The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2651 Black Dress Leng Yushu VS Feng Xi!


Leng Yushu, in a black skirt, said with a cold tone: "Whoever suppresses me will achieve immortality, who dares to suppress me and achieve immortality!"

【Feel sorry. 】

[I cannot deduce any information about this supreme road or even the owner of this road. 】

[This is beyond my ability. 】


The cold rain in the black dress was startled!

For thousands of years, this mysterious gray light curtain has brought her too many shocks, too many surprises, and too many benefits.

Without the help of light curtain.

With her strength back then, it would not have been so easy to destroy the Nether Clan alone, nor would she have gained so many demon puppets!

As an exquisite body with nine orifices.

She naturally knows better than anyone else how rare, rare, and...lucky her status as the so-called Chosen One is!

What you want is what you want!

Whatever comes to mind!

Strength, good fortune, long as you complete some ridiculously simple tasks, you can easily obtain everything!

As for the light curtain itself...

It can break all perceptions and rules. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is omnipotent and omniscient!

But now...

There are times when it can’t see through it and doesn’t understand it?


Boom boom boom!

As soon as he thought of this, the Heavenly Phoenix was already pressing forward. The true flames of the First Phoenix boiled all over his body, and an unbearable blazing energy fell down!

Visible to the naked eye.

Leng Yushu, who was dressed in black, had cracks on her face and her hair was curled!

"Where's she!"

She didn't have time to think too much, she stared at Feng Xi and said solemnly: "Is this power enough to deal with her?"

【You want to kill her? 】


Leng Yushu, who was in black dress, curled her lips and revealed a cruel smile: "I want her to be my demon puppet for the rest of my life!"

【How much hatred? 】

Leng Yushu, in black skirt, said nothing.

strictly speaking.

She and Feng Xi have no grudges.


It was the first time the two of them met.


She had the memory of Leng Meizi, so she naturally knew that the woman in front of her, who was more beautiful than her, but also a little stronger than she was, was Gu Han's senior sister, a senior sister with whom she had a very close relationship!

I can't bear it!

Absolutely intolerable!

"He is my son!"

"I am the only one in this world who loves him, helps him, cares about him, and is good to him!"

"If he dies, it's my ghost too!"

"Except for me, no woman in this world can miss him or miss him!"


Of course he was referring to Gu Han.

[Dear Chosen One, I have no intention of offending you, but this idea is too naive. 】

[Based on my deduction. 】

[That Gu Han must be merciful wherever he goes, and he can also attract the attention of women. Although he once said that there are three thousand weak waters, and he only takes two scoops, he still cannot stop many women from falling in love with him. 】

Hear the words.

Leng Yushu, in black skirt, clenched her fists instantly!


"I'll kill them all!!!"

The light curtain trembled slightly.

A line of small words with emotion appeared in front of her again.

【understood. 】

[A woman’s possessiveness is so terrifying. 】

"Shut up!"

The black-skirted Leng Yushu had extremely low tolerance for this talkative light curtain, and roared: "Your mission is to tell me the result!"

The light curtain stagnated.

Lines of small characters appear.

[According to my calculation. 】

[This battle between you and her will surely shake the world, make ghosts and gods weep, cause mountains and rivers to turmoil, the sun and the moon drift, attract the attention of the whole world, and cause thousands of tremors...]

"speak English!!!"

The light curtain trembled again!

The gray runes were rearranged and combined.

[In layman’s terms, it’s 50-50. 】

Leng Yushu in black skirt: "?"

She almost couldn't hold it back and wanted to sacrifice the light screen too!


Feng Xi's patience reached its limit when she looked at this mad woman who was sometimes laughing, sometimes going crazy, paranoid, annoying, vicious and yandere.


The phoenix-plated war skirt moved, and a golden sky phoenix came out bathed in true flames. With a clear cry, it fell towards Leng Yushu in the black skirt!

"you are the first!"

Leng Yushu, in a black dress, stared at her and no longer hesitated!

Thoughts are turning!

Thousands of blue flames roared towards her like blue meteors, and they all engulfed her body!

Just like ink dye!

The blue flame spread rapidly, and in just a few breaths, it turned into a sea of ​​blue fire!



The sea of ​​fire swept across and spread, repelling the Tianfeng. At the same time, they competed with the golden fire domain, each occupying half of the fairy domain!

One is cold and strange!

One is so hot that it burns the sky!

The two forces with distinct colors and completely different attributes seemed to be innately irresistible. As soon as they came into contact, they became like fire and water, constantly colliding and fighting, just like their masters.

At this moment.

The cultivation level of Leng Yushu in the black skirt has been improved to a level that is not inferior to that of Feng Xi!


As judged by the light screen, she had exhausted all her resources and devoted herself to improving her cultivation, but she was still a hair short of the immortal realm.


I can only be on a 50-50 basis with Feng Xi!

"not enough!"

"Far from enough!"

She was naturally dissatisfied and roared at the light screen again.

"More power!"

"I want to advance to immortality! I want enough power to overwhelm her!"

【Your Mightiness. 】

[I can help you do this kind of thing, but you have to think clearly that doing so may wake her up and cause some unnecessary variables. 】


Of course he was referring to the cold girl.

"Don't worry about her!"

"When he dies, her heart dies too. She will remain silent forever and will not pose any threat to me!"

【Are you sure? 】

"Are you done yet?"

Leng Yushu, in black skirt, almost went crazy: "Who is your master?"

【Of course it’s you. 】

[Respected and great Your Excellency the Chosen One, from the moment I am bound to you, my allegiance is only to you. 】

"Then don't talk!"

Leng Yu, who was wearing a black skirt, said coldly: "Now! Immediately! Immediately! Help me deal with her!"

【You know. 】

[Because of that sword that day, some unpredictable changes occurred in me. 】

【at the same time. 】

[I have also lost a lot of permissions. If I force myself to help you, you may not be able to use my abilities for a long time. 】

this matter.

The cold rain in the black dress is obvious.

For thousands of years.

She guessed more than once that the original appearance of the light curtain should not be like this, and there were some differences between her and the real chosen ones.


Naturally, it was the chaotic sword light left by Su Yun.

The light curtain changes.

It has more human characteristics, but lacks a lot of the permissions it should have. It is difficult to tell whether it is evolution or degeneration!

The time it takes to change your mind.

There are a few more lines of small words on the light screen.

【Therefore. 】

[From a rational point of view and from the perspective of your safety, I suggest you not to put all your efforts...]



The chest of Leng Yushu, who was wearing a black dress, rose and fell violently.

She was about to be blown away by this talkative light curtain!

"I don't want your advice!"

"I just want what I feel!"

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