but continued: "To you, I am insignificant, but to you, he is a great help. With Huangquan Burial, there is the tenth path of Taichu, which is equivalent to the first path of Taichu." There will be more love between you and him."

Gu Han said nothing.

Taichu Taoist.

The first transcendent realm in the endless era, mysterious and powerful, and his secrets and heritage far exceed those of other Taoist masters.

"You have inherited the ten ways of Taichu."

"It means he is his only successor."

Gu Ci added: "With this affection, no matter what you do in the future, he will not stand by and watch. The benefits are naturally unimaginable."

Gu Han still said nothing.

Gu Ci also said a little less.

Although Taoist Taichu said it was an investment at the beginning, he always had good intentions towards him!

"How about it?"

When he didn't answer, Gu Ci asked: "Have you thought about it?"

"I'm curious."

Gu Han suddenly said: "When I created you, I didn't seem to have told you so many things, right?"

"People will make progress."

"Supernatural powers will also evolve."

Gu Ci said with a complex expression: "The moment you returned, I sensed his existence and his will."


Gu Han smiled, "Did he also ask you to convey these words to me?"

Gu Ci didn't answer.

It's like acquiescence.

"What do you think?"

Gu Han asked again.

"Throw everything aside."

Gu Ci said calmly: "For you, this is indeed the best choice, and you don't need to feel guilty, because... I was created by you."

Gu Han laughed again.

"And you?"

He looked at Gu Ci and said seriously: "For most of this era, you have been executing my will, and now you are executing his will. What are your own thoughts?"

Gu Ci said nothing.

The beauty he yearned for was all on that river, all in that gallery, and all in that woman who was considerate to him.

"I think……"

Forcibly erasing those beautiful scenes, he looked at Gu Han with a serious look on his face: "For you, this is a matter of great benefit and no harm!"

"you sure?"

"very sure."


Gu Han's smile faded and he said calmly: "In that case, I respect your suggestion!"


The black sword trembled, and a light suddenly flashed in front of Gu Ci's eyes!

A faint sigh.

Gu Ci closed his eyes and let the shocking sword light fall between his eyebrows. The last image that stayed in his mind was the gallery ship on the river, the fresh fish that had not yet been tasted, and the famous fisherman. The woman who waited patiently for his return.

After a while...

He slowly opened his eyes and stared at his hands.

He is not dead.

Nothing happened to him.

The only change.

The mysterious connection between him and Gu Han completely disappeared, and the cause and effect between him and Gu Han was completely severed!

Gu Ci is still the same Gu Ci.

But there is a hint of independence and freedom in him.

He looked a little complicated.

He looked up at the sky and said softly: "I can feel that your choice made him unhappy."

"Is it?"

Gu Han raised his eyebrows and smiled happily: "Then I will be even happier!"


"no need to worry!"

Gu Han seemed to know what he was going to say, and added: "When I solve the matter here, I will go find him personally! Let him not leave a secret hand on you, let him not interfere with your life trajectory, let him... …Learn to respect your own thoughts!”

Gu Ci was silent.

"I'm just a magical power..."

"I heard what the palace master said."

Gu Han interrupted him: "Your name is Gu Ci now. Gu Ci is a person's name, so you are a person!"

"does it worth?"

Gu Ci asked back: "For me, you gave up your best choice?"

"I want to see the prosperity of the world, I want to experience all kinds of life, I want to travel around the world, unrestrained, free, I want to... be a person!"

Gu Han spoke slowly.

He said what No. 1 said when he first met him.


He looked at Gu Ci with a burning gaze: "This is your wish. You forgot it yourself, but I didn't forget it!"

"From today!"

"I will give you freedom!"

"From today!"

"Gu Ci is Gu Ci, Gu Han is Gu Han, there is no connection between you and me, and it is no longer a master-slave relationship!"

Gu Ci was stunned on the spot!

When he came to his senses, Gu Han had disappeared. The cold and quiet water of the Yellow Spring River kept flowing by his side, but he could not feel the slightest coldness.


Mumbling to himself.

He stepped out of the Yellow Springs River step by step, crossed the endless realm, crossed many distances, crossed thousands of rivers and mountains, came to a small world isolated from the world, and landed on the pleasure boat that was still drifting in the middle of the river.

The bow of the pleasure boat.

A slender figure in purple holding a fishing rod was imitating what he had done before, as if he wanted to catch another fish.


The fish basket was empty, obviously nothing was caught.


The woman didn't know what she thought of, her shoulders shrugged, and she sobbed softly.

"I... I'm really useless."

"If you can't even catch a fish, how can you be qualified to be a human being..."


A broad and warm big hand overlapped and held her snow-white soft hand.

"I'll help you."

"We still have a lot of time, we can learn slowly, we can learn from the beginning."

The woman was in a trance.

Subconsciously turned back.

The face in front of her was ordinary, but it was the face she had been thinking about day and night, haunting for who knows how many years.

"Sir... um..."

Just after saying two words, her red lips seemed to be blocked by something.


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